Question about Coglayer and Steamborg classes in dragonmech

Medieval fantasy mechs powered by steam, magic, or the labor of a thousand slaves.

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Question about Coglayer and Steamborg classes in dragonmech

Post by Timespike »

Okay, Let's say you have a level 3 coglayer who has just gotten the integrated parts ability. Can he make more than one of the same thing? Mr. coglayer has, for instance, the desire to make a PAIR of animated iron arms. He combines the animator and iron arm using the integrated parts ability. Can he make more than one as long as they're exactly the same thing? The eventual goal with this idea is to make a sort of nasty doc ock thing with 4 arms weilding chatterswords at once.

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Post by goodmangames »

Doc ock arms wielding chatterswords -- love it! That's a great idea.

I'm reading your question two ways, so let me answer both ways I'm reading it:

It's perfectly OK to use the same steam power more than once, and even build it into different devices.

Howevr, the integrated parts ability doesn't make two steam powers count as only one steam power slot. It only affects the weight and physical dimensions of the steam powers.

Now that I'm re-reading the description of the ability in light of your question, it could be clarified. After the integrated parts ability says "...the coglayer can integrate two steam powers into one," this phrase should be inserted: "The two steam powers still count as separate steam powers for purposes of a character's maximum number of steam powers, but are integrated for purposes of weight and how the powers are combined."

Does that help?
Joseph Goodman
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Post by Reese »

not to contradict, but i thought his question was asking if he can integrate the two parts together to make the single device, then make an exact duplicate of it (which would mean having two devices that are make with 'integrated parts')

ie: using four steam powers, at third level, to have two identical arm devices even though he would have only one 'integrated power' ability to do it with

(note: i got an idea from reading this, and posted it [here])
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Post by goodmangames »

Reese wrote:not to contradict, but i thought his question was asking if he can integrate the two parts together to make the single device, then make an exact duplicate of it (which would mean having two devices that are make with 'integrated parts')

ie: using four steam powers, at third level, to have two identical arm devices even though he would have only one 'integrated power' ability to do it with
Ah, I see what you mean. I would say no... at 3rd level, the coglayer would have the ability to build one integrated device, and at 7th level he could build a second. Regardless of whether the steam powers used in each device are identical, he still only has the technical expertise to maintain one such device at 3rd level. By 7th level, he has the expertise to maintain two.
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
Sword Guy (Guest version)

Post by Sword Guy (Guest version) »

I'm trying to create a miniature bomb launcher-iron arm hybrid. My question is, if you link the function of two iron arms to the same type of command (press this button), could you then link the two integrated iron arms to a single voice command?

Then, saying "Fire!" would launch both at once.
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Post by goodmangames »

Sword Guy (Guest version) wrote:I'm trying to create a miniature bomb launcher-iron arm hybrid. My question is, if you link the function of two iron arms to the same type of command (press this button), could you then link the two integrated iron arms to a single voice command?

Then, saying "Fire!" would launch both at once.
In theory, yes, I think that would be fine. If the weapon somehow ended up being 25 steam guns firing in unison then I might feel the DM imperative to interfere somehow for balance reasons, but two iron arms seems reasonable. :)
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
Sword Guy
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Post by Sword Guy »

Yeah, but just think about the size of that thing.

25 iron arms: Colossal
25 steam guns: Colossal
Ammuntion: Gargantuan, or possibly 15 bags of holding

Maybe I could mount it to a mech, but no way am I carrying this thing around on my back.
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Post by Reese »

<_< ... >_> ...

well, the thread title is the right topic, anyway...

*motions that this thread be used for talking about the classes in the title in general*

all opposed?

... ... ...

motion passed...

so, anyway, i'm making a coglayer for an upcoming game, and i was wondering about the coglayer's armor proficiencies

listing out armors instead of armor types, i mean

i was under the imperssion that armor proficiency represent a character's ability to move normally while wearing armor that has certain weights and movement restrictions (levels thereof represented by armor 'weights' in the PHB)

anyway, it seems od that the coglayer is proficient in moving in what is basically all light armors and half of the medium armors

what's confusing, though, is i'm not entierly sure where i should start for gaining proficiency in otehr armors...
should i take light armor proficience, since i don't technically have it? (even though i'm proficient in all core book and DMs etting light armors...)
should i start at medium, since i have an incomplete level of training in medium armors?
should i be allowed to take heavy, since i do have some understanding of medium armor?
Namfoodle "Sparklediver" Raulnor
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Post by goodmangames »

Reese wrote:so, anyway, i'm making a coglayer for an upcoming game, and i was wondering about the coglayer's armor proficiencies

listing out armors instead of armor types, i mean

i was under the imperssion that armor proficiency represent a character's ability to move normally while wearing armor that has certain weights and movement restrictions (levels thereof represented by armor 'weights' in the PHB)

anyway, it seems od that the coglayer is proficient in moving in what is basically all light armors and half of the medium armors

what's confusing, though, is i'm not entierly sure where i should start for gaining proficiency in otehr armors...
should i take light armor proficience, since i don't technically have it? (even though i'm proficient in all core book and DMs etting light armors...)
should i start at medium, since i have an incomplete level of training in medium armors?
should i be allowed to take heavy, since i do have some understanding of medium armor?
Hmm, looking back on it, that is a motley assortment of armors. I was using the wizard's weapon proficiencies as the model, since I didn't think coglayers in hide armor (too primitive) or a breastplate (too constricting) would make sense.

If it were my campaign, I'd assume the PC had proficiency in all light armors (he does in fact even if it doesn't specifically say so), then let the PC take some sort of specialized Armor Proficiency feat whereby he gained proficiency in the balance of medium and 1-2 of the heavy armors. It would be sort of a half-and-half feat.

I'd also wonder what you're planning to do with a coglayer in full plate... :)
Joseph Goodman
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Post by Reese »

not full plate, i'm working up to hydralic armor, which is listed as a heavy armor (i havn't checked the thread where i asked about the armor proficiency(hydralic) feat, yet)

assuming i use that

(i had a dwarf character in Arcanum that was a rifle-wielding technologist wearing the game's equivalent of hydralic armor, which he made himself, and i'm toying with the idea of re-creating him in the dwarven coglayer that i'm making right now)


now i read the thread i asked aobut hydralic armor in...


well, i don't think a breastplate would be too confining, considering that it's a front and back piece (plus some leathers to protect the arms & legs, and maybe a helm and gauntlets)

but i can see where you're coming from with the two armor proficiency, yes

i assume that the two armors allowed using the half proficiency would be the splint and banded mail, since the two types of plate are more restrictive (though, they all are pretty restrictive to movement)
Namfoodle "Sparklediver" Raulnor
{Wounds -12; HP = 11/23}
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