DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

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DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by finarvyn »

Apologies if this has been dealt with elsewhere.

When I was watching The Gamers: Dorkness Rising I noticed a large number of D&D type products shown in the background, etc, and got the impression that the basic storyline of the movie was based on one of the DCC modules.

However, when looking at a game store I couldn't find it. They had a lot of the modules, and the ones they had listed others on the back, so I thought I had access to most of the module titles. Nothing looked familiar.

Is there such a module, and if so what is the number? Or, was it simply some sort of mock-up for the movie?
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by mythfish »

The module was a limited edition for GenCon 2005. Very rare from what I understand.

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Re: DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by goodmangames »

The module actually featured in the movie was a custom mockup we did just for the movie. We released a convention special (referenced above) that followed along the plot of part of the movie.
Joseph Goodman
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Re: DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by finarvyn »

Unfortunate. I would have loved to run my group through that module. :(
Marv / Finarvyn
DCC Minister of Propaganda; Deputized 6/8/11 (over 11 years of SPAM bustin'!)
DCC RPG playtester 2011, DCC Lankhmar trivia contest winner 2015; OD&D player since 1975

"The worthy GM never purposely kills players' PCs, He presents opportunities for the rash and unthinking players to do that all on their own."
-- Gary Gygax
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Re: DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by Jezza »

Is there a reason that module isn't available in PDF format?
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Re: DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by finarvyn »

Any further thoughts or news on this? My group loved Gamers II and have been bugging me about running the module, but alas I simply can't find a copy. :(

PDF would be sweet! :D
Marv / Finarvyn
DCC Minister of Propaganda; Deputized 6/8/11 (over 11 years of SPAM bustin'!)
DCC RPG playtester 2011, DCC Lankhmar trivia contest winner 2015; OD&D player since 1975

"The worthy GM never purposely kills players' PCs, He presents opportunities for the rash and unthinking players to do that all on their own."
-- Gary Gygax
"Don't ask me what you need to hit. Just roll the die and I will let you know!"
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Re: DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by JediOre »


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Re: DCC in The "Gamers: Dorkness Rising"

Post by Karaptis »

If I get my hands on this, I will certainly change it to DCC RPG!
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