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Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:40 pm
by Judge_Yossarian
/ooc If you want to burn luck just tell me beforehand. Typically I only let you use it to increase/decrease your own rolls (the first funnel I was in the judge let zeroes use luck to decrease damage rolls against them. End result: a lot of living, but extremely unlucky peasants) I normally do not tell you the DC/AC you're trying to hit, but a successful INT check examining something beforehand might give you that information in certain cases.
Before the party can react, the ants charge forward. Bypassing completely Zend's wild swing of his shovel and Shifty's ineffectual torch-waving, they make a beeline (ant-line?) for Mercer and Dejah. Shouldering them aside (Ant1 attack roll @Mercer 1d20+2=12 for 3 DMG, Ant2 attack roll @Dejah 1d20+2=21 for 1 DMG) the ants grab and effortlessly hoist the side of meat and turn back the direction they came. Were Dejah and Mercer quick enough to drop the meat first? (each may roll a REF save for half damage, add luck if you want)

The third ant crawls back into the torchlight, its mandibles slick with apricot juice. It pauses at the body of its comrade and turns its head upwards as if sniffing the air.

Suddenly, from the back of the group, gripping the hilt of the large sword, Shifty shouts STRIKE! (Spell check 1d20+5= 22)

As before, four ghostly swords shoot out of the blade's hilt. Two of them cleanly behead the foremost ants, while the other two behead the third ant and split it along the thorax. All three ants collapse in twitching, smoking heaps as a faint smell of burning chitin fills the tunnel.

(You are out of initiative again)

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:16 pm
by GnomeBoy
Mercer's REF Save: 2! He will burn 10 Luck to make the Save (I'm assuming -- maybe the DC is not the attack roll...)

Dejah's REF Save: 3! She will take the damage.

I'll wait and see if they both save or not before giving their reactions.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:32 pm
by Judge_Yossarian
As the first ant rammed into Dejah, who rebounded roughly against the tunnel wall (1DMG, knockdown), Mercer released the meat and attempted to throw himself backward. He was not quick enough, but luckily the sole of his boot slipped on something slick on the cavern floor, and he fell backwards anyway, escaping the ant's charge but rapping his skull sharply on a piece of rock protruding from the tunnel ceiling (1 DMG).
/OOC What were their lucky signs, by the way? He should have a +1 to something, and she should have a -1...

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:31 pm
by GnomeBoy
Oddly enough, they both got the same Birth Augur: Born on the Battlefield... so it affects their damage rolls.

So, now he does 1d6-4 with his sword (low STR, too), and she is at 1d4-2 with her knife (also, low STR).

We have also discovered Mercer's surname: Kanonfutter!

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:31 pm
by herself
Beezel will sort of jostle with the others holding the sword in a good-natured sort of way. Elbowing them and nodding, etc.

Sally's still holding on to the sword, though she is listening hard to see if any of that thunder / rumbling happens again.

Smythe will say to the group, "right, let's bundle up this lot of heads--how much d'ye reckon they weigh?" Naturally he has no sack with which to bundle up the grisly trophies. He says to the Brother/sisterhood of the Sword "do we drop it again and see where it points, or what?" Basically just being bossy.

Quentin looks back at the body of the Beadle. "I suppose we should see if we can get his body back upstairs?" he says. "It seems the right thing to do? Oh, and I have a couple of bags for heads, if we need them." He shakes his head wistfully. "I guess giant ants have just as much of a sweet tooth as the little ones. Funny, huh."

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:02 pm
by Vort
Shifty grins and cuffs Beezel in return. "Aye, les drop 'er and see whar she points." Shaky smiles at his brother and gives him a quick one-armed brotherly embrace, thumping him on the back. "That was close." Shifty has a sack, and had left an empty chest just off the platform they had come down on, offering either for collecting and carrying heads. With Shifty staying on sword duty, Shaky will collect one head in the sack (or more, if no one else is).

The Illuminating Ankh quickly covers up his visible relief at the painless (for him) resolution with the ants: "Ah-rhum," he appears to clear his throat into a fist. "Well, that was expedient. Yes, we should get those heads in bags forthwith!" But, he doesn't actually move to help with the head collecting, instead moving to examine the sword with a curious eye.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:06 pm
by Judge_Yossarian
You are able to pick up the 4 mole heads and 4 giant ant heads and bag them. The mole heads feel about as heavy as two bottles of wine, while the ant heads are a little more than twice as heavy.

The rumbling sound echoes again through the tunnel. You've been down there long enough to realize its happening periodically, and pretty regularly, more regularly than any thunder you've heard above.
/ooc @gnomeboy IIRC star-sign bonuses are calculated at birth and don't change with luck changes, so he'd still get +1 and she'd get -1. That's how I play anyway.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:43 pm
by Vort
Shifty: "That don' soun' like any thunder I don 'eard afore."

Shaky: "Down the tunnel, then. Seems to be our only way forward."

[ooc]Marching order? Torch bearers first and then sword carriers? Or other way around?[/ooc]

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:56 am
by GnomeBoy
If we put the torches in front, no one else could see anything — unless we’re taking cinematic license... 8)

And you’re right of course about the Luck mods (I was thinking of my own houserule...).

Mercer will take a spot in front of the torchbearers.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:19 pm
by herself
Smythe will manoeuvre so that he's nearish the front, though if the swordbearers want to lead the way I don't think he'd complain :)

Quentin will help with the heads, if need be. He's not strong but somehow quite good at tying up the sacks so nothing falls out. Then he'll follow along in the middle of the group.

Sally, not quite as enthusiastic as the rest of the people carrying the sword, will still continue to help carry it. She says "should we investigate that noise, do you think?" and with a gesture she gets Dog to follow.

Beezel is having the time of his life. He's on an adventure out of the office! He would go anywhere carrying this sword right now. [ooc] let's see how long this lasts!

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 3:23 pm
by GnomeBoy
Zend will return to helping with the sword. Should have mentioned that above.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:04 pm
by Judge_Yossarian
You continue down the passage, past the cold room, for a few dozen steps, when you see in front of you that the tunnel cuts sharply to the right and then opens up into a wider cavern. A cacophony of sounds echoes in from the wider chamber, and you can make out metal-on-metal sounds as well as wet thuds and quite a lot of splashing. The dank smell turns into a sewer-stink as you approach the end of the tunnel.

Whoever peers into the chamber first sees an incredibly strange sight. The tunnel seems to have broken into a hub for many different sewer mains below the tower. Most have collapsed, but larger tunnels lead away to the north and south of the chamber. A fetid, murky pool covers most of the floor.

In the center of the room, knee deep in the muck, are five skeletal warriors holding rusty swords. They appear to be engaged in combat with two massive, pulsating green blobs. The blobs are semi-transparent and glowing faintly, illuminating the chamber. As you watch, one of the blobs lashes out with a gooey appendage but the foremost skeleton jumps back to avoid it.
/ooc actions please! so far they have not seen you and you are not in initiative. if you want to look at anything more closely let me know precisely what you're looking at/for and roll INT.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:14 pm
by herself
Smythe snorts quietly, and mutters, "brilliant." He makes a note that the blobs seem to have no heads, and so will probably not be worth anything to their employers. Plus: blob goo in a bag, no thanks! He says, low, to the others "Not sure about wading into that muck myself. Do we wait till the end and then take on the winner? Or we could always backtrack, try that other door back in the main room where we started."

Quentin pales a bit. This is somewhat more serious than fighting off a few giant ants or gophers. He's not keen to go in, but will follow the group wherever they decide.

Beezel would fire the sword again if the others are in agreement. He will whisper to them and ask if they agree?

Sally will whisper back that they can't just use the sword for everything down there. It's bound to bite them back in the end, she's sure of it. She will look and see if she can make out any exits from the room; ie is this a dead end? If it is, she will support Smythe's suggestion to go check out the other door. She doesn't see an encounter with either the blobs or the skeletons ending well...

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:18 pm
by GnomeBoy
In a small voice, Zend the gravedigger mutters, "those aren't supposed to be moving..." perhaps referring to the skeletons. "What say you? Do we use this magic sword on them all??"

Kuruz at the back of the group is looking for another way to go, any other way to go... anything to avoid the skeletons and whatever else that is... INT check 19!

Dejah and Mercer are trying to spot any markings or insignia or anything that might identify the skeletons... Dejah's INT check 4, Mercer's INT check 3. Confusion has them in it's grasp!

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:18 pm
by GnomeBoy

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:21 pm
by herself
GnomeBoy wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:18 pmSimul-post!
Haha! And looks like we were thinking the same things as well!

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:21 am
by Vort
[ooc]Apologies, forgot to say I'd be away a couple of days. There's no internet or cell service in the mountains...[/ooc]

Shaky starts shaking at the sight before them of the skeletons and the globs. When Smythe suggests going back, he agrees: "Yeah, let's back up a bit," he says softly, joining Kuruz to look at alternatives.

The Illuminating Ankh sheds no light on the situation and keeps to the middle of the group, suddenly feeling over his head.

Shifty, hand still on Sword, nods first at Beezel's question, shakes his head curtly at Sally, nods enthusiastically at Zend, and finally YELLS out -- somewhat giddily -- "STRIKE!"

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:40 pm
by Judge_Yossarian
/OOC Well... this oughta be interesting.
As the group debates what to do, the battle in the center of the room continues. One of the skeletons strikes at one of the blobs, misses again, falls to one knee, just as the blob lunges forward and envelopes it.

Kuruz and Smythe, watching this, note that wisps of smoke float up and a faint sizzling sound can be heard when the blobs make contact with the skeletons. Kuruz notices an acrid scent when this happens, and with a sudden rush of insight, recalls both the quicklime used at his former monastery to dissolve the bodies of dead monks while retaining the skeletons for interment, and also certain mold strains cultivated for the protection and elimination of spoilage in cheesemaking. Perhaps the wizards once tried other methods of scouring these catacombs of evil creatures. Within the blobs he sees the glint of bright metal suspended in the gel, as well as darker objects.

Kuruz also glances at the skeletons, and notes with a shudder a dark mass within the chest cavity of each one that seems to be periodically reaching out small appendages or pseudopods between the ribs. He thinks he even briefly sees a large, watery eye glaring from one of the dark masses, but he must have been imagining that, right?

Conferring with Smythe, they decide that the combatants might be distracted for a while, because the skeletons seem to be inflicting no harm on the blobs, but the blobs are extremely slow-moving. They conclude the party could probably sneak around the edge of the chamber to the north or south tunnels.

However, before they can communicate this information to the group, they hear Beezel's shrill cry of "STRIKE!"
(Spell check 1d20+7=24, The dice aren't listening to Sally... yet.)

This time, for whatever reason, instead of four small ghostly blades, one massive image of a blade, at least 5 times the size of the massive sword, screams across the room with a crackle of arcane energy, driving into the blob that had subsumed the skeleton. There is a bright flash, a noise like a bolt of lightning striking water, and a hazy, stinking steam fills the chamber. As the steam begins to clear, you can see that the blob that was hit has been completely vaporized along with much of the water in the chamber, while the bones of the skeleton (and anything else that was inside it) have been scattered.

The remaining skeletons, knocked down by the force of the strike, glance over at the PCs. It is now very clear that they each have a large, watery eye staring out from a dark, writhing mass within their chest cavity. They turn towards each other, glance again at the party, then quickly launch into a clattering sprint away through the northern exit tunnel.

The remaining green blob, seemingly unbothered by the events, slowly lurches toward the obliterated skeleton's half-submerged pelvis and envelops it.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:17 pm
by herself
Sally gently releases her hold on the sword and steps away. Backwards.
Away from the sword.
Far away.

Smythe snorts again and takes a mental tally of heads. Surely, he thinks, old skeleton heads still count, right? Then he tries to make some sense of what he just saw. Blobs fighting blobs? Blobs with eyes in them? controlling skeletons? Sounds like some old wizard's experiments gone wrong.

Quentin surveys the room. There is a north and south exit; is the group coming into the room from the west? He's not keen to venture any closer to the DUN DUN DUNNN: The Blob! But would like to see what he can see from there.

Beezel Gives a very quiet "yippee" and nods congratulations at the others. They've got this in hand. Nothing can touch them!

[ooc] Oh Beezel. Also, did anyone else think of that Octonauts episode where everyone kept saying: DUN DUN DUNNNNN: The Blob! Hehe. Tried to find it on youtube but realised I was wasting too much time on it. :D

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:14 pm
by Vort
Shifty: "Whoot! Didja see that, didja?? High fives all round . "Should we git the other one?" He squints at the remaining blob. "Looks like it's got some stuff innit." Then he sees Sally step away: "What's wrong, lass?"

The Illuminating Ankh's eyes widen at the display of power from the sword. "My word," he breathes, echoing the recently lost Beadle Bailey Bramford. "That is a splendid weapon." His eyes narrow as he surveys the room, and alight on the remains left behind by the vapourized blob. "Yes, there could be some items of interest down there. Why not use the sword to blast the other blobish creature thing?"

Shaky: "Nice strike, everyone! Those skeletons went that way, should we go the other??"

Sorry for the delinquent post -- I was getting buried in the GaryCon drama unfolding today.

@herself - I have no idea what the Octonauts were! Whenever I hear "the Blob" I think either of the movie from 1958 -- and no, I'm not THAT old -- or I think of the Spider-Man cartoons from 1967-1970 and "Blotto" :D

@Judge_Yossarian - nice post!

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm
by GnomeBoy
Zend feels quite confident now about the giant sword. "If only we could break it into three or four swords and each wield this kind of power... We'd be unstoppable!"

Mercer moves forward to search for bits and pieces from the sundered creature. Was there anything valuable there, he wonders.

Dejah keeps an eye in the direction the group came, in case the noise drew any unwanted visitors...

Kuruz cowers as close to the middle of the entire group as he can.

ooc/ The only thing I've ever seen from CBBC is the Sarah Jane Adventures... ; )

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:11 pm
by herself
[ooc] I had to look up Blotto! I remember spider man cartoons from the 70s/early 80s but I was a bit scared of him then--Blotto probably would have done me in. (As it was the Incredible Hulk would send me crying under tables, haha!) I've not seen the Sarah Jane Adventures -- that actually sounds pretty cool! I wonder if I can get my seven-year-old daughter on board with that one...

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:49 pm
by GnomeBoy
ooc/ it's a great show for kids -- scary Dr. Who stuff, but aimed at and scaled for the younger segment of the audience. : )

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:59 pm
by Judge_Yossarian
/ooc sorry guys, life is getting a bit insane at the moment. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Re: First PBP Funnel of 2020: The Gig at the Wizard's Tower

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:43 pm
by Vort
[ooc]No worries, Judge_Y! The world is getting a little insane right now. ;) Good luck.[/ooc]