
What games do you want to see? What can we do better?

Moderators: DJ LaBoss, finarvyn, Harley Stroh

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Would you play/run a DC3 mega-module?

Yes! Gimme, gimme gimme!!!
No! My gaming group would disown me and sacrifice my soul to an elder demon at the thought.
Total votes: 9

Black Knight
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Post by Black Knight »

Joseph (et al)~

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep (and mulling over the numerous drow questions posted on this board) I had a sudden strike of "brilliance". How about some really monster dungeons for the DCC series in the same vein as Tomb of Horrors, Temple of Elemental Evil, Ruins of Undermountain I and II, or even In Search of the Unknown? Something akin to a Dungeon Crawl Classics Campaign (DC3).

The premise would be the same as the typical DCCs, except they would bring characters through a number of character levels (say from level 1 to level 10). They would have more intense plots, deeper dungeons, even more fiendish tricks and traps, and would pretty much last more than 6 months worth of gaming*.

Is there enough interest to warrant such a product?

*1 gaming session of 4-5 hours per week for 6 months or more. At an average of 30 minutes per encounter (combat encounters could take longer and quick room searching takes far less), this would equate to being around 250 to 300 encounters per DC3.
JP Quinn
Owner, Dolmen Creative
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Goodman Games Writing Credits: A few 3E DCCs, a Complete Guide, and a few books for Blackmoor.
Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »

Maybe begin in the city of Archbridge or Soulgrave? :twisted:

I was the second vote for "gimme, gimme, gimme."
The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

DCC Resource thread: character sheets, judge tools, and the world's fastest 0-level party creator.
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Post by JediOre »

I'm the first to vote no. It's not quite that extreme. I really don't have any use for a product like that. I'm much happier "weaving" smaller adventures together than attempting to keep a group together for a long adventure.

That said, if the product wows me over, I might buy it anyway.

Some great memories come to me about the Giant/Drow series.
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Post by fonkin »

My mind drifts back to a chance perusal of Greyhawk Ruins, an oft-overlooked 30+ level dungeon for characters from 2nd to 15th level and up. Literally an entire campaign under one roof. I, of course, had to buy it.

Even today I must still my greedy, clutchy DM hands from sneaking over to the keyboard and typing out an order for the World's Largest Dungeon.

While there certainly is a legacy of monstrously huge adventures, let us not forget that the Temple of Elemental Evil (in my book, the best of the best) was originally intended to be 2 or possibly 3 separate modules. Also remember that TSR's greed overextended its market shortly after it decided that monster modules were a good thing. I can't help but think that this played a part in TSR's ultimate collapse.

The DCC line has made a name for itself with not just its format, but its content. Easily digestible adventures that can be started and finished in 2 sessions.

That being said, I'm a pushover and I'd probably buy it anyway...

<edit: Another idea is to package the existing modules together in a larger form, i.e., DCC12 and DCC12.5, DCC17 and DCC17.5, perhaps stringing them together like the old G1-2-3, A1-4 series' were>
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Post by slimykuotoan »

I'll have to give my thumbs up for this idea.

I wouldn't be interested in a large volume of adventures of this style, but I'd certainly pick up one or two.

And that's really why I picked up 'Citadel of the Demon Prince': it looked like a longer than usual DDC my group could really sink it's teeth into.

Speaking for us old timers, I know everyone I game with has at least one super-module, that has committed itself to their thoughts and memories.

For some it's The Temple, and for me, it's Gygax's Queen of Spiders from the 80's.

Myself and my old group played that campaign weekly for several months, and I literally still get e-mails from those players regarding it.

(We even have catch phrases we still use that were spawned during that period.)

Yip- everyone has at least one super-adventure they remember for all time.

I certainly hope one of those will be a DDC at some point.
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