Scavenger Hunt card game is far better then you think it is!

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Scavenger Hunt card game is far better then you think it is!

Post by JediOre »

Folks, I've been a follower of Goodman Games for many years and remember when this was first introduced.

I thought, "A silly looking card game for $20? No way I'm forking out that kind of money on it."

This card game came in the Santa Sack just before Christmas. I also got two DCC-RPG modules as well as other really neat products. We all rolled are eyes at this odd box of cards, but I figured that with the family all at my house for Christmas it was time to at least try the game.

Scavenger Hunt is among the most enjoyable card games my family has ever played. It is worth the $20!

My two children, ages 11 and 8, begged to play it again. And after the stressful weekend we had I was very happy to have a second go of it.

The JediOre family endorses the game!
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