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Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:41 am
by reverenddak
In case anyone was wondering, it's finished. But it won't go on sale until mid-late January. The reasons being: (d5)

1. Sick with a cold
2. Middle of the Holidays
3. Winter vacation
4. D.A.M.N! release
5. All of the above

.... now it's time think about the next issues! I have a bunch of articles lined up, but I think there is still some room for articles with the following themes:

Maritime Adventures (Sea monsters, pirates, ships)
New Player Options (Demi-human focused)

Please see my submission guidelines here:

For adventures, reviews and other DCC RPG news, send your submissions to

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:58 pm
by reverenddak

Estimated release date of January 17th. If you can't wait, you have until Noon, PST, Dec 26th, to get a chance at winning a copy before I leave for winter vacation. Check it: ... -soon.html

Shhhh... secret pre-sale here:

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:01 am
by cthulhudarren
Got mine in the mail yesterday. Great issue full of lovecraftian DCC RPG goodness!

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:02 am
by Raven_Crowking
Thank you.

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:01 am
by cthulhudarren
By the way, the two most impressive things to me were (without spoiling too much)

The PVP option
The short encounter

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:08 pm
by Tush Hog
Crawl 9 is fantastic - the Arwich Grinder is so bad...and I mean it in the evil GM, make the players squeamish sort of bad :D

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:27 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Hope you have lots of fun with it!

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:28 pm
by Machpants
Awesome issue arrived today in NZ, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the art/map!


Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:08 am
by BattleBrotherBob
Machpants wrote:Awesome issue arrived today in NZ, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the art/map!

Im in Chicagoland and have not received my subscription copy. I hope its an incompetent mailman. :(

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:20 am
by Raven_Crowking
BattleBrotherBob wrote:
Machpants wrote:Awesome issue arrived today in NZ, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the art/map!

Im in Chicagoland and have not received my subscription copy. I hope its an incompetent mailman. :(
Possibly the deep freeze? I've seen recent pictures of Chicago, and it looks colder than Toronto right now! :shock:

In any event, when it comes, you will discover that BattleBrotherBob is correct - the maps and art are really great, and add a whole 'nother dimension to the text. As if the text were not gruesome enough!

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:44 pm
by Count Fosco
I love Crawl #9.

Perhaps I need to read it again but I don't "get" the PvP option.

I am having difficulty groking how to introduce it and how it plays out.

Has anyone tried the adventure yet?

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:37 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Count Fosco wrote:I love Crawl #9.

Perhaps I need to read it again but I don't "get" the PvP option.
Page 8, paragraphs 3-4.
I am having difficulty groking how to introduce it and how it plays out.

Has anyone tried the adventure yet?
I have! How can I be of service?

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:16 pm
by Count Fosco
I have! How can I be of service?
Thanks Raven - I appreciate the offer of help.

Spoilers ahead


1) Does the declaration of "not having eaten the Curwen's food" an option you see giving the players - or just a way for the GM to handle players who try to avoid a connection to the Curwen's or the food? How does it come it?

2) Was the idea that the "famine spirits", should they win, continue as chaotic players characters - or is a victory by these spirits supposed to be a TPK?

I mean, in the spirit of the game, you could handle it any way you'd like I suppose.

How did you play it out?

Did it work as you originally intended?

BTW - A great, great, adventure.

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:40 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Glad to be of help.


I have some very canny players myself, and the first whiff of "The judge said we did something" makes them think "No I didn't!" Also, once the players reach the Curwen house, they might quickly decide "No I didn't!" When I first playtested this, I didn't even get to use the PvP option. One player said, "I didn't eat it!" and the second player quickly said, "Yes you did, because if you didn't, you'd be dead!" and I was foolish enough to allow the first player to retract her statement. :cry: :cry:

My thinking was that this should not be a TPK...the players go on with whichever set of characters wins the fight. I would advise not suggesting this ahead of time, or telling the PCs what happens if the "famine spirits" win. If they know the potential outcome, they could easily let their characters with better physical stats get killed by those with better mental stats, thus creating uber-characters.

Generally, if this comes up, set the stage and let the players duke it out. As they don't know the consequences of saying "yea" or "nay", tension should be high. DCC is a game that can turn on a dime. Let it!

(And I am very pleased that you like the adventure.)

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:50 pm
by Count Fosco
Fantastic Raven, thank-you.

A very cool idea.

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:27 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Count Fosco wrote:Fantastic Raven, thank-you.

A very cool idea.
Not at all! Thank you.

I will be pleased to answer any other questions you may have.

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:31 pm
by Count Fosco
Raven_Crowking wrote:
Count Fosco wrote:Fantastic Raven, thank-you.

A very cool idea.
Not at all! Thank you.

I will be pleased to answer any other questions you may have.
Hey thanks. I bet I will have more as I dive in further.

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:58 pm
by reverenddak
Oh, btw. It's available for sale now! ... e-now.html

Blog your reviews! Share the awesomeness. I feel stupid for sitting on this so long, but the time was right, the artists were right... the stars were right.

Ya'll gonna die, eventually...

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:55 pm
by Count Fosco
I was hoping to bring this thread back from the astral plane so I could ask Raven (or anyone else who has played The Grinder) a couple of quick questions.

How long do people find the full adventure takes? Can it be done in 4 hours?

Spoiler ahead...

At what point do the players start to realize that they are no longer a rescue party and they have tripped into a scene from the fantasy version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Does that ever change their motivation? Do they ever want to pack up and leave?

Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:57 am
by Raven_Crowking
Count Fosco wrote:How long do people find the full adventure takes? Can it be done in 4 hours?
Yes, it can be done in four hours. How long it takes depends upon the participants, and the time slot. In my home game, we are pretty leisurely, but this was still playtested within a single four-hour session.
At what point do the players start to realize....
That depends upon the players. For players familiar with Lovecraft, the moment you say whipporwhils and piney woods, the jig is up. Players tend to be suspicious anyway. I have been thinking of doing a reverse-Grinder, where it really is what it seems, but the players don't figure that out until they have butchered a bunch of innocent folks.
Does that ever change their motivation? Do they ever want to pack up and leave?
Sure does change their motivation! But the lure of that 10 XP to level up, and the lure of adventure is strong, young Jedi. That said, in a con game (which I assume you are considering based on your "4 hour slot"), what is the point of leaving? And in campaign play, just leaving also has its consequences - the Curwens round up their stock, and no one wants to believe what you have to say....basically, you turn yourself into the outcast protagonist of many an HPL story. And then Junior Curwen grows up a bit, which turns into a new 0-level funnel of the judge's devising. And perhaps Papa comes back as well......Use the implications in the adventure to have fun. Some ideas:

(1) The essential salts/damned things: The Curwens rob some graves to gain essential knowledge of something from the dead.

(2) The Cult of Sliggeth: The Hungering One's followers move into the village outskirts and set up a small temple.

(3) Night of the Living Stock: A second break-out occurs, and this time it is the more dangerous version of the Very Large Men. Does the village survive until the morning?

(4) Happy Father's Day: Junior Curwen's daddy comes back, and as he has not limited himself to degenerate folk, a village posse has to scour the woods for an invisible monster.

(5) The Yuggoth Connection: The Curwens gain a commission to sell brains to the Mi-Go. Those folks who broke into the house that one time should just about fit the bill.


Re: Crawl! no.9

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:25 pm
by Count Fosco
Yeah I am pretty sure I need to make your next session a priority.

Thanks Raven!