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Free RPG Day in Toronto

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:01 am
by Raven_Crowking
Black Feather Blade

You find yourself several days from the nearest village, north into the pine-shrouded, raven-haunted Marchlands.

Before you, the dark evergreens open to reveal a fog-shrouded bowl containing a rough ring of six burial mounds. A dark stone monolith towers in the centre of the ring. Although the fog makes details difficult to pick out, you can see that the top of the monolith appears to carved into the head of a crow. The croaks and calls of ravens drift through the fog and from the higher branches around the bowl.

Surely this is the final resting place of Bran Corvidu, known as the Feast-Lord of Crows for the bodies he left in his wake, and the last bearer of the potent Black Feather Blade.

Who now shall claim it?

A Level 1 Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure
by Daniel J. Bishop, run by the author

June 18th, 2016
Noon until 5 pm
(or the last PC falls)

Duelling Grounds
1193 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6H 1N4
All Materials Supplied!

Up to 10 Players May Participate!

(but I will do my best to accommodate more!)