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...and back again.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:04 am
by RevTurkey
Hello everyone! It's been ages since I visited these boards :)

I haven't played any DCC for ages...

...I have been on a whistle stop tour of roleplaying games. I have tried just about all the old-school games I can handle for years...and many many new modern ones as well. What did I discover? That I really liked Dungeon Crawl Classics more than I realised. It just has a vibrancy and life to it that other games I tried couldn't match. From the writing, artwork, adventure modules and even those crazy hard to find dice it uses! It oozes fun and atmosphere which helps fuel imagination and creative play.

I just cleared all my shelves of my old gaming books. I now own DCC and D&D 5th's PHB. I find 5th edition to be a jolly nice little game from the look of it (and I expect to play a fair bit of it as my group are keen) but as physical product that makes me want to play and run games it is left in the dust by my glorious DCC hardcover. I have bought all the DCC official modules on pdf and can't wait to include them in my games, they look great. I am going to get the new ones as they come out too...Peril of the Purple Planet looks fantastic. I hope you make the box set available as I missed the kickstarter.

Any news on the annuals and new material for the game yet?
Also...coming back to thing strikes that it would be easier to manage if the spells were in a separate book of their own....don't know if that was ever mooted?

Anyhow...great game. Thanks Goodman Games very much.


Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:23 am
by RevTurkey
To continue this conversation with myself... :P

I have now bought all the modules in print. Even the ones I previously played through and sold. They are just so appealing with the glorious psychedelic art from Doug on the covers.
Got myself a Dungeon Alphabet too in print (already had the pdf).
I am really loving the Goodman Games products at the moment. Don't know if I can afford to get Metamorphosis Alpha as it is jolly expensive for a game I doubt I'd have time to play but that looks like fun too. I always liked the Grimtooth stuff so that is a possibility and the Monster Alphabet is a certain winner. I don't earn enough money for all the cool stuff coming out!


Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:48 am
by JediOre
RevTurkey wrote:Don't know if I can afford to get Metamorphosis Alpha as it is jolly expensive for a game I doubt I'd have time to play but that looks like fun too.
RevTurkey, I did pony up the money for Metamorphosis Alpha and am very excited to see it in print and read it along with the modules. Sadly, I'm not sure if I'll get much gaming time with it though. Time is my problem as well. :)

Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:57 am
by GlassEye
RevTurkey wrote:Also...coming back to thing strikes that it would be easier to manage if the spells were in a separate book of their own....don't know if that was ever mooted?
I've thought for a while that someone should make a couple of play guides that put all the rules for each class in its own little booklet.

Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:04 am
by RevTurkey
Yes, it is hard to find time to play all these cool games that are around! So many good games.

One of the wonderful things about the recent Goodman Games stuff is that even when you aren't playing them, they are just so darn fun to sit and read, admire and look at.

I love the presentation. The artwork is so much fun. Doug's work (hello Doug) is great and reminds me of those DoodleArt posters from my childhood...crammed full of interesting imagery, with hidden gems if you look closely.

I dunno about Metamorphosis Alpha. I never played it or even saw it around as a kid. I like the concept of this giant Leviathan spaceship with many layers and levels to explore and set adventures within though. If I get it I have no idea whether I would be ever able to play it but it might be nice to own to sit, read and make me smile. :)

Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:10 am
by RevTurkey
I printed out the basic bits for each class to help my players get into DCC when we first tried the game...but I don't think that was much of an issue after a couple of sessions.

I think purely to make the rulebook physically easier to handle it would be nice if it was split into smaller components. A 2nd edition boxed set! That's the answer! With each chapter or two grouped into it's own book and with an official expanded bestiary and set of dice :)

Not gonna happen but I'd like that.

Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:32 am
by JediOre
RevTurkey wrote: A 2nd edition boxed set!
Ick! You made me think of 2nd edition AD&D. Die, THAC0, die! :lol: (We never forgave TSR for 2nd edition. I invested in the books, but by 1991 we were back to AD&D by Gygax.)

That said, a PDF of the spells, by class and level sold inexpensively would be a good idea, by my way of thinking.

Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:48 am
by RevTurkey
lol :D

I cut my teeth on AD&D 1e and 2e with a bit of B/X thrown in for good measure.
THACO and assorted "To Hit" tables were fine by us. We never had any issues with that.

I think the newer way of doing things is better though and is more intuitive. So goodbye THACO old friend, you will be remembered fondly like an old dog who farted in their sleep.

Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:27 am
by finarvyn
RevTurkey wrote:One of the wonderful things about the recent Goodman Games stuff is that even when you aren't playing them, they are just so darn fun to sit and read, admire and look at.
So much, this! With the new school year underway I don't have as much time to run games (and I've just been talked into running 5E at my local game store, which eats up even more of my free time) but I just love to look at the DCC stuff. Doug's artwork is awesome and these simply are some of the best-written modules I've ever seen.

Re: ...and back again.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:58 am
by RevTurkey
Well...thanks to a bit of transatlantic tomfoolery, i now have all the DCC RPG modules in print!

(Well, all the shiny covered, standard sized ones).

What a glorious collection :) looking forward to replaying a few and diving into the new!