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Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:17 pm
by MonsterSlayer
read over on that the DCC booth at GenCon was rocking. Good for you guys! The game is great and hope it gets the lines at the booth it deserves.

Can we get an update from the folks there?

I admit I'm fairly jealous, the closest big convention to me is DragonCon and it doesn't seem to get any love from the game manufacturers. Wish you guys would bring some love/swag our way but, I 'm willing to live vicariously through GenCon.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:07 pm
by goodmangames
Hugh wants YOU to play more DCC RPG!


Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:14 pm
by Rick
The Goodman Games booth is indeed rocking (my wallet :wink: ). Here's my haul so far:


Bottom row, L to R: DCC 79 Frozen in Time, DCC 79.5 Tower of the Black Pearl, DCC 78 Fate's Fell Hand (Gold Foil ed.), GG GenCon 2013 Program Book, DCC 76.5 Well of the Worm

Center: DCC RPG Brass Belt Buckle (won by rolling for it!) and DCC RPG Official Bag of Weird Dice

Top: Two DCC RPG GenCon 2013 "Join The Party!" t-shirts; identical except colors (green & blue) and a print Doug Kovacs did (complete with new, not so secret message) for the show.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:15 pm
by cthulhudarren

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:39 pm
by Rick
A closer shot of Hugh


Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:22 pm
by Machpants
Awesome mo'.

EDIT: also ENnie Awards ‏@ENnies 2m
Silver ENnie for Fans’ Choice for Best Publisher goes to Goodman Games #ennies

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:15 pm
by JonHook
Congrats guys!!!

As it happens, I'm going through my first DCC funnel tomorrow!!

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:59 pm
by MonsterSlayer
Duuuuudee..... the 'Stache, Bro. Great job on the Silver Ennie! Love the pictures.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:51 am
by GnomeBoy
Is that a limited edition Hugh figurine? :shock:

How limited and where can we get one? -- Or is it one of those 'you have to win it' kind of things...?

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:11 am
by Rick
Some shots of the pickup game Doug Kovacs & Jobe Bittman ran last night. They ran Sailors on the Starless Sea in reverse.

--------------------------------- Spoilers for Sailors on the Starless Sea ----------------------------------

We started as beastmen that survived the collapse of the temple / cavern, and our initial goal was just to get out.

Clockwise around the table, starting from the left --- My GF (Christy), playing a spider beastwoman, Liz (salamander), Rich (rat), Doug (Judge), Jen (tiger), and Tom (salamander; twin to Liz's). I played a wolf-headed former beadle named Bailey. Jim Wampler showed up later and played a halfling elephant-headed beastman.

Oh, and you can see Harley (ballcap), smathis (w/ beverage), & Jon Hershberger (w/ camera) in the background.

Jobe's table. I unfortunately did not get the players' names, but that's Jobe in the center w/ blue hair. I think they consisted of a bearman, a wolfman, and a spider-dude. The others I can't recall.

So, like I said, first order of business was somehow finding our way out of the collapsed cavern.

Of course, that meant getting by the Leviathan...


...which, to quote Egg Shen, "Wasn't easy!"

But once past it (and back on the surface) our troubles were only beginning. That's when we took a left turn from the published adventure and the honest to gods Space Marines showed up.

To be continued, if there's any interest.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:06 pm
by jozxyqk

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:44 pm
by Rick
jozxyqk wrote:Interest!

I think this is around the time that we merged the survivors of both our (Doug's) and Jobe's parties; Doug ran the rest of the game himself.

Rich (rat-guy) had to leave, and several of Jobe's group had apparently died, but that still left us with a fairly large party.

We made it to the surface and were in the ground level of one of the towers. Outside was a veritable sea of chaotic miasma. We saw many oddly armored types either herding our fellow villagers into a giant spider-like contraption (a space ship) perched on top of the neighboring tower or cleaning up (or taking samples of; wasn't clear) the miasma with backpack-mounted vacuums.

Earlier we'd encountered these smallish flying globular drones that "scanned" each survivor. What happened then was based on your alignment:

Law: Barcode lasered onto your forehead and told to report for relocation (or something like that)
Neutral: Told to report for further analysis
Chaotic: Attacked or told to report for extermination

My guy and Rich's ratman were (I believe) the only lawful survivors and I used that to my advantage repeatedly (anytime I was targeted I'd quickly point to the barcode -- "Hey, no, look! I was told to report; there must be some mixup!", etc, etc).

I don't know if we ever had anything resembling a plan but pretty soon we were all mixing it up w/ the space marines; our makeshift weapons and d3-d5 bite attacks vs. power armor and boltguns.

So, yeah, we died a lot. We took some (like, 4 or 5?) of them down, too but eventually there was just two of us (Jen's tiger-lady and my wolf guy) left.

Jen donned one of our victim's power armor and in classic Han Solo / Chewbacca fashion marched my guy (in handcuffs) right into the shuttle where we took the pilots by surprise and flew up and out of there with a cargo hold's worth of lawful villagers (no rolls involved in any of that last part; it was late and Doug was dead on his feet, but it still made for a great ending).

That was Friday night. Saturday night Adam Muszkiewicz of Dispatches from Kickassistan fame ran a game for me, Doug, Wayne Snyder, his wife Katie, and a couple other guys. It was continued from Adam's game the previous night, involved an ancient Sleestak city on the moon, and launched the legend of "Manskin Tailsock", worst npc name ever.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:29 pm
by Kruvil
Here are the names of some upcoming DCC modules:

Intrigue at the Court of Chaos
The One Who Watches from Below
The Black Manse
The Chained Coffin.
Peril on the Purple Planet
Glipkerpio's Gambit.

I really like the sound of the Chained Coffin which is haunted Appalachian Mountain American folklore based.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:50 am
by DCCfan
Manskin Tailsock! Man that still makes me laugh out loud.
That was one of the wildest games i have ever played in. Thanks for running those after hours games. DCC RPGers are great people to hang out with at the con. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

I played the dwarf with the conjoined twin that dealt the death blow to the big bad at the end.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:55 am
by Radish
Rick wrote:Saturday night Adam Muszkiewicz of Dispatches from Kickassistan fame ran a game for me, Doug, Wayne Snyder, his wife Katie, and a couple other guys. It was continued from Adam's game the previous night, involved an ancient Sleestak city on the moon, and launched the legend of "Manskin Tailsock", worst npc name ever.
I was one of the other guys. I played the arrogant neanderthal wizard with bees in his arms. Had a great time, but my vocal chords still haven't recovered from my caveman voice. I also enjoyed playing in the funnel version of Michael Curtis' Frozen in Time, although I'll confess that the early time made me a less attentive and active participant than I would have liked: I did still manage to lose two zero levels -- one plummeted to his doom in the first five minutes, another was speared in the back by a companion's missed shot -- so I must not have been entirely passive. My character in Adam's game was actually the promoted version of my third 0-level character from that funnel, but I devolved him a couple of evolutionary steps so he could talk about his prominent brow ridge and sagittal crest and look down at degenerate practices like a division of labor.

I also played in Matthias Weeks' 'Eyes of Obitu-Que,' which was a very entertaining 1st level adventure. After a ghostly demon possessed half the party, it ended in a TPK, which I think is a first for me as far as convention games go. I got to play an elf, which means that, of the seven classes, I've now played all except a halfling.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:43 pm
by Caffiend
Hell of a good time. Can't wait to get some sleep after the drive home so I can try to put some of the awesome into words.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:16 am
by Kergalli
Radish wrote:I also played in Matthias Weeks' 'Eyes of Obitu-Que,' which was a very entertaining 1st level adventure. After a ghostly demon possessed half the party, it ended in a TPK, which I think is a first for me as far as convention games go. I got to play an elf, which means that, of the seven classes, I've now played all except a halfling.
The Thief survived...sort of...he didn't know it yet, but he bore a curse that prevented him from falling asleep...

Had a blast. First Gen Con devoted entirely to RPGs in many, many years and DCC is the first system I have wanted to run in a con setting for just as long. Here are a few photos from the weekend:

Thursday night's Punjar game. 2 tables, 14 players, 2 judges (Jobe and Doug), 12 deaths I believe...

The chaos of the table accurately depicts the game...

After a few hours, the two tables combined into a massive bar brawl complete with pitchfork wielding townsfolk and chaos cultists...

My character and his old but deceptively alert dog named Goodman.

Characters, reference sheets and adventure ready to roll for Friday night...

Harley's Black Manse game on Friday afternoon. Harley cursing Doug as be spellburns 20 points of stats...

Harley praying Doug rolls a one on his spell check (it wasn't to be)...

My best find at Gen Con. DCC 17.5 War of the Witch Queen for $5.50 from the Half Price Books booth.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:28 pm
by LegoRick
As happy as I am that DCC seems to have been a hit at GenCon, are there any spares of any of the exclusives that might find their way to the online store? 8)

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:05 am
by goodmangames
LegoRick wrote:As happy as I am that DCC seems to have been a hit at GenCon, are there any spares of any of the exclusives that might find their way to the online store? 8)
Yes, we do have some leftovers that will be available from the online store. It will take a couple weeks to sort through all the boxes and get everything organized, then they will go online.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:53 pm
by Liverpuncher
After a few hours, the two tables combined into a massive bar brawl complete with pitchfork wielding townsfolk and chaos cultists...

Hey - I'm in this picture. The game was a blast - I enjoyed meeting everyone and playing the role of the Plague Farmer Gang! :)

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:16 pm
by mythfish
Liverpuncher wrote: Hey - I'm in this picture. The game was a blast - I enjoyed meeting everyone and playing the role of the Plague Farmer Gang! :)

We didn't come up with a gang sign. We should have come up with a gang sign.

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:52 pm
by Black Dougal
mythfish wrote:
Liverpuncher wrote: Hey - I'm in this picture. The game was a blast - I enjoyed meeting everyone and playing the role of the Plague Farmer Gang! :)

We didn't come up with a gang sign. We should have come up with a gang sign.
Plague Farmers rule!

I had such a great time at that game. How often do you get to sell your cousin into slavery?

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:59 am
by Caffiend
Rick wrote:So, yeah, we died a lot. We took some (like, 4 or 5?) of them down, too but eventually there was just two of us (Jen's tiger-lady and my wolf guy) left.

Jen donned one of our victim's power armor and in classic Han Solo / Chewbacca fashion marched my guy (in handcuffs) right into the shuttle where we took the pilots by surprise and flew up and out of there with a cargo hold's worth of lawful villagers (no rolls involved in any of that last part; it was late and Doug was dead on his feet, but it still made for a great ending).
Pleasure surviving (?) with ya...

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:03 am
by Caffiend
You can tell where I spent my time (and money)...

Re: Any reporting from GenCon?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:22 pm
by aquabob79

At GenCon I purchased the last [nearly] complete set of Crawl! 'Zines as well as a bunch of other goodies from the Goodman Games table. I was told that the one Crawl! issue that was sold out (#7) would be sent to me after the show, as I paid for the whole set. I also rolled to get my name into a future DCC RPG product (or something like that), which is sweet as my name is Leopold and that kinda inspires terror anyway.

The only trick now is following up with Harley. I have been a longtime lurker on these boards, but I just registered and posted my first post to address this situation. Can someone (preferably Harley) send me a PM so we can follow up on these fronts. I would message him, but the system may still believe me a robot and, as such, I cannot yet send messages.

Bob "Not-Yet-A-Robot" Leopold
Leopold Rules!