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Crits and Appendix N

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:25 am
by cthulhudarren
They are fun to read, but holy crap you do not want to be on the other side of these. Especially for Dragons, Giants, and Demons. I will need a +6 luck bonus.

It seems like your characters aren't Appendix N Conans, but the sidekicks who get to die horribly. Am I wrong?

Re: Crits and Appendix N

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:58 am
by Colin
It depends on the levels of the characters and what monster they're fighting. 0-level characters are supposed to die in droves for the most part, but after a few levels, DCC characters become pretty bloody heroic to say the least. Remember, you have to factor in DCC characters being more competent than D&D counterparts (especially because you can't compare level to level), Warrior's making good use of Deeds, and Thieves auto-critting with backstabs, etc.

So, it's not that you're wrong (your statement would be correct for the whole "0-levels thing"), but that your blanket statement takes an extreme viewpoint with no middle ground.


Re: Crits and Appendix N

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:48 am
by Harley Stroh
Also, sometimes even Appendix N heroes need to cede the battle ... if only to return with a more cunning way of quickly defeating their foe.

And you're right, you do *not* want to be on the wrong end of a big crit. Slogging through a long battle with a big beast is a surefire way to increase the odds of the monster getting in that high roll.


Re: Crits and Appendix N

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:11 am
by goodmangames
And don't forget that even Appendix N heroes are on the receiving end of crits. Conan gets knocked out or incapacitated by a solid blow in more than one REH story.