My Judge's Screen

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My Judge's Screen

Post by goodmangames »

Here is a link to my personal judge's screen. What I've done is taken the old DCC 3E screen (released as DCC #39) and pasted an MS Word doc on top of them. I used two 4-panel screens simply so I can also show off some of the cover art to the players (as you can see in the photos below), but this really requires only a single 4-panel screen. You can do this with any 4-panel screen; I have player-facing and judge-facing info as follows:

Facing the players: 4 pages which are primarily the crit and fumble tables, along with the cleric turning and healing info (a commonly-referenced bit of rules).

Facing the judge: Basic reference for weapons, combat, spellburn, and morale.

Now that I look at the document, I realize two things: (1) It's pre-edit, so there may be some typos in here and the text won't exactly match the beta - use at your own risk! (2) It includes crit table M, the basic monster table, as well as the monster crit table matrix. I know some of you asked about this. Well, here it is; I guess I should have included it in the beta since it comes up enough that I put it on my screen!

Anyway, hope this helps some. Download link: ... 032011.doc


Joseph Goodman
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Re: My Judge's Screen

Post by finarvyn »

I'll see if my daughter will take a picture of my screen with her cell phone later so I can post what it looks like, but I started with one of those three panel (6 side) "do it yourself" GM screens for Savage Worlds and slid the inserts into the pockets. It's a lot more minimalistic than Joseph's and has larger font so half-blind GMs such as myself can actually read it during play.

Facing the Players:
Character Creation, Combat, Saving throws, Weapons, Armor, Actions, Attack roll modifiers. (And if it has artwork, it faces the players.)

Facing the GM:
Crit table M, Crit table I, Fumbles, Spellburn

I decided to keep some of the crit tables hidden for the first few games at least to preserve some element of surprise at the neat stuff that would happen to the players. Eventually I will probably redo my character sheets to contain that information, so I'll want to redo my screen as well.

I tried to attach a copy of the doc I used to make my GM screen, but it doesn't seem to allow either doc or pdf files. :(
Marv / Finarvyn
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"The worthy GM never purposely kills players' PCs, He presents opportunities for the rash and unthinking players to do that all on their own."
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Re: My Judge's Screen

Post by Gwarh »

Those 4 colour images from the upcomming modules and DCC Core Rules cover, are they availible for download anywhere on the Goodman Games site other than in the DCC flyer?

I ask as I'd like to get them printed out and make my own DM Screen like yours.
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Re: My Judge's Screen

Post by goodmangames »

For the time being there aren't high-res images of the module/cover art posted, other than the flyer. At some point I'll get those up but it will be a month or two.
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
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