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Castle Whiterock online game (Google Wave) - Player Needed

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:00 am
by economicheater
Noticed a couple threads here where folks mention that they love the idea of Castle Whiterock, but can't find people to play with.

We post sporadically throughout the week, and make a concerted effort to all be online at the same time on either Wednesday or Thursday evening (Mountain Time - no DST).

I'm running it using the Pathfinder ruleset, but otherwise with some heavy nods toward old-school gaming.

To wit:
stats are 3d6 and keep em. Randomness in the dice for Real Men, none of this 4d6 drop lowest reroll ones mamby pamby "My stats are 15 on average" nonsense.

Four-man party. Magic-user, fighting-man, priest, and thief.

On which note, the Magic-user spot seems to be CURSED. It is theoretically occupied by 3 players at the moment:
The first player, Todd, got very excited about the game, proudly proclaimed he'd be an elven wizard, rolled up his stats... and we've never heard from him since. He doesn't even have a character sheet - just 6 ability scores! Presumed dead or elven.
The second player, Matt, was gunned down by heartless technology. First, he was unable to receive Google invites. Second, he was unable to make a Google account. Finally, when he managed to log in and post - the dice roller broke! Just for him! Two hours later, it came back online, but by then we'd lost him. It has worked perfectly since, so it is assumed the diceroller hates gingers.
The third player is a mysterious creature only known to exist on Facebook. She likes to think about what sort of a character she wants to make, but doesn't actually make one. Presumed fickle or indecisive.

So... if any of the above players were to actually post their character and join the 3 players who are at the edge of the caldera looking for a "back door or secret entrance", they've got dibs on the seat. However, I suspect that will never happen. If you beat them to it, you can take it. Make a Google Wave account, read the instructions in your Wave inbox on how to use the format, and PM me your Wave account name.