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Castle Whiterock -- Okay, Guys, and drool ...NOW!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:42 am
by GnomeBoy
Had a great time at DunDraCon this weekend. Had really wanted to try the Dungeoneer RPG demos but they happened to conflict with two games run by GM's who I know from past con games. (er, not 'con games', but - aaaah, you know what I mean). Hopefully, the chance to try this first hand will present itself again in the future.

I did manage to score Castle Whiterock for $25 in the dealers room. The only defect leading to that price was that the front of the box was dished in about half an inch, and the lamination was thereby a bit lumpy. Finding the time to run this monster will be a real challenge, but at the very least I can dip into it for short scenarios for a long time to come, if not run a campaign of it.

Like an idiot, I didn't also grab the second copy that was there! (I'm sure someone here still needs a copy. Feel free to curse me to your dying breath.) I realized my mistake about 15 minutes after leaving the dealers room, went back in, and some other lucky gamer had already snapped it up. :(

Also picked up DCC16 and DCC25 for a total purchase price (with CW) of $36. I wept, I laughed, I required resuscitative magic....

Strangely, I didn't play any D&D (nor any sword & sorcery genre) the whole weekend... :?:

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:57 pm
by Warduke
$25 ?!?!?! deal of the century, my friend! way to score!