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Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC2 The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:21 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #2
The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho
An Adventure for First Level Characters

Turn 24: Grind Finale

The adventures are quickly up and in a line at the top of the stairs, blocking the way, exactly as seen in Cas’ dream.

Newt and Jim fire.

But to no great effect- neither of the Derro are hit.

“Flame On.”


And the stairs are full of fire- the Derro crisped, charred and very dead.

The adventurers stand about, grinning.

“Well, no time like the present.” Ala gathers up her gear.

The others do likewise.

It’s time to finish this.

Ala finds herself standing next to Newt, she puts out an arm, onto the Gnome’s shoulder, Newt stops, looks up.

“I’m…” She manages.

She bows her head.

“Yeah, so am I… this place.” The Gnome looks around, “It’s… I dunno.” He shivers.

And that’s what passes for a settling of their differences, for now.

The Gang head off, check out the three possible exits they, actually Cas, marched them past yesterday- empty rooms, nothing worth reporting.

It’s day six, the final day, tomorrow they’ll rest, today they’ll fight.

Through the teleporting pillared chamber, and on.

Newt checks the door ahead, nods once- it’s clear.

Cas flings it open.

They goggle at what lies beyond.

Cas flings the door shut again.

“So the room is somehow magically full of blood.” Cas starts.
“Yep, and there seems to be a number of Kobold abominations, heavily armed over the far side of the chamber, somehow floating on the blood tide.” Ala adds.
“Furthermore did you notice the Kobolds this time more resembled the High Priestess, albino, scaled, very Dragon-like.” Newt continues.
“And the one at the very back was obviously their leader, even more Dragon-like, a White Dragon at that, we should expect a cold welcome.” Anya grins.
“I’ll wear my mittens.” Jim finishes and unslings his bow.
“Exactly.” Cas chucks the Ranger on the arm.
“They have the terrain on their side. Answer- don’t go in there.” Cas finishes.
Ala nods, as do the others when they work it out, Bec looks despondent, he’s got nothing to fire or throw.

Thirty seconds later the door is once again flung open.


Bec gets to order the attack.

Cas launches sunrod after sunrod into the chamber, they offer a brief, but startling, at least for the Kobolds, all six of them, illumination.

Jim’s Magic Arrow sails into the chamber, catches one of the Elite Kobolds within off guard, the creature gurgles and sinks beneath the bloody waves.

Newt’s bolt, poisoned- one of half-a-dozen he recovered from the Derro earlier, and meant for the leader type, alas sails wide. As does Ala’s arrow.

“Smidgin.” Anya’s onto her second wand, another of the Elite Kobolds sinks forever.


A Kobold manages to fire his crossbow, the bolt whistles down the narrow corridor and lodges in Anya’s arm- she grits her teeth and fights on.

Baraz, the Barbarian Half-Dragon Kobold Abomination, quickly realises this is not working, his plan is failing, he must protect his master at all costs.

The stumpy winged Barbarian, the most ferocious, vicious, and above all, cunning, of his kind launches himself into the air, and dives forwards into the tunnel entrance, bringing with him a stinging blizzard of frost breath.

Jim, Newt, Anya and Ala are caught in the cold, but shrug it off.


The group of adventurers, in unison, shuffle back- further away from the bloody chamber, and Baraz.


Bec orders.

Jim’s arrow catches Baraz on the shoulder, digs in, blood trickles down. Newt and Ala’s shots sail high and wide.


Anya screams and the corridor is bathed in fire.

Engulfing Baraz, who sizzles slightly as he strides forward, the damn bursts, Baraz Rages and launches himself forward towards his prey.


Bec orders, the group shuffle back again, trying to keep pace with the onrushing Barbarian.

But too late, for Jim, he’s raked across his chest- blood gushes out.

He manages to scramble back again, out of the creatures reach.


A second fan of fire engulfs Baraz.

And yet the creature dashes on.

Bec lurches through the ranks, great club in hand, ready to meet the creatures charge.

Baraz smashes into the giant man, sinks his claws several inches in to the Barbarians chest, and rips free a hunk of flesh.

Bec barely moans, pushes the creature away from him, and punches with his great club- jabs the thing, hard, into the Kobolds face.

Bone splinters and breaks, fragments of his skull lance into his brain, Baraz is no more.

The Abomination flops to the ground.

“Good man.” Cas pats Bec on the arm, as three more of the Elite Kobolds scramble into the corridor ahead.

“Unfinished business.”

Newt steps by them, aims and fires, sinks a crossbow bolt into a Kobold’s skull.


Bec grins and lopes off towards the new intruders, one of the creatures panics, drops his sword, and is crushed, in passing, by the giant Barbarian’s great club. The other faces off with Bec, and lasts less than ten seconds.

His job done, Bec ambles back to the group.

“Can I have Sandwich? Please? Or a cake- something creamy…”
“Not long now.” Ala grins back.
“With a cherry on top.” Bec finishes.

The adventurers gingerly approach the bloody chamber, which proves to be a pain to cross. A bloody tide swells and gathers at the far side, then rushes to their end of the chamber.

“If we time it right.” Anya offers, and then shrugs.

Before they attempt the crossing Anya lets loose with a Detect Magic and discovers another Healing Potion, and the fact that Baraz’s Chain Shirt is magical- they take them both.

And on into the horrid chamber.

Anya, Newt and Jim are caught in the bloody wave, the latter because he’s bobbing about trying to spot his Magic Arrow, the others get through with ease. It takes a good while but, now the threat has gone, they all get through unharmed, eventually. Jim sans arrow- it’s lost forever.

They readjust their kit, and then pass on into another huge, and almost empty, chamber.

There are no other obvious exits, the place is well lit, and all there is to see is a plain and seemingly unadorned Altar in the centre of the chamber, and a wooden store cupboard on the western wall,

How odd.

At least that’s all Jim, Newt and Anya see.

For the others, well… that’s a different matter.

Cas, Ala and Bec have a different vision.

Straight from Hell.


Basalt rock extends to the horizon, there’s no ceiling only the night sky, which is less crowded than they remembered, a single pale star glints in the heavens, casting a pallid glow over the proceedings.

And in the centre of the chamber is a fleshy globe of lashing body parts, mouths mark the surface, they moan and scream.


The globe breaks and spills open, flopping body parts writhe and wriggle; blood, guts and ooze is flung far and wide.

And from the twisted wreck of frenzied flesh strides Tsathzar-Rho, in whose Lost Vault they now stand.

The demonic-looking creature has green scaled skin; a bird like head attached to an overly long neck; awkward, bent legs and two taloned arms that seem to stretch undulate and flow.

Tsathzar-Rho moves towards them, with purpose- their destruction, as it closes they begin to make out the finer details. The creatures organs flop and slap against its skin, they’re on the outside, or are at least for a moment, before being absorbed back into its scaly form, only to be expelled again- second later. The cycle continues.

Tsathzar-Rho is truly revolting.


Cas charges.


Ala follows.

Bec stumbles forward, as if in a trance.

The others stand stock still- look desperately about them.

“Where are they going?” Jim offers.
Newt shrugs, scans ahead- there’s nothing to see.
“What’s going on here? What do you see?” Anya shouts at the back of her charging companions.

Tsathzar-Rho taloned arms snake out to meet the holy duo, Cas ducks, Ala is not so lucky, a bloody trail marks its passing.

Cas’ longsword bites, slices through the creatures side, muck and gunk fly out.

Ala spins away from the creatures taloned arm, her longsword comes full circle, and digs deep into the creatures frame.


The creature screams.

“What was that?” Anya asks.
“I didn’t hear anything.” Jim coolly states.
Newt shakes his head.

Tsathzar-Rho turns his rent side away from his attackers, in the same instant his beaked maw smashes into Ala and rips a chunk of flesh, the size of a fist, from her shoulder- reveals the chipped bone beneath.

Its head snakes up, and gulps the bloody gobbet down.

Ala screams and staggers backwards, barely conscious.

“What the…” Jim offers, having just witnessed much of Ala’s shoulder suddenly disappear.


Cas screams.

“It’s an illusion.” Anya states.

And so it is.

Anya and Newt see it all, they rush towards the terrifying vision.

Jim stand statue, “Hey, where are you going? What’s there?” The last innocent.


The voice ancient, unhurried, and yet provoked.

It’s inside their heads, blocking out everything else.

Except for Jim.

“You guys, what’s going on- is this some kind of joke?”

Next Turn: Grand Finale, Part Two- Jim’s Surprise Party.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC2 The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:19 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #2
The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho
An Adventure for First Level Characters

Turn 25: Grand Finale, Part Two- Jim’s Surprise Party.

Newt dashes forward towards the horrendous beast, crossbow in hand, crouches and settles for a second, stares again at the poison bolt he has loaded.


A direct hit, the bolt buries itself in the creature’s chest.


Tsathzar-Rho screams as the poison ravages him, staggers, and yet remains standing. The creature lashes out a taloned arm at Ala, she ducks the blow, and skitters out of the creatures reach.

She pumps healing energies into herself, she grimaces as her shoulder mends, then straightens- ready to rejoin the fight.


Anya’s wand sings; the Magic Missile however barely leaves a mark on the creature.

Cas slashes at the creatures clawed foot, scores a direct hit, leaving a bloody trail of his swords passing, the creature hops backwards slightly.


Bec shakes his head, swats invisible flies, then storms forward and delivers a devastating two-handed blow, with all his might.

Right to the back of Ala’s head.

The Cleric slumps to the ground, blood pouring from the rent in the back of her skull.

“What the…”

Jim sees this, rushes over, and launches himself at Bec. The giant man backs off and drops to a fighting stance.


But there’s no one home.

Bec swings again, Jim dodges aside at the last second.

“Akkat”, Anya points Swish at Bec, the broom hops over to attack- with its usual lack of effect. Anya coats herself in her Mage Armour, shimmers in the lone-starlight.


Newt’s crossbow bolt sails well wide of the Abomination, although it only misses Cas by inches, he gulps and makes a mental note to aim better next time.

“Calm down Bec… Calm down.” Jim offers.
His words seem to have an immediate effect, Bec lowers his great club.
“Give me the club… Come on, you don’t want to hurt anyone else.”
Bec, as meek as a lamb now, hands the weapon over.

Tsathzar-Rho lashes out but Cas meets the creatures attacks with his shield and sword, deflects both blows aside.

Bec knocks Swish aside, the broom skitters a good fifteen feet away, then hops up and heads on back to the fray.

Anya bends down over the fallen Ala, pours two healing potions into the stricken Cleric, she coughs and splutters, then opens her eyes.

“What happened?”
“Later.” Anya states.

Cas slashes again, catches Tsathzar-Rho’s leg again, only a small cut this time but enough to make the creature back away further.


Bec screams and forearm smashes Jim, who staggers backwards, but quickly recovers his senses, rushes back in, grapples Bec, as best he can, which turns out to be badly. Jim changes tack, releases his grip, and shuffles back, swings his right foot hard- up into Bec’s cobblers.


The big guy staggers backwards, clutching at the affected area.

“I want this all to stop, you’re frightening me. Stop it.” Jim splutters.



Cas is sliced across his chest, Tsathzar-Rho chirrups and grins.

“Sooooooon be overrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.”

It’s voice in Cas’ brain.

“Damn.” Newt reloads, another miss.

Ala levers herself to her feet, Anya’s moved on, she mumbles a prayer and lo and behold- her sword glows and pulses, becomes, temporarily, a Magic Weapon. She shuffles forward, dragging her longsword behind her- it’s heavy and she’s weak still.


Anya has run around to the rear of the creature, she sends a gout of flame into the beasts back.


It screams as its flesh chars and cinders.


Bec forgets his hurt, turns tail, and staggers away from all the confusion- further into the massive chamber, punch-drunk, he trips on. Jim follows, cautious.

“Bec. BEC. What is it?”

Bec continues wandering.

One of Tsathzar-Rho’s clawed arms lashes out, smashes into Ala’s forehead, cuts it wide-open, blood cascades down her face, in her eyes, nose and mouth.

“You bastard.” She staggers back, catches herself and surges forward again.

Cas darts in, swings high, wide and handsome- spots Ala out of the corner of his eye.



Another bolt sails wide.


Newt drops his crossbow, useless bloody thing; quick draws his heavy mace and charges into the melee.

Tsathzar-Rho lashes again at Cas, the attack is deflected by his shield- which is starting to get very heavy in his hands; it’s second attack misses Ala, but Ala doesn’t miss it- slashes with all her might and takes the last six inches or so off one of the creatures incredibly flexible taloned arms.


It hauls in the damaged limb.

Tsathzar-Rho realises then that the battle is lost, and so launches itself forward again, abandoning defence for all out fury.


Jim screams at Bec, exasperated.

The giant man turns to face Jim, gibbers, looks away, then back again to the centre of the chamber where the hellish abomination makes its last stand.

Bec points.

Jim turns to look- and sees for the first time the real chamber.


He manages, then.

“Come on.”

The Ranger grabs hold of Bec’s leather jerkin and drags him along.


Bec imitates.

Newt stands before the creature as it flails and smashes- in frenzy, waves his mace ineffectively, swishes once, and then faced with nowhere else to go rolls straight through the creature’s legs, and emerges unscathed.

Tsathzar-Rho’s elongated neck snakes down to follow the Gnomes path, intent on taking a bite out of the unarmoured combatant.


Ala cuts clean through the Abominations neck, the creature’s head flops onto the ground, the body is wracked by a St. Vitus dance, then rushes head long forward, smashing past Ala and Cas, cannons into a wall, staggers left and continues to smash its way around the chamber, careening off walls.

Ala drops her sword. Cas rushes to her.

“You... I want a word with…”

She points at Bec, who looks suitably ashamed- cringes, scared, then Ala fades and falls… into Cas’ arms.
The Outer Realm, the home of Tsathzar-Rho, fades away, and thirty seconds later they’re back in an emptyish room, save the black unadorned Altar, and the store cupboard- not a sign of their passing, or the final battle with the Abomination, Tsathzar-Rho, the creature simply fades from sight.

There’s a ring, and several potion flasks in the storage cupboard- all of which detect as magical, and a small, but ultimately valuable, supply of silver, gold, diamond and mithril dust.

Two hours later the group emerges back into the light, it’s raining, and head back to Tetknee.

“I love the rain, don’t you?”
Cas nods, and kisses Ala.

Bec, rushes forward to the divine duo, he has something in his hand, he puts his head down- proffers his gift, a bunch of wild flowers, Ala takes them and smiles at the huge Barbarian.

“I know you didn’t mean it.”

She squeezes his hand, and then walks on with Cas, who smiles back at Bec.

Jim, Anya and Newt catch up with Bec.

“So what you gonna do with your share of the money?” Jim asks.
Newt smiles, Anya giggles.
“For Anya.” Bec finishes.
Anya reddens.

The six head home.

Next Turn: Grimbo.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC2 The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:26 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #2
The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho
An Adventure for First Level Characters

Overall score out of 10: 5.3
Play time: Approx 12 bloody hours.


Less liked than the first scenario, this one hung in there, forever laying one or another of the party members low, it became a war of attrition very quickly in the second session of play. It also became necessary for me to adjust the damage done by all of the Kobolds, the scenario quotes damage stats for medium weapons instead of small weapons, which the Kobolds should be wielding. The problem is, what with the Kobold’s high AC, the best fighter in the party has only a 25% chance of hitting, this chance is reduced to, on average, 15% for the other party members. The Kobolds have a similar chance of hitting the PCs, and there are lots of them, and there are other monsters with better chances to hit.

The players commented on conclusion that it would have taken perhaps two sessions tops to play through the scenario, and would encourage much more open play, if the Kobold’s stat blocks had been left alone, at least have done with the AC 19 Footmen which made up a majority of their adversaries.

The overall scenario, asks more questions than it answers, particularly of the DM- see below. That said the finale proved, for its chaotic conclusion, to be almost worth the wait.

Notes and Quotes:

The Ogre proved a fair start, and from the outset demonstrated to the players their ability, like Mr. R. said in the last scenario, sort of- when you know what’s ahead it’s lots easier, and thus it proved to be for the Ogre- dead in two rounds.

The passage from the Ogres cave into the Vault of Tsathzar-Rho was expected, at least something was bound to be there, after all I hadn’t encouraged the players to put away the Take Away food menus.

All players expressed their preference for Stirges, they had indeed felt cheated that Stirges didn’t play a part in their first adventure.

They also liked the way up into the scenario, the climb, an entrance into the unknown that takes effort to get too, not often do you get this at lower level.

The initial contact with the Kobolds was equally terrifying and exciting- particularly as Mr. W. (Newt) was on his own at the time, perhaps the first time ever he was glad to see Mr. R. (Cas).

Mr. W. (Newt)- “I’m sorry, I said I was sorry… now get up here.”
Mr. R. (Cas) just sits there grinning, a smile you want to punch.

Likewise the trek into the river cavern leading to the party split was most enjoyable; all the fighters running off to leave a first level Rogue, Magic User and Cleric facing off against four Dire Rats and six heavily armoured Kobolds, it felt like adventuring. This mirrored by the warriors own calumny- fighting half-a-dozen more Kobolds, and the Kobold Wizard, complete with Magic Missile Wand and Burning Hands spell, which resulted in just Bec left standing. It felt like heaven to this lowly DM, every dice roll monitored, and not just by the roller, players screaming at each other-

Mrs. R. (Ala)- “Shut up, and just bloody hit it.”

That kind of thing- good work, I really thought at this point it was going to be a cracker.

This of course lead to the first marital tiff, Mrs R. (Ala) enquiring of Mr. R. (Cas).

Mrs. R. (Ala)- “What the bloody hell do you think you were doing running off?”
Mr. R. (Cas)- “I…”

Particularly amusing, the Paladin getting told off, scratch that, scolded, by the Cleric- like a naughty schoolboy.

And so the adventurers make it to the river, after first looting the Kobold Wizard and getting away with a new Wand of Magic Missiles for Miss P. (Anya), and a Pearl of Power I (Anya, again), and Bracers of Armour +1 (Bec).

Newt had also been robbing the remainder of the party blind at this point with the three-fingered pendants- good work.

And so the first session ended with high hopes.

The second session starts ok; they all see the logic of the return to Tetknee for supplies, after Cas has explained it to them.

The destruction of the Fire Beetles, six in total, was easy, more of a distraction- and good solid first level dungeon fodder. The Darkmantle was also an enjoyable encounter, if only for Miss E.’s (Bec) natural ‘20’. The fighting milk-maid dollies wouldn’t go away for a while, mainly because of their hardness and the difficulty of the environment.

The session then went from okay to stuffed, very quickly, they liked the Giant Spider, they stopped liking it however when Cas got bitten to buggery and ended up with a Strength score of around ‘7’, but I guess that’s there look out.

This lead on to them landing on the Undead side of the street, the Ghoul proved good fun, particularly when they decided to use Newt as live bait, actually I think he suggested it.

The graveyard area likewise proved to be a good fight; that is until they started to count the cost- the hits they’d taken in making the place into their new lair, the spells, and Turning attempts they’d expended in the effort.

A rest stop was inevitable, as I’ve said about first level characters, one bad fight, or even two fair ones, with some bad dice rolls and your scuppered for a while.

Mr. R. liked his Magic Sword though.

Rested they returned, and kicked ass, only to be laid low again. Two dozen Kobolds may not seem like much of a fight but wrap them in mail and give them crossbows, and good pluses to hit and they all become potential death traps. I understand it’s not meant to be easy, but at first level it’s hard to make a grind like this sustainable, and yet here we are. So the majority of the session was spent in a dice rolling fury, admittedly this was teaching some of my players a useful lesson, again.

As Mr. R. also said last time, you leave your best stuff/moves for the big bad guy at the end- which results in players being insulted by being held to a draw, almost, by a bunch of lowly Kobolds, while all the time trying not to expend their favourite one-shots. Miss. P. however was going through her Magic Missile Wand at one charge per round, every round.

So they kicked some ass.

Then met up with the Derro and their poisoned crossbow bolts- result two dead Derro but also Cas back on Strength ‘8’, Bec on a little more, and Ala hovering on 1 HP, and most of the others still wounded- and two of them holding out on the Healing Potions, particularly Mr. W. (Newt) who had four of them stashed away.

Result- they go back to bed for a day, the second session draws to a close and they’re liking the scenario less and less.

It needs to be said that I made a judgement call in letting the players remain holed up in the hidden graveyard because-

1. It was hidden, and hard to get to.
2. The Kobolds were without leadership- uncoordinated.
3. The Kobolds do not stray from their positions.
4. The Kobolds feared the Undead that occupied this section, and avoided it.
5. The Kobolds don’t have any more rafts.

This however allowed the PCs to correctly presume that this area was safe, and therefore allow them to get through the rest of the scenario knowing that they had somewhere to run and hide in.

On to the third session, which started out as fun but drifted into another heavy dice rolling session.

And so like professionals they adapt to survive, they’re ready for the Kobolds this time around, Bec Rages, Newt flings Thunderstones, Ala summons a Badger (which only slows things down but hey-ho). They rip through the first set of Kobolds.

And then Miss E. (Bec) does a runner, which is what he always does when his Rage is still going- looking for something else to smash.

This led to another fight with a Kobold Wizard, his guards, and a bunch of Elite Kobolds, which would have been more fun if the Kobolds had been something less Koboldy, although their look had changed they remained the same one hit to kill bad guys. Thus the only dice roll that mattered was the To Hit roll, there was no sense of it being a big fight- not enough leader types, the two wizards encountered so far rocked, they both hung around. In between times it was very short rounds, five people roll to hit, missile or melee, maybe one or two succeed, Anya shoots one dead with her wand. If a Kobold hits it does approx two points of damage- there wasn’t the same feeling of danger being generated. This may, once again, have been down to the parties head on approach but circumstances also worked against them at times.

This was also the start of the shadows, and random Will saves for the players, this an effect of the scenario, the growing terror- which, the saves which served to slow down play a little more, were almost always passed- inevitably the only time the players rolled anything good, anything that was guaranteed to hit the Kobolds.

Miss P. (Anya) is also quids in again with the Spellbook, and another Wand, this time of Burning Hands.

They press on to the Lemure’s, and they’re more like it, the sense of danger is palpable, particularly as the players get to exchange blows with the creatures, simply put- they stick around for a little while.

The chamber with the Portals to the Elemental Planes received a mixed reaction, some players felt it epitomised all that is bad about the ‘old school’ scenarios, they want to believe that this sort of sophisticated magic awaits them at later levels, yes it was just a trap, but it was all a bit too much like the scenario was trying to do everything- throw the kitchen-sink at them. It was also the time that Miss E. (Bec) failed her saving throw with the lowest number on the die, which led to the invention of the toasted cheese sandwich- so at least some good came of it.

If Bec hadn’t have failed his save then they would have worked their way around the possible traps, probably without injury, by using the Kobold notes provided, and, of course, Miss P. (Anya) ends up with the Necklace of Fireballs.

Then they rest up again- undisturbed.

I thought I was going to enjoy the attack of the Bird Kobolds but the Burning Hands Wand soon put paid to my fun, particularly galling as I’d just got a nice critical on Mr. A. (Jim).

And then the Dragonkin Kobold on the stairs down- lovely, it put up a fight, why not have weaker Kobolds throughout and more boss type creatures, with more Hit Points.

That said they loved the Pod room, and torching it, a ‘that’s why we’re here’ moment.

Likewise the Kobold High Priestess’ fleshy chamber went down well, once again the fact that the Kobold Priestess was a major enemy was much appreciated- the player’s sense of achievement-ometer went up several notches. Ala’s coming good, the critical certainly left a smile on everyone’s face, except perhaps Miss E. (Bec), who once again fell foul of her terrible Saving Throw (Will -1).

The next fight went better for me, the Teleportation pillars were, as the players said later, ‘cheesy’, but they didn’t half shake them up, particularly when the second Dragonkin Kobold appeared behind them; Mr. A. (Jim) was right.

I’d also planted some seeds here, notes had been passed throughout the game, and e-mails sent out of game- Mrs. R. (Ala) was starting to crack- parts of the scenario’s plan were at least working. The scenario calls for a sense of paranoia, which wasn’t really getting through to the players. I’d primed Bec, Newt and Ala earlier and they’d got some nice role-playing in- setting up divisions within the party. The problem was the endless supply of Kobolds which produced long sessions of dice-rolling.

However this was the first time the group had elected to sleep in the spooky part of the scenario- and thus the dream sequence, the Gods intervene and send them a renewed sense of hope, and a Bless spell.

A little late in the day perhaps, they were all but finished, then again that’s probably the best time to do it.

And so the third session came to a close, and with the players feeling happier for the extra Hit Points and improved To Hit that comes at Level 2.

The fourth, and final, session started well with the slaying of the maddened Derro, this time Newt remembered about the crossbows and located some poisoned bolts- which would prove to be worth their weight in gold later.

The water room, sorry- blood tide chamber, was a bit too silly, and easily overcome- don’t go in there, shoot them. The Kobolds lead by a no-brain Barbarian fell into the players trap, and were destroyed, although Baraz, the leader, got in some good hits.

Which leaves the climax, which was either great or terrible, depending on which player you ask.

Mr. R. (Cas)- “Loved it.”
Mrs. R. (Ala)- “Same.”
Miss P. (Anya)- “Good-ish.”
Mr. W. (Newt)- “I hit once, when it mattered, and then never again- bloody dice.”
Miss E. (Bec)- “Oh great, I brained Ala.”
Mr. A. (Jim)- “Rubbish, I didn’t even get to see it until is was all over.”

And so Jim who passed his Will saving throw every time didn’t actually see what was going on in the room until it was all over. Cas and Ala on the other hand were in the mix from the very beginning, and Ala’s critical proved to be a fitting ending, particularly as she’d been brained by Bec- who didn’t enjoy the finale at all, for obvious reasons. Newt’s poisoned crossbow bolt reduced Tsathzar-Rho’s Strength score to ‘9’, without any Secondary Poison Damage being rolled, so it could have been worse. This reduced the creatures To Hit pluses dramatically making its death inevitable. Still that falls under the category of good play.

Overall there were some good bits however, the two trap rooms at the end, Teleporting Pillars and the Blood Tide were deemed silly, just plain daft, reminiscent of some of the bad dungeon features of 1st edition. Which is of course what the designer/writer was aiming for, probably. The Kobolds were a little too difficult, and felt unsatisfactory, particularly as there were so many of them. That said the leader types were always fun.

Perhaps my players are just whingers, perhaps I am too, regardless the scenario became repetitive in the middle section- and took too long to complete.

Next Turn: Grimbo

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC2 The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:01 am
by goonalan
Turn 26: Grimbo.

Tetknee proves to be a disappointment, sure they get a couple of days bed rest but how much more is there to do in a one-horse village, with one pub, and a church devoted to some ‘Green Man’ Oerth Father/Mother, have you seen the size of my marrow, type deity, and little else. They adventurers have already received their reward, and the fact that an encampment of Abominations had settled on the doorstep of the small village is kept a secret.

The Goodman Gang soon grow tired of Tetknee and hop a cart into the bright lights and big city of Grimbo.

Grimbo, for the uninitiated is, well for the uninitiated it’s a death trap, with a smiling gap-toothed face and breath that stinks of fish stew, sick and booze. Obviously it has its chattering classes, but these are vastly outnumbered by the thousands that earn their daily wage in some sort, actually any sort, of nefarious, illegal, illicit, or just plain shameful trade.

On the North-East coast of the United Kingdoms Grimbo sits, or rather squats, home to nearly seven thousand lost souls, a fishing port, yeah right… like the only thing that arrives on boats are fish. Grimbo is a smuggler’s port, a fence’s port, a drunkard’s port, a pirate’s port, a fornicator’s port, a… and all the rest. It is in short the home to a very extreme, sometimes blunt, sometimes pointy, form of capitalism. You want it- I got it- you pay, or, I want it- you got it- you die; that kind of thing.

You can buy anything with gold here, including an early grave.

And so look out Grimbo, here come the Goodman Gang.

“Passport?” The gate guard wanders over to Cas, “Passport?”
“Passport? Have you got your Passport?”
Cas shrugs turns to Ala, and the others.
“I’m sorry.”
“You not got your Passport?” The gate guard leers.
“I don’t seem to…” Cas starts.
“What Passport?” Anya enquires.
“Y’needs a Passport these days- Council orders, every citizen, tell who’s bad from good- see.” The guard gets out a stub of a pencil and fragment of parchment, stares at the assembled adventurers.

“We don’t seem to have any Passports?”
“WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEwwwwwwwwwwwwww.” The gate guard sucks in air.

“Is there anything you can do?” Cas enquires.

Fifteen minutes later they’re at the head of the queue.

A different gate guard stands before them, although he looks familiar.

“Gate Tax, five silver each.”

He takes the proffered money, and shoves them on.

They’ve gone twenty or so feet when Cas comes to a dead halt, he turns back.

“I say, don’t you want to see our Passports?”
“Our Passports, we paid three gold coins each for them, actually we pick them up from the Passport Office tomorrow morning, I’m to tell you this… I’ve got it all written down.”
Cas fumbles for his piece of paper.

The guard wanders over.

“Give me that.” He grabs the paper from Cas’ hand.

Then laughs- straight from the belly.

“What’d he look like, the guy that sold you these Passports?”

The others, now interested, wander over.

“Actually, he looked a lot like you.”

The guard laughs again.

“Well you don’t need no Passport, me Lord, you’ve been had.”
“Duped. Now get back in there before I make you pay again.” The gate guard points into the city.
“You can’t… hang on you know who this man is don’t you?” Cas states.
“So I want you to arrest him.”
“I don’t think you do.”
“Oh I do”, Cas looks for a rank on the gate guard- finds none, “soldier, I want him arrested now.”
“I don’t think you do- for two reasons.
One- you said he looks like me, well he would do- he’s my brother.
Two- he’s also my boss, in fact he’s the head of the whole bloody watch.
Now are you going to go in or…”

The Paladin and the others quick foot it into the city.

“Well you showed him there.” Jim offers.

Cas and Ala

Grimbo is also home to the second largest Church of Pelor in the whole of Lincornshire, the largest Church of Pelor, actually a Cathedral, is in Lincorn itself.

Cas soon finds his way to the Church, and with Ala in tow- the two are staying together, sharing a room if you will, at the Wellow Inn, the Innkeeper Malchor makes them feel at home- Mr. & Mrs. Smith indeed, in Gleethorpe, or as it’s known to the locals, Meggies. Gleethorpe is an addendum to Grimbo, a small village that has grown up just outside of the sprawl of Grimbo- a home to the thinkers and dreamers, it even has a shoddy little beach- complete with fun fair, market- mostly costly tat and vegetables, and donkey-rides up and down the sands, about 400 yards in total for a gold-a-go.

Anyway, the Church of Pelor, St. Jimbo’s, is overseen by Father Whiskin, a friendly old Dwarf. Cas has a story to tell, so he tells it, Ala adds details of their second adventure- Father Whiskin doesn’t doubt their tale for a second, “Chaos and Evil is on the up-and-up”, is how he puts it, “you only have to go out at night to see that.”

“So is there anything we can do?” Cas finishes.
“Not really.” Is the short answer, Father Whiskin will however stay in touch.

They conclude their business at the Church, Cas donates half his earnings to date- so much for the Full Plate then, and the pair head back into the city to see the sights.

Father Whiskin, for his part, has also agreed to straighten things out at the Seminary in Lincorn, the one that Cas did a bunk from to be with Ala, and Ogre-shaped danger, or so it seems.

It is also agreed that Cas will complete his training at the Church, for which he pays a further sum of money, and that the Church will supply discounted Potions of Healing, should Cas, or Ala for that matter, need them on any further adventures.

Anya & Newt

Anya and Newt take a detour, once they’ve established themselves; they’re staying at the Wheatsheaf Inn, on Bargate, in Grimbo itself, although it’s in the nicer part of city. The pair enrol on short courses in basic alchemy, they also get access to the labs at Grimbo College, or GC for short, situated in an old Nunnery just a little way up the road from their Inn.

Once there Anya also gains access to the Department of Magic’s, run by Nudge Toombs, a balding Gnome of very senior years, her Mage training will be completed here, all for a price of course.

Newt has to look slightly further afield, actually across the road, to Nunsthorpe, an area within Grimbo known for its violence, thievery and rough justice- the Nunny, as its known, is also home to the largest and best organised Thieves Guild in Grimbo, known as- The Nunny, funnily enough, whose members are called Munties, or Townies, or, very simply, Chavs- the latter usually applied to the better dressed, and infinitely more violent, members of the organisation. Newt soon finds a friend.

“Yer not frum arownd ear, r u boy?”
“Firstly, I’m not a boy, I’m a Gnome, secondly- no, I’m not from around here, which is obvious to anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence, for I am not a bandy legged, gap-toothed goon with a penchant for misery and murder.”

Time passes, then the Townie, gets it- he’s been insulted.

“Hey… yew wanna watch wha yer sayin, else yule see my blayd.”
“Really… I’ll raise your blade for my Bec.”
“Sandwich.” Bec hoves into view, catches the Townie in one great hand, and picks him up, shakes him a little.
“Now put him down please Bec. Sorry about that, now… The Nunny, where can I find them?”
“You’ve found them.”

Several hours later Newt is buying everybody drinks in a basement bar in a deserted looking house in Nunsthorpe, Bec has gone to find Jim, he’s served his purpose- money talks it seems.

By the end of the evening deals have been done and Newt is enrolled on another course- Thievery 102. He’s also paid his guild dues for the next year, or thereabouts- he’s in good books. He also gains access to other resources, not the least of which is information, although also included are friendly fences, moneychangers, reduced rate potion vendors and other services.


Bec meets Wally, Wally runs a pub in Meggies called, “The Swashbuckle”, which is a spit and sawdust style establishment. Wally is also a retired adventurer, a Barbarian to boot; Bec takes employment, briefly, at the place- it serves as payment for his Barbarian training, which consists of lots of nothing with brief bursts of extreme violence.

“So ya wanna be a Barbarian?” Wally asks.
Bec nods.
“You’d have to be a… thingy… you know… short of a picnic to do that.”
“Sandwich.” Bec states.
“That’s it- you’re in.” Wally finishes.

Jim & Ala

Meet up early on in their stay in Grimbo and head out of the city, only a few miles, to the village of Great Coats, a small Elven contingent lingers there, which includes a Chapel devoted to Correllan, led by Matriach Parkerts. Great Coats is also home to a unit of mixed race Rangers which train in Weelsby and Bradley Woods, a specialised unit of the Lincorn Militia, simply known as “The Backwoodsmen.” Needless to say the two sort out their training.

In conclusion

Time passes much more slowly, the players establish themselves in their various residences, complete training, do a lot of buying and selling; they catch up with each other every now and then.

One such night finds them in the restaurant of the Wellow Inn, named after the ancient, well… Well, a little away from the Inn- which dates back to the original founding of the village of Gleethorpe, before it was surrounded by the sprawl of Grimbo.

The food is good, way better than anything Newt, Bec and Jim have ever tasted, they’re all on best behaviour. Malchor, the Innkeeper, stands in the background, proud of his table.

“So I asked you to join us tonight”, Cas makes eyes at Ala, who blushes a little, “because it seems we may have another job here.”
“What’s it about?” Newt asks, trying to poke his little finger out while he totes his spoon, slurps soup.
“Well, ah hah hah… that’s a joke.” Cas smiles, Ala forces a grin.
“Whaff?” Jim asks mouth stuffed with bread.
“You mean the robberies.” Anya states.
“Yes?” Cas replies.
“I’ve heard the story, there’s supposed to be something down the Well not so far from here, something that emerges at night, or at least some nights, to steal and kill.” Anya concludes and finishes her soup, “a little too salty, but not bad.”
Cas nods.

And then a vision of loveliness floats towards their table, Lady Arabella, twenty years of age, and a stunning beauty, if a little dim.

“Arabella.” Cas rises, bows and mid-way is embraced- warmly.
Ala stares daggers.

The table rearranges itself, Jim tries desperately to straighten his shirt, it’s not been ironed. Newt grins. Bec eats on- fairly oblivious, grabs at and takes Cas’ bread roll, and gulps it down in one mouthful. Anya watches Bec but pays no heed. A seventh chair is brought up by the waiting staff and Lady Arabella is made comfortable next to Cas.

She rests her hand on the Paladin’s thigh.

“Well this is a treat.” She begins.
“Cazzy- who are all these, lovely, people?”
“I’m Newt my Lady.” Newt kisses the proffered hand.
“Oh lovely, are you a Dwarf?” She giggles.
“A Gnome.” Newt thumps down into his chair, swigs from his wine.
“Oh how lovely.” She turns to Cas, “They’re pretty much the same thing aren’t they Cazzy?”
Cas looks elsewhere.
“I’m J… J… J… Ji… Ji… Ji…JiJiJiJiJIM.” Jim spits, “Me La… La…LAYdee.”
Jim sits back down, catching the edge of the table cloth and tipping the remains of his soup into his lap.
“Oh quickly.” Arabella grabs a cloth and dabs the spill- Jim alternatively grins and grimaces- thirty seconds later he’s relaxed and smoking a cigarette.
“And you’re a what?” Arabella asks.
“I’m a human.” Jim states, confident, almost certain.
“No silly- what are you; I’d guess you’re a wizard?”
“No, I’m a woodsman, a Ranger lady, I don’t mean a Ranger lady, I mean I’m a Ranger, lady. I’m a man. Not a lady. And a Ranger lady. I mean…”
“Oh.” Arabella shakes then sniffs her hand, her smile slipping, settles for wiping her hand on a cloth.
“That’s nice. And you- you’re an Elf aren’t you, I can tell, do you know how I know?” Arabella turns to Ala.
“No, I can’t wait- I’m all ears.” Ala monotones back.
“It’s your ears silly.” Arabella reaches out to grab one of Ala’s ears- to give it a playful tug.
Ala has other thoughts, slaps Arabella’s hand away.
“Sorry. I was trying to get the salt.” Ala grins.
Lady Arabella cradles her reddening hand, shakes it- lifeless.
“Cassy.” She grabs for the Paladin, hooks one arm around his shoulders, the other dangles before the Paladin’s face.
“Kissy Wissy Cassy Wassy.”
The Paladin puckers up, staring hard at Ala, kisses the proffered hand.
“That’s better. And what are you- oh I do like your jewellery, very… ethnic.”
Arabella is staring at Ala’s silver-moon holy symbol of Correllon.
“I’m a Priestess of Correllon, the Keeper and Maker of the Elves, the Divine Storyteller, the…” But she gets no further.
“Oh that’s lovely, simply lovely… How nice, and you?” Arabella stares at Bec.
Who seems to see her for the first time, he’s on his fifth bread roll.

Bec looks non-plussed at the proffered hand.

“Can I have Sandwich?”

Bec delicately splits a roll and encloses Arabella’s hand in the now buttered halves- grabs and brings the newly created sandwich towards his mouth.

Arabella shrieks a little and withdraws her buttered hand smartly from the bun.

Bec bites down, chews, oblivious- mouth open, he tries to smile and masticate- it doesn’t look good.

“My word.” Arabella wipes her hand.
“Er that’s Bec, he’s the muscle.”
“And what muscle.” Arabella smooths a hand up and down Bec’s forearm.
Bec grins and chews on.

“And I’m Anya Lady Arabella, the Wizard, we’re all so very pleased to meet you. Now, and I’m guessing here- so help me out if you can, I’m guessing it’s you that wants us to head down the well.”

Arabella looks shocked.

“My word- you are a brainy one aren’t you. Still you can’t have everything, that’s what my dear father used to say.”

It goes silent for a while.

“Go on, the job?” Anya sighs.
“Oh yes. Well since I’m now the Council member for Gleethorpe…”

Several members of the Goodman Gang swallow hard.

“You’re a Council member?” Anya asks.
“Oh yes, ever since Daddy died- he was very popular. Anyway there have been some terrible happenings around the area, near the Inn, and I was thinking that something should be done about it- so I went to the Council to see whose responsibility it is… And you’ll never guess what they said?”
“Yours.” Anya states.

“Oh, Pelor be blessed, you have got a lot of brains. Yes, that’s right- so I thought what should I do, and for a while I couldn’t think of anything… and then, well”, Lady Arabella stares up at Cas, flutters her eyelashes, and heaves her ample bosom, “then I saw Cassy.”
“Good old Cassy.” Ala cheers.
“Well yes, and I thought he’d know what to do.”
Cas smiles, awkwardly, as Lady Arabella rubs herself against him, oblivious to the looks of other members of the party.

“May I be excused?” Ala doesn’t wait for an answer, and is gone, Cas pleading with his eyes, but too late.

“And so”, Cas straightens, levering Lady Arabella away a little, “and so it’s up to us to head below and try to find the source of this violence… Excuse me.”
Cas gets up and swiftly follows Ala from the restaurant, and to their room, he’s late for a argument.

“Oh.” Lady Arabella looks a little forlorn.

“We’ll do it.” Newt offers his hand, Arabella shakes it slightly unsure, still looking around for Cassy.

Newt moves Arabella round so that she has Bec to lean on, the Gnome places her hand on Bec’s thigh; think corded muscle, deeply tanned, and as hard as a rock.

Bec chews on, oblivious.

“Now let’s talk money.” Newt enquires.

Some time later a fee is agreed, a thousand gold coins will be paid for the end of the terror, Newt concludes the deal.

Malchor, the Innkeeper, waves them goodnight, they’re the last of the late drinkers in the bar, sighs and sets to cleaning up the mess they’ve left behind, and no tip.

Next Turn: Who’s who?

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC2 The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:00 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 27: Who’s who?

“Jim” Bowen

Human Male Ranger Level 2
NG HP 23 AC 18 Init +2
Str 14 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 12 Ch 10
Saves Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +2
+1 Battleaxe (family heirloom) +5 d8+3
Longbow (Masterwork Mighty (+2)) +5 d8+2 or Rapid Fire +3/+3
Dagger, Silver +4 or +4 d4+2
Armour: Griffin insignia Masterwork Breastplate and Light Wooden Shield.

Feats: Skill Focus (Trapmaking), Point Blank Shot, Track, Favoured Enemy- Dire Animals, Ranger Two-Weapon Fighting & Ambidexterity, Rapid Shot.

Skills of note: Animal Empathy +4 Climb +4 Craft (Trapmaking) +6 Handle Animal +4 Hide +6 Jump +5 Knowldege (Nature) +3 Listen +4 Move Silently +6 Spot +3 Wilderness Lore +6

Items of note: Potion Cure Lt x4; Potion Darkvision; Cloak of Resistance +1.


Human Male Barbarian Level 2
CG HP 31 AC 15 Init +1
Str 18 Dex 12 Con 18 Int 11 Wis 8 Ch 9
Saves Fort +7 Ref +1 Will -1
Long Spear +6 d8+6
Dagger +6 or +3 d4+4
Greatclub +6 d10+6
Longsword Masterwork +7 d8+4 (usually with Large Wooden Shield)
Greatsword Masterwork Cold Iron +7 2d6+6
Armour: Studded Leather Masterwork, sometimes Large Wooden Shield.

Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Rage, Cleave & Uncanny Dodge.

Skills of note: Climb +9 Concentration +4 Jump +8 Ride +3 Spot +3 Swim +8 Use Rope +4

Items of note: Climbers Kit, Potion Cure Lt x4, Potion Blur, Bracers of Armour +1.

Lord Casimir

Human Male Paladin of Pelor Level 2
LG HP 23 AC 17 Init +1
Str 15 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 11 Ch 14
Saves Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +4
+1 Longsword Cold Iron +5 d8+3
Longbow +3 d8
Light Mace +4 d6+2
Armour: Shiny Breastplate & Sparkling Light Steel Shield

Feats: Negotiator, Dodge, Mobility, Detect Evil, Lay on Hands, Divine Health, Smite Evil, Aura of Courage.

Skills of note: Concentration +3 Diplomacy +9 Handle Animal +6 Knowledge (History) +5 Knowledge (Local) +7 Knowledge (Religion) +6 Ride +5 Sense Motive +6 Spot +4

Items of note: 3 Flasks of Holy Water, 5 Silver Arrows, Potion of Cure Light Wounds x4, Potion of Vision.


Human Female Wizard Level 2
CG HP 14 AC 14 Init +5
Str 10 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 11 Ch 17
Saves Fort +1 Ref +1 Will +3
Quarterstaff Masterwork +2 d6
Light Crossbow Masterwork +3 d8
Dagger Silver +1 or +2 d4
Armour: Leather Armour, Ring of Protection +1

Feats: Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Armour Proficiency (Light), Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Toughness.

Skills of note: Alchemy +5 Appraise +3 Bluff +3 Concentrate +6 Craft (Model) +3 Decipher Script +7 Diplomacy +3 Disguise +3 Forgery +3 Gather Info +3 Hide +5 Intimidate +3 Knowledge (Arcane) +8 Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering) +4 Knowledge (Geography) +4 Knowledge (Nature) +4 Listen +4 Move Silently +3 Perform (Vogue) +3 Scry +5 Search +3 Spellcraft +8 Use Magic Device +10

Familiar, actually Follower (of sorts) Swish, Animated Broom.

Spells: Lvl 0 (4) All;
Lvl 1 (4) Shield, Mage Armour, Mount, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Identify, Magic Missile, Colour Spray, Cause Fear, Expeditious Retreat, Shocking Grasp, Spider Climb.

Items of note: Scrolls- lots of them, Wand of Burning Hands (Level 3- 29 Charges); Potion Cure Lt. x4, Potion of Intelligence, Pearl of Power (lvl 1), Necklace of Fireballs Type I, 2 Bags of Caltrops; 6 Tindertwigs, 10 Sunrods.

“Swish” Animated Broom companion AC15 Mv30 Init+2 +1 Slam d4 Hardness 5 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will -5


Gnome Male Rogue Level 2
NG HP 15 AC 19 Init +3
Str 11 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 11 Ch 10
Saves Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2
Heavy Mace Masterwork +3 d6
Light Crossbow Masterwork +6 d6
Dagger Silver +2 or +5 d3
Armour: +1 Chain Shirt

Feats: Nimble Fingers, Low Light Vision, +1 To Hit vs. Goblinoids and Kobolds, +4 Dodge vs. Giants, Point Blank Shot, Evasion.

Skills of note: Alchemy +10 Appraise +5 Balance +7 Climb +4 Craft (Locksmith) +5 Decipher Script +5 Disable Device +10 Escape Artist +4 Forgery +3 Hide +10 Intimidate +3 Jump +5 (+35 with Ring of Jumping) Listen +7 Move Silently +8 Open Lock +10 Pick Pocket +4 Read Lips +5 Ride (Pony) +3 Scry +3 Search +8 Spot +5 Tumble +4 Use Rope +3

Spells: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation & Speak with Burrowing Animals.

Items of note: Silk Climbing Rope, 10 Tindertwigs, 3 Thunderstones, 2 Tanglefoot bags, 10 Sunrods, 2 Smoke Sticks, 5 Alchemist’s Fire, Thieves Tools Masterwork, 5 Poison tipped Bolts, 10 Silver tipped Bolts, 20 Masterwork Bolts, 3 Flasks of Acid, Potion Cure Lt x5, Potion Spider Climb x2, Ring of Jumping.


Elf Female Cleric of Corellon Level 2
NG HP 17 AC 18 Init +3
Str 14 Dex 17 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 17 Ch 13
Saves Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +6
Longsword Masterwork Cold Iron +5 d8+2
Composite Longbow Masterwork Mighty (+2) +5 d8+2
Dagger Silver +3 or +4 d4+2
Light Flail +3 d6+2
Armour: Chain Shirt & Light Steel Shield

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Turn Undead (4/day).

Skills of note: Balance +3 Concentration +3 Diplomacy +3 Escape Artist +3 Heal +7 Hide +3 Listen +5 Move Silently +3 Ride (Horse) +3 Sense Motive +3 Spot +5 Use Rope +3 Wilderness Lore +3

Spells: Lvl 0 (4) Lvl 1 (4)
Domains: War & Good.

Items of note: 2 Healer’s Kits, Scroll Protection from Elements, Potion Cure Light Wounds x4, Scroll Hold Person & Deeper Darkness.

Next Turn: Well… Well.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 5:14 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 28: Well… Well.

And so two days later, fully equipped, the adventurers huddle around the Well, looking down.

“Dark.” Jim’s on fine form.
“Come on then.” Cas proclaims, grabs a rope and ties it around Newt’s waist.
The pair complete their task and the Gnome climbs up and over- he’s lowered down.

Ala stands a little way apart, staring hard at Cas, sorry Cassy, still not speaking to him.

“There’s a door, hang on.”

Newt shouts back, his sunrod flaring in the confines of the well shaft, an obvious secret door, slightly ajar in the side of the well some sixty or so feet down.

The shaft descends further into a pool, who knows how deep, of inky black water.

“Swing the rope.”

Up top Jim, Cas and Bec do as they’re told.

Newt scrabbles forward on his strange trapeze, grabs hold of the stone door, and with great effort wrenches it fully open.

“There’s a secret passage. Swing again.”

And thirty seconds later Newt is in to the corridor beyond the door, he has a quick look, there’s nothing to be seen, although the passage seems to open out into a larger chamber a little way ahead.

A secured rope soon runs from the Well above to the secret passage below.

Bec- the heaviest, and also, probably, the best climber, is the first to test the way.



The giant man plummets past the opening, checks how deep the water is.

“BEC.” From above.
“You alright?” Newt from the open doorway.

Bec surfaces, grins, spits out water.


He smiles.

A shadow, something long and thin, detaches itself from the wall behind him, and slips silently into the water.

Jim follows Bec down the rope as the soaked Barbarian bobs up and down, now illuminated by another sunrod.

The Ranger reaches the passageway safely, uncoils another rope and throws it down for Bec to grab.

Ten seconds later Jim and Newt begin to haul him out.


A water snake, a Viper, no more than three feet long takes a chunk out of the Barbarian’s backside- he gurns a second, still clutching the rope, and then lets go- falls back down into the water.

Beneath the surface Bec thrashes and grabs hold of the slippery thing- grips it in his huge hands.


The Viper takes another bite out of him.


Bec screams, and releases the snake, which swims away into the dark water.

Bec surfaces again, spluttering.


The Barbarian thrashes the water, grabs at the rope, above Jim and Newt heave-ho.

Bec is half out of the water, he’s heavy.


And bitten again.

He kicks his legs and screams; the water around him turns to foam.


But fails to dislodge the creature which coils around his leg and slithers up his body.


Jim screams as Bec jolts upwards, scraping against the wall of the Well- the snake still attached to him.


The Viper takes another mouthful of Barbarian flesh, this time from the chest, its poison takes hold, Bec feels himself getting weaker, the strength being sapped from his hands, his grip weakening…


He’s hauled upwards again, barely holding on.


Another bite, he grips on to the rope for dear life.

And then he’s over the lip and into the light of the passageway, barely able to lift himself, Jim dodges in, grabs the snake and flings it back out into the Well shaft.

“Get down here- he’s poisoned.”

Newt shouts up.

Five minutes later the adventurers are in the passageway, Bec has most of his wounds healed, and yet the Viper’s poison still courses through him.

“Are you alright?” Ala asks.
Bec shrugs.
“Take it easy.” Cas cautions.
“Take it easy?” Newt whispers back, “not much chance of that.”
Cas shoots the Gnome a look, Bec chuckles and draws his longsword- it gives him comfort.

Another sunrod flares, Cas and Newt leads the group forward into a much larger chamber.

The corridor spills into a large cavern, some twenty feet wide; it extends forty feet away from them. The air is damp, the constant drip of water. The cavern floor is uneven; it slopes down away from the adventurers. The cave boasts a number of fine stalactites and stalagmites, also loose rubble and some rotting timbers.

Cas grabs Newt’s arm.

“Look- there’s an exit.”

And so there is, another passage, hidden a little by the stone formations of the cavern.

“We should check this place out. Don’t want to leave anything dangerous behind us.”

Newt states, mocking the Paladin, and inches forward.

“Be careful little one.” Cas offers, genuine.
Newt tuts and shakes his head, mouths ‘little one’, and moves on forward.


Jim appears.


Jim points at a desiccated corpse of a cave lizard, and then another, and another, and… There are lots of them.

But Newt’s sunrod glints off something silver and gold on the cavern floor, his greed gets the better of him- he moves forward to investigate.

And at that second a huge section of the cavern floor seems to tilt and lift, to pivot, out scurries a Monstrous Trapdoor Spider, the huge creature skitters forward with lightning speed, straight for Newt.


Newt fires his crossbow, the bolt lodges in the ceiling of the cavern.


Jim fires too- his arrow heads high and wide.

Just in time Newt dodges and tumbles behind a stalagmite, the Spider is thwarted.

Newt scrambles back, as the Spider climbs over the stalagmite, screaming.


Fits another bolt into his crossbow and fires again.


Misses again, he’s hard against the cavern wall.


Jim, cries and then charges, he gets about five yards.

Before getting caught in a complicated, and previously seemingly invisible, lattice of spider’s webs, he’s stuck fast.

Ala dodges left, finds a clear space, notches an arrow and lets it fly- it whizzes over the top of the Spider, and clatters into the wall, a little way from Newt, who doesn’t look best pleased.

The Monstrous Spider bends low, its fangs smash against Newts chain shirt, score grooves in the Gnome’s armour, but do not pierce the mail.

“Smidgin.” Anya whispers coming to the end of a scroll- a single Magic Missile wends its way, lightning fast, across the room and thumps into the Spider’s abdomen.

The Spider draws away. Attempts to turn in close quarters.

And just in time to meet the charge of Cas and Bec, Bec clears the way through the webs, tearing a Barbarian-shaped gap through which Cas follows.

The Barbarian’s longsword swings and crunches into the Spider, crippling two of the creature’s legs and loosing a spray of black filthy ichor from the wounds. The Spider rises up, struggling desperately to turn. Cas races in and stabs the beast in its exposed underbelly- the creature deflates, sinks to the stone floor, dead.

Silence for a moment, the adventurers catch their breath.

Newt sees his reward, scuttles over, and takes, what looks to be, a beautifully made dagger with a large opal set in the hilt.

“Are we finished?” Cas asks.
Newt nods.
“Then let’s get on.”

The adventurers make a cursory search of the chamber, discover a hand full of silver and gold and then filter on through the other passage.

They press on.

But not for long.


Newt creeps ahead, the five-foot wide passage turns to head west, ahead a rusted portcullis blocks the path.

“It’s trapped.” Newt confirms, “there’s something magical about it, there’s a sigil etched into the floor- a magical ward, someone doesn’t want to be disturbed.”
“Can you manage it?” Anya enquires.
“Give me a minute.”

And as good as his word, although more than a minute passes, it’s actually nearer five.


Cas and Bec file forward, grip the bottom of the portcullis and wrench it upwards.


Bec holds it aloft.

“Come on.” Cas waves the others forward.


A spear shoots out of the passage wall, at least only part of the way out, misses everyone, Jim reacts quickly, hefts his battle axe and smashes the spear in half.

“Quickly.” Cas shouts and encourages the others onwards.

There seems to be a small, previously hidden, small round hole in the passage’s northern wall.


There’s someone, or rather something, on the other side of the wall.

“Wait. There may be more traps.” Newt cautions.

The adventurers file through to the far side of the portcullis, which Bec lets go of, it stays in place, locked in the up position.

“There’s a door.”

Ala rushes to it. Jim, Cas and Bec get into place.

The Priestess of Correllon flings the door open, into a darkened chamber, a sunrod arcs into the room.

A small irregular shaped room, it reeks of decay. Four Dwarves wearing rusty chainmail and carrying spears, one of which is broken, inhabit the place, they turn to face the adventurers. Flesh sags and hangs from their pale faces, lifeless unblinking eyes- they shamble forward.

“Correllon hear my prayer.”

Ala wields her Holy Symbol.

A pale light encompasses the quartet, they stop, mid-stride- frozen.

“Destroy them.”

Bec, Jim and Cas let rip, the Zombie Dwarves are defenceless, and in thirty seconds are no more.

“Who the hell were they? And why the hell are they here?” Cas is flummoxed.

“Spread out- search the place.” Anya states.

The adventurers set to.

Collectively they discover a number of ripped torn and shredded pieces of paper which when joined back together, Anya completes the jigsaw in record time, form a message, of sorts.

Anya reads, after first deciphering the code.

“It’s simple really, it says-

Work Agreement

Dated- May 10th.

This contract is between Stoneshaper Masons (contractor) and Chloram (hirer). In return for the sum of 450gp, the contractor agrees to provide the following services: construction of a portcullis with a hidden lever, a ten foot deep covered pit, and a pair of simple traps. These services are to be performed at an undisclosed location- here, obviously- and shall be completed within 30 days of the start date. The contractors agree to keep this secret and shall not disclose the location to any other sources- I think that’s guaranteed.”

Anya stares down at the dead-again Dwarves, then continues, reads on-

“Where was I… Payment terms: 25% advance with the remainder due upon completion of the services. Contractor supplies all raw materials needed.

It’s signed, Chloram.”

Anya looks up at the expectant faces.

“And you’ve realised by now that Chloram is an anagram of Malchor, who, I believe Cas, is the Innkeeper of the Wellow Inn, where you, and Ala, are staying.”

Anya finishes.

The Paladin and Cleric look surprised and guilty, then nod, and share a look.

Next Turn: Lucky Newt.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:37 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 29: Lucky Newt.

“Right then we need to look out for the traps.” Newt states the obvious.

“So it’s Malchor.” Ala says.
“It’s not yet certain.” Cas counters.
“There may be some other explanation- let’s not jump to conclusions.”

Jim and Anya look skyward, they’re certain.
Ala tuts, as loud as she can.

“You’re a fool.”

And heads back out of the chamber.

Newt shrugs; dodges out of the chamber and ahead of Ala, the others file out and follow the Gnome who scans the floor ahead.


Only thirty seconds later.

Newt creeps ahead.

“Ho-Ho. Look at this, they did say simple.”

Newt points as he explains.

“Trip wire, heads up the wall, across the ceiling, bow and arrow wedged in there- trip the wire and ‘fwoom’ arrow-in-the-eye. Simple.”

“Good work, can you disarm it, in case we have to return this way in a rush?” Cas asks.

“Easy, I’ll just…” Newt starts.


The arrow canons into the cavern wall, an inch or so above the Gnome’s head- it bounces out and down, Newt catches it.

“MMMmm”, he sniffs the arrow’s tip, “poisoned- could have been nasty. Come on.”

And then the Gnome’s off again.

There’s a collective shaking of heads, they follow on.


They’ve not got much further.

“Another one.” Newt reports.

“Same again.”

The others settle in for the customary lecture.

“Another trip wire, up the wall, across the… no hang on.”

Newt spots something new.

“Nice. It’s connected to some sort of spring mechanism, which holds back a great big axe- FWUNG, blimey imagine what that would have done.” Newt finishes.

“Can you…” Cas starts.

“Say no more…”


The axe passes, an inch or so- as is custom, over the Gnome’s head.

“Oooops.” Newt turns around and giggles.

“Still. Onwards.”

Newt heads off again, but only takes another ten or so steps.


“Bloody hell.” Jim offers.
“At least this should be the last of them- whatever it is he’s hiding down here he’s trying his best to keep it a secret.” Anya confirms.

“What is it this time?” Cas asks.

“Bec- grab a big rock.”

The Barbarian does so.

“Now fling it there.”

Bec does so.


The entire floor gives way- a pit trap.

Thirty seconds later they’ve safely negotiated their way across, Jim has sunk a number of pitons into the wall, a rope is strung across- it’s a noisy endeavour but very safe.

They move on the passage splits, north or south.

Newt crouches, puts his hand out to stop the others, sniffs the air, and then points south.

“Animal.” The Gnome states, he filters back- lets the warriors get ahead.

The sunrod illuminates another irregular shaped chamber, larger, a musty animal smell, with glistening walls, moisture pools on the floor in places, roughly twenty feet in diameter, stalagmites almost touch the ceiling.

Suddenly a noise, something large behind one of the stalagmites, it’s heading this way.

Cas and Jim leap forward to meet the creature, which roars as it arrives.


A five foot at the shoulder black and white stripped musteline- a huge Dire Badger, its rage echoes down the passage walls.

It snaps and claws at Cas, who dodges back just in time. Jim sees his enemy, swings his axe, and leaves a bloody trail. The Dire Badger moans but strikes again, a huge claw lashes out and thumps and scores Cas, who staggers back, then comes again.


The noise again, louder still, from its maw foam and spittle drips, the Dire Badger Rages.

Newt tumbles into the room, comes up crossbow in hand and fires- misses.

Jim dives forward and in again, slashes at the creature, rips open its back.

Bec tries to progress in but he’s stuck in the door way, trapped behind Cas and Jim. Anya drags him aside, she holds a scroll in her hands- mutters arcane phrases.


A sudden burst of light before the Badger’s eyes, the creature turns aside, but only for a second, the spell fails, it Rages on.

The creature slashes again, its paw smashes into Cas, who’s flattened, knocked to the floor, he thrashes and wriggles out from beneath the creature- rolls left a little then right, and crawls away.


Newt fires again- and misses.

Jim swings again, connects, leaving another bloody rent in the Dire Badger, which regardless comes again- launches itself towards Cas, still crumpled on the cavern floor.

Bec’s sees his opportunity and steps in, an over-arm stroke that cuts deep into the creature’s brain.

The Dire Badge yanks the sword from the Barbarian’s hands, stumbles backwards, foaming and spitting, screaming.


Eventually shivers and sinks to the floor.

Cas gulps down a healing potion, refreshed, stands and directs the action.

“Search this place. Quickly- they must know we’re coming.”

The others, except Ala, set to.

Ala approaches.

“You alright?”
“Yes”, Cas replies quickly, stern, and then softer, “yes.”

Ala nods and joins the others, Cas looks after her.

Less than a minute later they’re heading north this time; there’s nothing to find in the Dire Badger’s lair.

The passage splits again, there’s a shimmering light coming from the left hand passage, and the flick of flames from the right.

“Quietly- left.” Cas counsels.

They head in, as silently as possible.

“Beautiful.” Jim states.
Even Bec is staring, speechless.

A large chamber, stalagmites join to stalactites forming columns, the south wall a milky white flowstone- just like a stone waterfall, at its base a pool of clear water trickling into runs and rivulets that flow north. The other walls wink and glisten from the numerous minerals infused in the stone.

Newt quickly dispels the glamour, crouches low and scuttles on in.

The others follow, eventually, when they stop staring at the beautiful chamber.

Newt’s spotted something in the pool.

Puts his hand in.


He gasps and picks out a lumpy leather pouch, he opens it.

A nest of silver sling stones glisten in the light.

“Right.” Cas whispers.
“I think the chamber ahead has somebody in it- the fire, we should take precautions.”

The others nod, check their gear.

Cas leads them out, and onwards.

The passage ends at a very large chamber, forty feet wide, fifty feet north to south. The area is dimly lit by a flickering fire, from a fire pit in the centre of the chamber, and now by the adventurer’s sunrods. Large stalagmites are scattered throughout the chamber, creating areas of shadow, two either side of the passage through which the adventurers come.

On the east wall is a large wooden chest with a massive padlock, along the north west wall a pile of furs and rags, the far wall a maze of two foot diameter holes that lead off into darkness, rat tunnels.

The adventurer’s take in the surroundings, the chamber seems to be empty, although there’s the squeak of rats somewhere, somewhere close.

Cas goes to speak… and is engulfed by a swarm of Rats that filter either side of the stalagmites.

“Now it’s over.”

A voice rings out from somewhere hidden over the far side of the chamber.

The rats gnaw and bite, they’re everywhere. Cas stumbles bleeding from over half-a-dozen wounds. Newt shambles forward, bleeding also, out of the storm.


And is struck hard in the chest, an arrow.

The Gnome falls backwards.

Next Turn: Where Badger?

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:30 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 30: Where Badger?

Anya screams, “Get out of the way, FIRE.”

Cas struggles backwards rats all over him, more bites, he never knew he had so much blood.


An arrow thumps into his right thigh, he falls to his knees.

Newt rolls over and up, and is on all fours, rats filter towards him, biting his feet and legs as he shuffles forward. He struggles on, kicking and flailing with his legs trying to get the vermin off of him. He thrusts his hand into his belt pouch, comes out with a small flask, swigs the contents down- cuts and tears mend in an instant.

Cas thumps back into Ala.

“My baby.” She whispers.

And pours her healing magic into him.


Rats crisp, burn and die. And yet there are plenty more of them left.


Bec charges into the swarm, he’s mad I told you, swats and swishes, and is soon covered in the creatures, Jim dives in and begins to swish and swot- neither of them are having a great effect.


Cas shouts, levers himself upright, and charges through the swarm again- bursts out the other side, veers right at the shape that seems to be dislodging itself from one of the stalagmites.


The Paladin flings himself forward.


And is smashed again by an arrow, he staggers, but heads on.

Bec begins to see the sense of it, he crunches down and rolls out of the Rat Swarm, splattering the rats still on him in the process, he’s covered in nips and bites.

Jim follows the giant man, heads out of the swarm, and charges after Cas.

Newt rolls from behind a stalagmite, crossbow in hand, and fairly rat-free, aims at the shadowy figure, where Cas is heading.


He misses, damn that was one of his poisoned bolts.

Ala slashes at the swarm, tries to stay out of their reach, “Anya, again”, she screams.


The entrance to the chamber is filled with flames, and in an instant the swarm is gone, scattered stragglers skitter away from the crisped remains of their cousins, they flee.

Cas rips the arrow from his gut, pours healing energy into the wound, which stops bleeding and then closes over.

Then crashes into his enemy.

Who seems to be some half-Badger, half-Man- actually a Werebadger named Tarn.

Cas’s longsword slices into the man’s furred body, ripping a gout of flesh from his side. The creature swiftly lashes back; a great clawed hand slices Cas from neck to chest.

The Paladin staggers backwards, drops his sword, and collapses onto the cavern floor.

“More meet for the grinder.” The terrible creature whispers.

Newt kisses his crossbow, mutters a prayer, and fires again.


A hit. Except the bolt bounces right back out again. The Werebadger turns and growls, but Newt by then is hidden behind a stalagmite shaking.


Ala screams and charges forward through the burnt remains of the rats, towards her lover.

Jim’s into the fray- slashes wildly- misses by a mile, and is raked badly, for his efforts; he breathes hard as blood cascades down his face and into his eyes.

Bec races forward, and at lightning speed.

Jim backs away swiftly waves his hand before him, nearly out on his feet. Newt stays hidden, sneaking glances every now and then. Ala squats over Cas, cradles his head as she fires healing into him, tears in her eyes. Anya enters the chamber.

“You must pay for your meddling ways.”

Tarn, the Werebadger shouts as it lurches forward to meet the much bitten Bec.


Bec swings his great sword, hits decisively.


Tarn staggers back, holding his right arm to his chest, it’s all but severed.


The creature morphs and shapes, everyone stops what they’re doing to watch, it turns into a large Badger, then scurries-waddles backwards into one of the darkened tunnels, bites down on its bow, en route, and drags it after it, in seconds its gone.


Cas opens his eyes, takes a breath, tries to get up.

“Wait.” Ala holds him down.

“You’ve been bitten by a Were-Creature, you could be infected. You could all be.”
Jim, in particular, examines his wounds, sits down hard.

“I’m a Paladin, Ala, Pelor will protect me.”

And Cas is up and on his feet.

“See what you can do for Jim, we’ll head to the temple as soon as we’re done here, they’ll have the cure.”

Ala nods, all business, heads over to Jim and uncorks a Healing Potion, soon his wounds are gone.

“Right then, we need to search this place- thoroughly. Newt.”

The Gnome comes back from poking around in one of the dark tunnels, nods at Cas.

“We need your eagle-eyes.” Cas finishes.

They set to work.

The bed, mostly rags and furs, is stinky, nothing of use, over the fire-pit a cauldron and a bubbling foul stew.

Jim finds a bunch of strange, and small, leather harnesses.

“What are these for?”

Anya wanders over, examines them, Newt takes a look.

“Rats.” Anya has it.
“What for though?”
“You steal something nice, and small, then you put it in here”, Anya indicates a part of the harness, “then the rat runs along and delivers whatever it is, through…”, Anya turns and points at one of the dark tunnels, “there.”

The others mooch about and take a look at the strange devices. Newt heads over to the chest, gets to work.

“With these.” There’s more to Anya’s story, she holds a set of pipes in her hand, “I think these will prove to be magical, I’ve heard of them, ‘Pipes of the Sewer’, or some such- they’re used to Summon and Control rats. Like the swarm we fought earlier.”

“I hate rats.” Newt looks up.


And then springs the lock on the chest- there’s lots to see inside.


Newt proffers papers from the chest, while slipping a handful of coins and gems into a secret pocket.

Five minutes later they’ve sorted through their find, and what a find, the first thing is a map, which Cas identifies, “it’s the tunnels, it’s a map through the tunnels.”

“What use is that?” Jim asks.
Cas shrugs.

Also in the chest is an Ivory Scroll Tube, with some sort of intricate locking mechanism, Newt soon finds a way, it contains a bunch of scrolls- they’re passed to Anya.

“Strength spells, all of them.” She states.

Then a rack of identical potion flasks, all labelled. Newt reads, then mumbles, through a giggle, “they’re shrinking potions.”
“What?” Ala asks.
“Shrinking, reduces your height, your size and that.”
“I bet we’d fit down the tunnels with one of these.”
Newt giggles again.

Passes another sheet of paper to Anya and then starts to scoop out of the chest the pile of gems and coins.

“It’s a spell scroll for something called, ‘Improved Reduce Person’, probably the same as the potions.”

She looks around.

“The pipes are magical, you’re right.” Ala confirms.

“So, where next?”

They turn to look at Cas, who as they watch shrinks down till he is only one-and-a-half feet tall.


The Paladin states, in a voice a little like Donald Duck.

Next Turn: The Diddymen.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 9:04 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 31: The Diddymen.

“Where now?” Newt squeaks and grins.
Anya stares at the map; she points the way- “there”, she squeaks back.

The adventures head off down the tunnel.

Bec is the largest of the Diddymen, or rather people, just a little over one-and-a-half feet tall; the Barbarian, Jim, and Cas are however bulging with muscles, at least for their size- Anya has managed to successfully cast all three of the ‘Bull’s Strength’ spells they found in the locked scroll case.

Newt, on the other hand, is tiny, a little less than nine inches tall, and weighing well… almost nothing at all.

Anya shimmers, her Mage Armour scroll takes effect.

“Remember silver or magical weapons.” Cas squeaks, then heads on.

Barely has he finished the words when ahead comes the sound of squeaking, and not from any members of the Goodman Gang this time.

“Rats.” Newt warns.

Bec charges into the fray, there are over a half-a-dozen of the rodents, each as big as an adventurer; he swipes wildly, and misses.


Newt fires, catches one of the creatures in the throat, it gargles, collapses, and dies. Anya’s crossbow sings, the tiny bolt lodges in the Rat’s maw; it swallows, chokes, hiccups and turns belly-up. Two down.

“Charge” Cas shouts/squeaks.

The second wave hits- Ala slashes and connects, leaving a bloody trail, another Rat flops down dead. Cas stabs forward, another one bites the dust. Jim charges into another, an over-arm blow with his axe- dead.

Five killed in the brief exchange the other Rats flee.


Newt pegs another; it sinks to the tunnel floor, kicks a while, and then expires.

“It’s not bad… being short.” Newt finishes.

They move on- towards a larger chamber ahead, they can feel the change in the air movement, the muddy tunnels seem to breathe, at least echo with the winds passing.

Anya pushes to the front, her wand ready, eager to get an attack in.

The chamber ahead is only ten feet in diameter, but appears huge to the shrunken adventurers, as do the two Badgers that squat at the far side of it, bristling with anger- snarling, and standing, rather towering, over them the Werebadger, Tarn, back in half-Badger half-Man form. Still wounded and yet much healthier looking than before.

Tarn spots them, notches an arrow and lets it fly, and then another.


The first missile shatters into the stone wall by Ala’s head, the second strikes Cas, but only a glancing blow.

Newt is first to react, he tumbles into the chamber, comes up hidden behind a large rock, dodges into sight and fires; another poisoned crossbow bolt shoots towards the Werebadger.


And hits, but it’s only a pin-prick in the creatures matted fur.

Then the poison strikes, Tarn stiffens and then just as suddenly relaxes, much diluted the poison has no effect.

“Kill them my furry fiends.”

Tarn sneers; the Badgers rush to obey.

The furious creatures smash into the front rank- Cas and Anya.

Anya is caught by a flailing claw, blood bubbles to the surface, she dodges hard right and out of the melee- Bec fills the gap, swings hard and leaves a bloody gash on the Badgers snout, the creature instinctively backs away. The second Badger claws at Cas, with the same result- a line of blood appears along his forearm

Anya fumbles for a scroll, gets it right, and intones in a whisper- a haze of floating lights appear, circling the giant Werebadger’s head, Tarn shakes and twitches once or twice, tries to clears the fog the Daze spell has conjured in his mind, he fails and is left standing statue silently shaking.

Jim leaps into the fray, swings hard at a Badger, and connects, and yet the creature just snarls some more and launches its counter attack, Jim dodges back, just in time, the giant Badger snaps its jaws shut on empty air.

Ala steps into the fray, slices with all her might, but misses by some distance, the Badger rears up ahead of her, ready to lunge down upon her, pummel her, smash her into the cold stone floor, Cas steps into the gap, swings hard, and splits the beast open- guts and innards tumble out, he dodges back as it deflates and collapses.

He’s not done however; the Paladin dodges past the fresh corpse, and hurtles towards Tarn.

“To the death.”

He cries.


A silver crossbow bolt protrudes from the giant Werebadger’s thigh, still dazed; it doesn’t make a sound, nor register the hit.

The second Badger snaps and claws at Bec, full of Rage at its partner’s demise, the Barbarian however is too quick for it, he dodges right and round to the side of the creature, slashes and slices- the Badger finally ceases its struggle and collapses.

Anya fumbles another scroll out, another Daze spell aimed at Tarn, this time however the magic founders, Tarn shakes his head more violently, he’s coming out from under her spell.


This time it’s Jim who sounds the call, catching up with Cas, Ala swiftly follows in.

The Paladin rushes forward and round-house cuts, his sword strikes a stone on the floor and leaps from his grasp, his momentum sends him tumbling forward, flat on his face, prone before the terrible creature. He struggles to rise, looks up, and up, and up at the towering figure that blinks and comes alive, grins down at the sprawling Paladin, as it looms over him.

Tarn drops his bow and plunges forward onto all fours, sinks claws and teeth into Cas’ back and shoulders, rakes and rips- shreds the Paladin.

The creature stays low to the ground, over the now unmoving Paladin, pressing him down, crushing Cas into the cold stone floor.

Newt scurries forward, crouches behind another fallen rock.


He misses.

Bec and Anya lumber forward to meet the seemingly invincible foe, the latter intoning another spell en route, a cold white Ray of Frost lances out and burns a freezing patch into the Werebadger’s side, it hardly seems to notice.

Jim arrives, still charging, rolls under the Werebadger’s swipe and slices, leaving a shallow cut in his axe’s wake. Ala follows Jim in, trying to get to Cas, but is sent scurrying back as the creature lashes out again, she dodges the blow and brings her longsword down on the its clawed hand, another hit, another line of blood- and yet it only serves to further enrage the creature.

A massive clawed hand smashes down and around, thumps into Ala, knocking the wind out of her- leaving her breathless, barely clinging onto her sword, then in the same motion lifts and flings her into the air, sends her flying, spinning backwards, she crashes into the cold stone floor a dozen feet away- unmoving.

Newt presses himself into the stone; his hands shake as he applies another dose of poison to a silver crossbow bolt, he gulps and stares hard at Ala’s crumpled form.

Bec sees his opening, dodges into range and beneath the Werebadger’s thickly furred neck, stabs up and buries half his sword’s length into the creature’s throat; blood spurts out, showering him as he withdraws the blade.

And yet the thing fights on, even as it bleeds, it reverses a little, then snaps its jaws shut on the spot where Bec had just been standing, the Barbarian dances backwards grinning insanely.

Anya points and mumbles; a bolt of force, a Magic Missile, thumps into the Tarn’s side, the Werebadger winces.

Jim leaps in and slashes wildly, nearly over-balances, he catches himself as he stumbles closer, his axe swipe well wide of the mark, and at the last instance dodges back, out of reach, avoiding the creature’s reaction swipe. Buoyed by his non-fatal mistake the Ranger steps into the fray again, axe before him he challenges the fell creature.

“Is that all you’ve…”

And is crunched, a huge clawed hand mashes him into the cavern floor, Tarn reaches down, lightning quick, and bites and gnaws on one Jim’s flailing legs, the Ranger kicks, scrambles and screams and somehow manages to struggle free of the creatures grip- his lacerated leg produces a slick of blood that soaks through his breeches in an instant.

Newt pops up for a second, takes in the situation, “feck”, and then aims and fires.


The bolt hits home, buries itself in the side of the Werebadger’s skull, the creature instantly stops what its doing- looks around, suffers some sort of ‘where am I?” moment, followed by a “who am I?” moment. Then the poison swirls into Tarn’s brain, it shakes its head, letting lose a shower of blood and slather, roars like it’s the end of the world.

“To the death.” It finally whispers, and then grins.

The poison has no effect.

Newt slumps down hard, hidden behind his rock eerie, “well I’m out of ideas”, he intones, but there’s no one there to hear him.

Bec, fortunately, is a lot more single-minded, or stupid, I forget which- he slashes again at the huge beast before him, misses as Tarn shuffles back, a cascade of blood and bile leaking from his wounds.

“Kill it for Pelor’s sake, kill it.”

Anya screams, invoking a god she certainly doesn’t believe in, her voice is steady and yet her hands shake and fumble as she tries again to load her crossbow.

Jim struggles to his feet, drags his axe behind him, the stumbles into a half charge and slashes again, either it’s his vision, or, well… it’s just that Jim’s not that hot when it comes to the toe-to-toe stuff, his blow sails well wide, thung’s into the stone floor almost sending the weapon shuddering from his hands. He stumbles backwards, overbalancing, at the same instant a clawed hand slashes forward; he’s just out of reach.

“Damn.” The Ranger whispers, then, “please… this time.”

Then he spots something, or rather someone, moving, “CAS”, he screams.

The Paladin levers himself up a little, shakes his head- woozy still, and attempts to get his bearings.

The Werebadger follows Jim’s scream, snakes its head down, and spots the Paladin rising, it steps forwards, not back, and brings one clawed foot hard down, slamming into Cas’ chest, crushing him down onto the floor again. Tarn transfers his weight to the back leg pinning the Paladin, ribs crack, crunch and break. Cas wretches and coughs up a river of blood, he flails wildly, no air, no breathe, no last words, almost lost to the dark.


Another silver crossbow bolt bites into the Tarn’s flesh, The Werebadger spins back round, the pressure on the Paladin’s chest recedes, blood bubbles from Cas’ mouth as he takes another breathe. Newt slumps against the rock, closes his eyes, remembers to breath, then fumbles to load another bolt, he’s crying.


Anya’s shot flies high and wide.

“Damn, damn, damn…” She mutters while trying to slot another bolt into the weapons mechanism, the bolt dances in her hands, she can’t seem to get a grip on it.

Bec rushes into range again, lances his sword forward, then staggers back with the effort, the blade doesn’t even cut the creature’s flesh, the Barbarian dodges but it looks to the untrained observer to be nothing more than a slurred stagger, much too slow, he’s caught by a clawed hand, sent tumbling back, head-over-heals, comes to rest nearly ten feet away.

The Barbarian lies on his back, his blinking eyes trying to focus on something, anything, “I deserve this”, he thinks and then levers himself back onto his feet, stands tall and sucks in a huge lungful of air, he swiftly bends then crouches, stars fill his vision, the blackness between the myriad points of light looks inviting- calm, at peace, “perhaps I can forget now”, he sinks to one knee, sways a little, remembers the cool feel of the stone floor, puts a hand down to renew the memory- he’s sinking.

Jim stumbles forward again, slashes, the momentum of his axe spins him around, on the second circuit the axe connects, bites into Tarn’s leg, and brings the Ranger staggering to a halt, rocked by his own blow.

Tarn looks round and down, to the tiny axe man, the Werebadger meets Jim’s gaze, and grins.

Then pushes off from Cas, crushing the Paladin again, set to launch itself forward to smash into Jim, to finish the job once and for all.

The Werebadger goes nowhere, instead slips and flounders, Tarn looks down and under, to the place where Cas has just sunk his pin-sized dagger, into the tendons at the back of its right leg, it’s a small wound, but it seems to have hit the sweet spot, Achilles would be proud.


It’s a human voice, and in absolute agony, the giant Werebadger screams.


Tarn turns forward, just in time to see Bec stab his two-handed sword clean though its right eye, a splurge of gunk erupts from the deflated orb, soaking the Barbarian who still grips tight to his sword.

Then everything stops.

Goes quiet.

The Werebadger blinks its one good eye.


Then again.

But can’t keep it down.

It opens its mouth to a torrent, a waterfall, of blood, bile and worse.

“Nooooooooooo…” Delivered in a soft whisper.

The creature slowly folds, comes to rest on the stone cavern floor- dead.




A croaked cry, it’s Cas’ voice, and it’s an order.

The Paladin collapses back onto the floor, and closes his eyes.

Next Turn: The Road is Long.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:37 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 32: The Road is Long.

Newt scrambles over to Ala, in a rush, eager to obey the fallen Paladin, checks her pulse “She’s alright, just out-for-the-count.”

Cas stands up, an almighty effort, he’s a mess, covered in his own blood, he wavers for a second and then quickly falls back down again, “Ow”, the Paladin laughs, searches for a healing vial.

Bec sinks to his knees, again, out of breath- exhausted, Jim staggers over and leans on him, there’s not much keeping him up either.

“We rest.” Cas giggles, a chorus of pops as healing potions are simultaneously uncorked signals agreement.

DM’s interlude- the players at this point were wandering back and forth to the fridge, sometimes, actually most times, returning empty handed- the general consensus went a little like this, “bloody hell that was close.”

“Well, it can’t get any worse.” Nobody looks at Newt, Cas continues to guffaw.
“What’s so funny?” The Gnome enquires.
“Honestly?” The Paladin levers himself up a little, his muscles protest, vehemently, he rubs his still battered leg- trying to get some life into it, then continues, “Honestly, I’ve no idea. Except… Woo Hoo, we did it.” The Paladin chuckles contentedly.
Newt shrugs and heads off to Anya who’s sitting on the floor in silence.

“What’s he so happy about?” He whispers.
Anya squints at the Gnome, “being alive?”

Newt it seems still doesn’t get the joke.

Half-an-hour later and they’re all back on their feet, there wounds have gone, as has almost all of their healing.

“We really need to go to the Church now, or rather later.” Ala confirms.
“She’s right- everyone that’s been bitten or clawed by that monster”, Cas points at the Werebadger’s corpse, which has now transformed into a naked, and immensely ugly, looking man- with innumerable rents and gashes “could be infected.”
“With what?” Newt asks.
“Lycanthropy, it’s a curse as much as a disease turns the victim into one of those.”

They all turn to stare.

Newt checks himself for scratches or bites- there’s not a mark on him.


He whispers, and then a little louder.

“I hate being small.”

Cas sums up the situation.

“So, we finish this, then go back to the Church of Pelor.”

The others nod, except for Newt, where’s Newt?

“Hey, secret stash.”

Newt stops, what’s he saying, he’s found and opened a hidden compartment in the chamber, and there inside has discovered a pair of beautifully cut emeralds, and now, now he’s telling everyone about it.

Newt’s going soft.

Five minutes later they’ve stripped Tarn’s body and recovered anything that’s worth taking, and is small enough for them to carry- which includes a ring that detects as magical.

Anya unfurls the map, has a look around, and then gingerly points to another tunnel.

“That way.”

They trudge on.

Fifteen minutes later, with only a couple of brief stoppages- squeaks and far off sounds that further warrant caution, but prove not to be dangerous.

The adventurers emerge into yet another large cavern, this one lit by sprays of phosphorescent fungi clinging to the walls and ceiling, which bathe the chamber in an eerie blue light. A slow moving stream bisects the cavern, the water crystal clear and not very deep.

Unless you’re really small.

Oh hang on.

Three moss covered, and therefore slippery, stepping-stones signal the way across.


Newt perches on the bank- watches.


A large Cave Trout flashes and shimmers out of sight.

“He won’t be back in a hurry. And if he is then it’ll be fish for supper, and breakfast, and lunch, and probably supper again… did you see the size of that thing?”

Cas nods and claps the Gnome on the shoulder.

“Now who’s first?”

Newt shakes off Cas’ hand, grins up at the Paladin, turns and measures out twelve paces backwards, grins again and then launches himself helter-skelter at the river.


A collective response.


Newt clears the water by five feet or more. Quickly turns, polishing his magical ring, he unfurls a rope.

“Here catch this.”

Newt throws it over; Cas catches the end as the others grin.

Five minutes later a makeshift crossing place has been created, a harness, and a simple pulley system will hopefully ensure safe passage.

It works well.

Until it comes to Ala.

“I’m not very good at this, I always…”



Cas screams.

Bec hauls and Ala appears back at the surface of the stream, she clambers up a slick moss stepping stone.

Behind a silver flash in the water, the Cave Trout launches itself out of the stream, and directly at Ala- it’s obviously very hungry.


It falls well short.

Bec heaves and drags a bruised and battered Ala across the stream.

The Elf briefly lies on the bank, coughs and splutters a bit, and then through her grin mutters.

“I think I’m getting the hang of this.”

She laughs.

“This way.”

Anya points again to another tunnel, she’s all business.

They head on.

And ten minutes later.

There’s a larger chamber ahead, and…

“There’s something coming.”

Newt dodges back as the tunnel ahead is engulfed in shadow.


Anya steps forward.


A fan of fire engulfs the Giant Worker Ant ahead, all that’s left when the flames subside are the charred stumps of the creatures legs still sticking up, that and a slick crumbling charcoal.

“I hate picnics.”

Jim mutters.


Cas waves them on and they dart into another chamber.

There are three exits to the west, and another, on the far side, the cavern floor is littered with piles of rubble, the gaster (back bit) of another Giant Worker Ant disappears into a tunnel to the west.

“Which way?” Cas whispers.

Anya fumbles her map.

“Err… Straight over.”


And they do, or at least the best they can on the loose stones and rubble.

“To the rear.”

Cas whispers at Jim and Bec.

They’re in the vanguard, and three-quarters of the way across when another Giant Worker Ant emerges from one of the other tunnels, tastes the air.


And then heads on over.

But by this time they’re in the far tunnel.


Ala breaths again.

Just as the second Giant Worker Ant enters the tunnel behind them and scurries forward to attack.


Cas, Jim and Bec charge into the creature.

Cas dances forward with his longsword, lances out, only to be knocked away by a flailing leg, the Giant Worker Ant is easily as tall as him, and three times as long. Bec however sees his opening and slices and severs the flailing leg, the Ant staggers, attempts to circle away from the three attackers but instead ends up facing Jim, he crashes his battle axe into the creatures head, it collapses.

They head off at a rush, eager to put some distance between themselves and the Giant Ant’s nest.

And yet, another fifteen minutes later, they’ve still not reached the next chamber indicated on Anya’s map, although… strange, there are a number of bobbing lights approaching.

“Another party?” Jim asks.
“What of miniature adventurers like us?”

Newt taps his head in disgust.

“I hadn’t thought of that.”

Ala is watching the lights intently, they’re closer still.

“I think they’re Fire Beetles- no problem, oh hang on. Damn.”

The Goodman Gang get ready for another fracas.

Next Turn: Choker in the pack.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:32 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 33: Choker in the pack.

FWUNG x lots.

“Let them have it.”

Cas announces.

A wave of arrows and bolts smashes into the lead Beetle, and then another.

It has a slightly scratched carapace, and that’s your lot, they’ve not got their eye-in or so it seems.


The first Fire Beetle is in range of Anya’s wand- it’s engulfed in flames, momentarily.

It smoulders as it charges through the fire, and towards the wand wielder and her crunchy friends.


Ah that hits the spot, the result is two inert smoking shells, a third creature, bringing up the rear, quickly turns and scurries off back the way it came, figuring it’ll come back to the bar-b-q later.


A thick pall of smoke washes over the adventurers and engulfs them in choking black noxious fumes.


Ala screams in frustration, it’s a good job no one can see the look on her face.


Cas charges through the burning Beetle wreckage.

And where Cas goes the others follow.

Thirty seconds later the sextet are through, coughing and hacking, covered in a stinking awful soot, but they’re safe, and the air currents are blowing the smoke away from them.

“That was close.”

The Paladin comments, the others examine their fresh wounds, every one of them is burnt and blistered, everyone except Cas.

“Come on, let’s keep the pace up.”

Cas rushes forward again.

They others suck in air and trudge after him.

The Paladin’s has not gone far; he’s on the very edge of the sunrods light, when-


“What’s that, the tunnel’s blocked, it’s… the other Fire Beetle.”

Cas swings wildly, doesn’t even leave a scratch. The Fire Beetle half turns, then Cas gets it right and slips the length of his longsword into the creatures tiny brain, it shivers momentarily then collapses.

They have to climb over the thing, there’s no other way round.

And two minutes later they approach yet another cavern.


Ala calls them back, they gather.

“Let’s make sure.”

Ala tends to the wounded, another minor rest break, she gets out her healing kits and does her best to tend to every little scratch, bruise and burn.

Ten minutes later and they’re as good as new.

“Thanks Ala.” Cas smiles.
“It’s what I’m here for.” She grins back at Cas, who it seems has been forgiven.

She stows away what’s left of the healing kits, less than half-a-dozen uses left.

They head into a huge chamber, this one with a fifteen foot wide chasm bisecting it.

Newt, with Anya’s help, fires a crossbow bolt with a Light spell cast on it over to the far side, there’s an exit over there, just like it says on Anya’s map.

Then they investigate the chasm.

There’s a rope running all the way across, an iron spike hammered into both sides, between which the rope sags.


Jim jumps, startled.

Newt’s over.

Thirty second later Newt has a second rope across, and like at the stepping stones a harness and pulley system has been improvised.

“Ala you first.” Cas smiles, not too much.
“Thanks.” The Elf grabs on to, and then hangs from the rope, hands and legs clutching on.

She caterpillars her way over.

She’s a quarter of the way across.

“You’re doing great.” Cas offers.
“Shut up.” Ala offers back.

She’s half way across.

“That’s it.” Cas tries again.
“I said…”

She falls off.

And Bec, and Newt (ooops) hang on to the rope, prevent her fall.

“Err… People.”

The rope begins to slip through Newt’s hands as he skids towards the edge of the chasm.

“Just keep me still.”

Ala reaches up for the other rope.

The line she’s on suddenly springs and bounces.


Her beautiful Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword slips out of its scabbard and plummets into the dark below.

“You ba… I said keep the line still.”

Bec’s not moving.

Newt has now got a firm grip of the rope and has anchored himself at the lip of the chasm- he’s going nowhere. Bec and Newt hold the line rock steady.

They’re not wobbling the rope.

They’re about to inform Ala of this when-


A long rubbery tentacle wraps itself around the line, towards the adventurer’s side.

“There’s something down there.”

Ala goes to point, then realises where that manoeuvre might end.

She nods furiously at the offending tentacle.


Jim scurries over, looks down the side of the chasm.

“What the…”


His arrow strikes something, something now less happy than before.

The rope suddenly catapults up; Ala wraps her hands and arms around the original line and hauls herself up, grips tight.

“Haul her back.”

Anya shouts.


Cas concurs.

Jim leaps to his feet, and with Bec begins to drag Ala back over.

A tentacle, an awfully long tentacle at that, lashes out, wraps itself around Ala’s leg.


And hangs on.

Then nothing happens for a second.

“Cas, I…”

Then, almost in slow motion, a ripple starts somewhere way down the tentacle and rushes towards Ala.


She falls.

But only for a second, Newt and Bec take the strain again, as the tentacle adds it’s weight to Ala’s.


Newt screeches.

Blood flows from Ala’s leg.

“Cas, Cas please…”

Ala whimpers.

“Jim.” Cas pleads, and then grabs hold of the rope with Bec.

“Newt keep hold. Jim don’t miss. Ready?”

The last to Bec, who nods.


Jim’s arrow flies.


And unseen by the adventurers above the arrow rips a huge chunk of rubbery flesh out of the Choker below them, down in the chasm.

The tentacle snakes off, and away, in an instant. At the same moment Bec, Cas and even Anya haul at the rope, and in less than ten seconds she’s across.

Ala breaths hard, the wind knocked out of her sails somewhat, then casts a spell to heal her wounds.

“We’re not doing that again.” Ala calls across.
“What do you suggest?” Cas calls back.

Anya marches towards the cavern wall.

“Simple really, we set up our own rope, use the wall as a guide, tie on, and haul ass across.”

Two minutes later it’s done.

Newt and Jim are set to watch for the Choker’s return, the next action comes when Cas is half way across, the strange rubbery creature, seeing its prey getting away from it comes gangling out of its lair, and is spotted by Newt, who lines it up in his sights, and, hands shaking, come on you bas… drops his beautiful crossbow into the chasm.

He has plenty to say on the matter.


The creature rushes on, and then is momentarily lost from sight in a red haze, did I mention a fiery red haze.


The rubbery creature, almost vulcanized, squeaks and screeches furiously and heads back to its lair- lesson learnt.

Anya hands her crossbow over to Newt.

“I think this is yours.”

Newt cradles his new baby, googly eyes on Anya- he’s in love.

Next Turn: Like a Dragon.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:11 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 34: Like a Dragon.

And ten minutes later, via another dark tunnel, the Goodman Gang emerge into yet another cavern, which appears to be… empty.

The floor is dusty, covered with fine rock debris, the west wall glints, more mineral deposits, slick with water and moisture, crystal formations wink and shine in the half-light.

“There’s nothing here, nice walls.” Newt comments.

They head across to the only other exit.


And are suddenly engulfed in flame.

They scatter, Cas and Anya run for the exit, Ala dodges back, Jim and Bec swish and slice… at what? Newt pats the flames on him out. And then a voice, as clear as a bell stops them in there tracks.

“Little dwarves cower before me or again feel my flamey breath, damn that doesn’t work... I mean, feel my flamey breath… again, whatever, you get the gist of it.”

They adventurers look about- who’s talking.

Then they figure it, except for Bec who continues looking, the voice is in their heads.

They’re all burnt a little.

“Where are you?” Cas enquires, aloud.
“What are you?” Ala worries.
“What do you want?” Anya cuts to the chase.

The voice comes again; Bec continues to look confused, searching high and low for the speaker.

“Leave tribute and I will allow you to pass on, one item from each of you. That’s better, that sounded good… fierce… Ohh, forgot to stop talking there, ignore that last bit- hand over the goodies, or else.”

The adventurers grow spikes.

“Missile weapons everyone.” Cas says.

Nothing happens for a while.

Then a while more.

“Leave tribute…”, the voice begins again.

“Run.” Cas suggests, it catches on, the adventurers scarper for the far tunnel.


Another gout of flame, but too late, the Goodman Gang are on there way, and to the far tunnel.

“Now turn and fire.” Cas orders.

Ala spins, bow in hand, arrow notched, ready to fly. Scans the area, her incredible Elven vision spots something, a small something.

“There.” And to make her point she fires, alas her arrow sails wide of the mark, not that any of the others can see the mark.

“What was it?” Jim shouts.
“Like a tiny Dragon.” Ala calls back.

Newt creeps forward, back into the chamber.


He and Ala are once again caught in the flame, although only a little charred this time, the pair dodge back in time to avoid the spells affect.

A tiny Dragon-like creature hovers before them for a second, it has rainbow patterned wings, it’s beautiful, and then it blinks back out of existence.

“Run.” Cas is even more definite, they scarper.

“What do you mean LIKE a Dragon?” Jim wonders as he pelts forward.

There’s a fluttering noise coming from behind them, and it’s moving much faster than they are, the noise of fluttering wings is getting louder, catching them.


The tunnel is yet again engulfed in flame.


Jim spins and fires, instinctively sighting the now clearly visible Pseudo-Dragon, Blackspine; his arrow sails just wide.

Newt crouches and hurriedly coats a bolt in poison.

Anya points her wand.


The tiny Dragon is surrounded by flame, and yet there seems to be a void-space, a flame-free pocket, encompassing the creature, the flame dies down and it emerges completely unscathed.

“Magic Resistant, damn.” Anya offers.


The creature’s laughter fills their heads.


Cas hurtles off towards the creature, back the way they came, swishing wildly as he runs, it’s like being menaced by a blender, his blade whirls and slashes all before him.

Bec shrugs, “Sandwich”, grins and follows suit, the others replicate the action.

“Oooo Bugger.”

The voice in their head comes again.

The fluttering wings retreat at speed.

The adventurers emerge back in the like-a-Dragon’s chamber.

“Leave tribute or else more fire.”

The voice is definite.

“What do you want? Who are you?” Cas calls back.

“I am Blackspine, sire of er… Bagpuss the er… Flamey, no, Fiery. I am a mighty Red Dragon sent, no not sent… er… I have decided, of my own accord, to guard this place, to rain down fiery… er… rain, on those that wish to pass. I can be dissuaded only by grand offerings, as befitting my mighty station.”

And then a little later.

“That last bit was quite good wasn’t it?”

The voice inside their heads fades.

“We will leave nothing.”

Jim draws himself up to his full height, strides forward.

“You’re not even a real dragon, pah… Red Dragon, my arse, you’re only like-a-Dragon, Anya says so.”

Jim finishes.


The voice in their heads is on volume 11.

“Jim, actually I think it is a Dragon.” Anya whispers.
“I said I think it is a Dragon.”
“But you said…”


Volume 11 again.

There’s a mad flutter of tiny wings, whatever it is that’s like-a-Dragon is making a bee-line straight for Jim.


Blackspine swoops.


Blackspine sails.


Blackspine glides.

Claws out ready to mess up the impertinent human’s features, only no one can see it= it’s invisible.

But Newt can hear it.

“DUCK.” The Gnome screams at Jim.
“Where?” The Ranger turns to look back at Newt, slightly confused.

The movement is enough to make Blackspine miss his target, Jim’s face remember, the little dragon flaps heartily trying to arrest it’s dive- climbs a little.


And thumps into the cavern wall above Jim’s head.

“ME HEAD.” The voice is in their minds again.

A ten inch long Pseudo Dragon become visible, on the floor, stunned, only inches away from Jim’s right boot.

Cas slices, rips through a wing, Bec stabs and skewers the creature.


The feedback squeal finds 12 on the volume dial.

“Please don’t hurt me. Please. I’m a prisoner, that’s it a prisoner, keep going- make it believable, I’ll tell you all I know. That’s got them- suck…”

Cas strides forward, hands up- peaceful, gets to the “O”, of, “OK”, when Bec nudges him aside and swings again.


Followed by.


The Pseudo Dragon disappears and makes a flap for dear life.


Newt’s poisoned bolt plunges off into the darkness.

“I said…” Cas starts but Bec just pushes the Paladin out the way and strides past him.

“Tresh-ure.” The mini-hulk points up at a previously unseen ledge, it seems to have a crude nest atop it.

“Bec we can’t hang around, I know you’re pissed off, we’re all battered and bruised…” Ala plays peace maker.


Bec growls, flecks of spittle spraying from his mouth.

“OK big guy.”

Newt wanders over, as Bec continues to seethe, gets to just below the nest and flings a grappling hook up, it catches first time.


Bec calms down a little.

The others give him a wide berth.

“Keep a look out, missile weapons people.” Cas gets back to business, although he glances back at Bec every now and then.

Back on the ground Ala expends more of her healing, the Healing Kits are spent, as are most of her spells.

The cavern is lit up like a Christmas tree, there are over half-a-dozen sunrods flaring, the shadows are all but gone.

A couple of minutes later Newt is back, loaded with goodies. They head back into the tunnel, post a guard while Anya casts Detect Magic, there are plenty of coins, some gems and jewellery, and a pair of magical bracers, and a potion, swiftly identified as Healing, Ala takes it, the rest is for distribution later.

Newt has pocketed a ring, for his troubles, for once though his eye is out, it’s the least valuable piece in the hoard.

They head off again.

“You OK?” Jim asks.
“San-wich.” Bec, half-heartedly, states.

The trek continues in silence, but not for long.

A little more than five minutes later the Gang emerge into another chamber, a little more cautious this time.

It’s huge, and there are no visible exits, at the northern end is a great black altar, a large black tome rests upon it, either side twisting pewter candelabras holding the lit stubs of fat black candles.

Hanging on the wall behind the altar are five human skeletons, arms manacled over their heads, each wears a rusty chain shirt and carries a longsword at its side.

“Whatchamacallit… Saaaaandwiiiiiiich.”

Bec charges.

Although none of the skeletons are animate.


He shatters the first.


As the other Skeletons jump to their feet, wriggle from their bonds, and begin to unsheathe their swords.

“Oh Correllon hear my words, banish these foul…”

Ala intones, the four Skeletons are surrounded in a green haze, and in the blink of an eye-


Are pulverised in an instant, reduced to piles of shattered bone.

Leaving Bec huffing and blowing, searching desperately for something else to destroy.

Newt is quickly at the altar, Anya in tow; she grabs the book, opens it, begins to read, shrugs once, then closes it again.

“That’s that then.”
“What’s that?” Cas asks.
“It’s Malchor’s diary, your landlord.”
“How do you know?” Cas struts over.
“It’s got his name on the inside of the cover, and… hang on.”

She flops the tome open, skips a few pages and reads.

“I Malchor, supplicant of Crypticus, do hereby swear to rid myself of the sainted, and unbelievably stupid, Lady Arabella, who has usurped my rightful place. I have made my pact and with my Dark Lord in order to rid myself, once-and-for-all, of this pesky child that taunts me daily with her inane blathering, I… Oh nearly forget, get eggs, pay the milkman- does he do yogurt?”

Anya closes the book.


“I’ve found something.” Newt breaks the ice.

And indeed he has, the secret compartment in the altar swings open inside there are some coins- platinum, Newt whistles, two potions, quickly identified as Healing, and a beautifully crafted, and jewelled, Dagger- a silver-blue colour.

“Can I have this?” Newt asks, “please…”, politely.
“Yes.” Cas is on auto-pilot, it was the politely bit that threw him.
The others shrug, or nod, their agreement.

The potions are taken by Cas and Ala.

“I can’t believe that’s it…” Jim states.

As the secret door opens and into the room steps a well armed, and armoured Goblin, he looks all business and has a bow in his hands and an arrow notched.

Behind him an Elf, no what do you call them dark coloured Elves… Drow- that’s it. The Drow, male, looks to be a Wizard.

And in the same instant a Wolf suddenly appears, in the midst of the Goodman Gang.

Actually, ‘a Wolf’, doesn’t quite cover it.

The creature is five feet tall at the shoulder; its fur is as black as night, its eyes gleam, a similar light to the fires of hell.

Oh, and it has horns, nasty looking ones- are there any other kind?


Jim grows an arrow, from the middle of his chest; he staggers backwards, flailing madly and finally… falls.

Next Turn: This is the End, My Friend.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:16 pm
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 35: This is the End, My Friend.


A second arrow hurtles past Bec’s left ear.

The Fiendish Wolf snarls and leaps at the Barbarian, he leaps aside, reacts quickly, swings and slices, cuts a ugly gash in the creature, it seems not to mind at all.

Newt tumbles backwards, into a shadow or two, grabs a bolt, adds poison.


While Cas charges towards the door, into the thick of it.

At the same time a Celestial Badger pops into existence in the doorway, bloody badgers get everywhere, Anya motions and the thing snarls and menaces the Goblin who spills his bow and quick-draws his rapier.

“For Correllon.”

Ala follows Cas into the fray.

Jim gets up quickly, winded- that’s all, stumbles over to help Bec, stabs at the Wolf and draws a drop or two of blood. The Wolf turns with amazing speed, snaps its jaws shut on the space Jim just inhabited, he’s too quick.

The Goblin, Goren, slashes wildly at the Celestial Badger but the creatures hide is too thick, the creature snaps at the Goblin’s heels.

In the same instance the Drow Wizard intones a single word-


Points at Cas who struggles for a moment, he seems to be running through treacle, and then rushes on, although the weight of the world, and all his doubts and insecurities are now buzzing furiously in his mind.

Newt creeps in a little closer, crossbow at the ready, looking for the right time to strike.


A sudden Flare of light before the Fiendish Wolf, the creature staggers back, momentarily blinded- Jim and Bec take full advantage, both score hits, the creature looks to be on its last legs.

The Celestial Badger is proving to be worth its weight in gold, Goren, the Goblin, falls back into the chamber beyond, constantly harried by the creature.

Which leaves the doorway clear for Cas, he bursts into the chamber beyond, the Drow Wizard stumbles back, quick draws a dagger, but too late, Cas slashes cuts the Dark Elf’s hand, although its nothing more than a scratch. The Drow slashes back, Cas dodges back and avoids the blow. Ala enters the fray, she swings forces the Drow back further into the chamber, her longsword passes only inches away from its face.

The Goblin gets his second wind, its rapier lances down and skewers the Celestial Badger, the creature fades into vapour and dust.

Newt creeps into the second chamber, he has a clear shot at Goren , the Goblin.


The bolt hits.

The Goblin screeches in pain and then something else.

The poison hits, Goren staggers and stumbles, now borne on bendy legs, the Goblin tries to flee, almost collapses but makes headway.

DM’s interlude Goren’s Strength at this point dropped to ‘4.’

Back in the first chamber, the one with the altar, Bec aims his blow, and neatly splints the Fiendish Wolf’s skull, it fades to smoke and vapour, leaving the Barbarian momentarily confused..

Cas swipes at the Drow Wizard who dodges back again- he’s nimble, light on his feet. Ala repeats the move, with the same effect. Anya charges into the doorway, takes in the scene.

A dry and slightly warm chamber, comfortable, natural light spills in from a passage to the east. A crude bed and a wooden writing table, littered with parchments, on the north wall, on the south wall crates and bales of straw, and a crude straw pallet.

Jim and Bec rush to the doorway, behind Anya, as the Goblin recalculates the odds, and flees east, caroming into the walls as his legs give way.

The Drow Wizard slashes hard at Cas who dodges back.

“You’re all on your own, time to die.” Cas mocks, then remembering his Paladinhood adds, “or surrender?”


Newt’s crossbow sings again, and the fleeing Goblin takes a bolt in the back, it staggers out of sight, only just amongst the living.

The Wizard attacks, stabs out with his dagger, the Paladin clangs his shield into the Drow’s arm, knocking the blade away and swings back with his longsword, the Wizard feints and gets away. Ala swipes again likewise to no effect. Jim however sees his chance, flanks the Drow and smashes his battle axe into its leg leaving a nasty rent in the creatures flesh.

The Drow hisses, seems more determined if anything, and stabs his dagger, deep, into Cas’ gut.

The Paladin staggers back, holding the spot, blood flows freely, he turns white, and yet it’s not the wound.

Cas’ head already full of dark biting creatures- his doubts and worries amplified by the Doom spell, is rocked, no… make that Cursed.

He sags, stoops, fights the weight on his shoulders, the angry pain, the buzz-saw in his brain, desperate he flounders, flails, and screams.


Light floods into him, his ragged wound instantly closes.

He smiles at the Drow Wizard.

“Is that all you’ve got?”

Bec completes the circle, they’ve surrounded the creature.

“Surrender?” Cas asks.

“To go back to what?” The Drow spits.

And launches himself at Cas, it seems all the Wizard is doing is trying to touch Cas, but the Paladin is much too quick. Ala, Jim, Cas and Bec take it in turn to poke, slash, stab and flail, the circle surrounding the enraged Drow expands and contracts as the creature leaps, jumps and dodges. And yet for all their efforts not one hit is scored.

The action ceases, the Drow puts his hand up.


He seems to be catching his breath, either that or thinking about surrender.

“Bec wait.” Cas warns, the Barbarian stares hard at the Paladin but holds his position.

“Who the hell are you?” Cas asks.

The Drow stands tall, smiles at the Paladin.

“You don’t know that?”

He roars with laughter, causing several of the gang to instinctively back away.

Seeing his opportunity the Drow quick-draws a Healing Potion and swigs the contents down, his wounds are almost all healed.


A crossbow bolt, courtesy of Newt enters the mix, snicks against the stone floor and careens on causing Bec to take evasive action.

The Barbarian glares at the Gnome, then lurches towards the Drow, swings and misses by a mile. Ala and Jim have better aims; both score hits, although, again, they’re no more than scratches. Cas doesn’t get the opportunity as the Drow again lunges for him causing him to take all out defence.

“Surrender?” Cas tries again, after all he is the good guy.
“No.” The Drow Wizard grins back; after all he is the bad guy.

The whirlwind starts up again.


It begins with Newt burying six inches of steel in the Drow’s back, and ends with Bec’s longsword slicing a chunk out of the Drow’s side- the Wizard suddenly looks very unwell.

The Drow stoops low, blood drips onto the cavern floor- he breathes hard, the circle waits again.

“Surrender?” Cas just wants it on record.

The Drow looks up, straightens a little, then shakes his head.

Bec steps in and slices, the Drow tries to dodge, but much too slow, staggers, nearly folds, more blood flows.

“Surrender?” Cas is almost pleading.

The Drow looks up at him holds his gaze as long as he can, before folding, sinking to his knees, head only inches from the cold cavern floor the Dark Elf nods.

The Wizard slumps forward, nothing more than a ragged bleeding compact pile on the cavern floor.

The Goodman Gang breathe hard and go to sheath their weapons.

Next Turn: Just Rewards.

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:37 pm
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Turn 36: Just Rewards.

The Drow Wizard shimmers for a second and is gone.

And in his place is Malchor, the owner of the Wellow Inn, his magical Disguise Self spell is over.

“Malchor… You…” Cas begins.

But the Innkeeper doesn’t stir.

“He’s dead, let’s fleece him, grab what we can and get back to the Church.” Newt heads off to check out the papers on the desk, Anya follows him over.

Cas wanders over to the Innkeeper’s body, bends to start his search.

Malchor’s head shoots up, the Healing Potion- now empty, falls from his grasp.

“HA HA HA. You’ll have to try harder than that.”

He touches Cas, barely brushes his leg.

Cas screams, like a little girl.

“My eyes.”

It feels like acid burning his eyeballs, he staggers back flailing wildly, and then suddenly stops. The other members of the Goodman Gang turn and instinctively draw weapons- ready again for the fight.

Cas blinks once or twice, arms out before him, staggers forward testing the air with his hands, his feet inching forward, scuffing the ground, making sure of the surface.

He stops.


“No, you’ll have to do better than that.”
“You bastard.”

Malchor leaps to his feet, dagger back in hand.

The Goodman Gang dive back into the fray again, Jim slashes with his axe gouges a deep furrow in the Innkeeper’s chest, Malchor grits his teeth, the pain, and slashes back- cutting Jim badly across his face. Blood gushes from the wound; Jim staggers backwards his face pure horror show.

Ala is quickly to him, spills her sword, and pumps Healing into the screaming Ranger.


Newt’s bolt hits an invisible barrier, Malchor’s Shield of Faith, he begins to coat another bolt with poison

“Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.”

The Innkeeper screams, the adventurers take another step back, widening the circle around him.

Except for Bec.

Who rushes forward.

Swings his two handed sword with all his might.

And cuts Malchor clean in two.

“Shut up, I mean, Sandwich.”

The Barbarian looks around at the other adventurers; they seem not to have noticed his speech.

“Thank feck he’s dead.”

Newt sums up their feelings succinctly.

The Gnome sets to, spots a metal strongbox under the bed, drags it out and gets on with opening it.

The other adventurers spread out to thoroughly search the chamber, and yet return having found nothing of interest, even the papers on the table are blank sheets of parchment.


Newt withdraws his hand quickly, the poison pulses from the needle protruding from the end of his finger, he feels… weak.

“You OK?” Ala is quickly there to help.
“Poisoned.” Newt shows the spot.
“We need to get you to the Church.” Cas cuts in.
“Money first.” Newt nods at the chest.

And thirty seconds later, and still being supervised by Ala and Cas, he springs the chest open. There’s a pile of coins, gems and jewellery within.

Soon after the gang trudge out, down the passage, and emerge from a river bank running through a farmer’s field, a little way south of Gleethorpe. It’s a straight road, actually no more than a farmer’s track, back into the village, and passed the Wellow Inn, which they avoid for now.

Thirty minutes later the sextet are back in the centre of Grimbo, at St. Jimbo’s, the Church of Pelor, and before Father Whiskin.

Cas’ curse has been lifted, a small matter, a simple ceremony by Father Whiskin and Cas is free from taint, but now the Priest is shaking his head.

“Lycanthropy…” He sucks his teeth.
Ala and Cas plead with their eyes.
“There’s three of us need the cure… Do you have anything?” Cas asks.
Ala hopes, she’s one of the three that maybe infected.

Behind them Newt waves faintly and then collapses- very poisoned, although it’s quickly established his life is not in danger, he’s found a temporary bed.

“Well there’s Wolfsbane…” Father Whiskin offers.
“Will that work?” Ala worries.
“It should, probably… Pelor willing.” The Priest trails off.
Cas nods.

Ala, Jim and Bec are ushered further into the Church, made comfortable in a side room; a pair of acolytes appear and the Wolfsbane is administered, and a minor sedative- it doesn’t take much to put the three to sleep.

“Pelor will watch over them here, they’re safe.” Father Whiskin clutches Cas’ arm, Ala sweats and twitches as an acolyte mops her brow. “Wolfsbane is a poison, they’ll have a fever for a while, we’ll see to them, go… You need to tell the authorities what you’ve found.”

And so Cas and Anya depart- straight to Lady Arabella’s residence, Cas knows the way.

An hour later the pair find themselves in a once serious looking dark oak panelled office, now complete with a collection of dolls from every nation, a very large make-up bag, and an unfeasibly tall pair of patent leather stiletto shoes atop the desk. Behind which sits Lady Arabella, lost in her fathers massive chair.

“NO.” She plunges through a dozen or more expressions- shock, horror, terror, fear, confusion, wanton, trepidation, et al.

Cas and Anya continue with their story.

“NO.” And again with the exaggerated facial expressions.

Till finally she flings herself around the desk and at Cas’ feet, she claws her way up, pawing at him as she goes.

“Owwwww my brave Cassy. Owww how absolutely awful, you must have been so frightened, oh but no. No. You know no fear, don’t you Cassy-wassy… You’re so fearless… So… without erm fear.”

She’s rubbing his arm, thigh, chest, arm again- his bicep, her eyes glisten, she licks her lips. She moves onto his thigh, perches there.

“So very hard, I mean… brave.”

Cas gets up very quickly, Lady Arabella thumps onto the floor, it seems her hand may have strayed somewhere off limits. Cas is beetroot red.

“Ahem, I think we should get off now, we should report this to the appropriate authorities.” Cas clicks his heels, turns around, and then swiftly back, bows and helps a smiling Lady Arabella back to her feet.

“Arabella.” Cas nods and then strides off, with a pronounced limp.

Anya watches on, less than amused.

Lady Arabella readjusts her dress, leans back on her father’s desk and grins at the retreating Paladin’s back; actually it’s his bottom she’s staring at.

“Lady Arabella?” Anya approaches, “our reward.”

Arabella’s reverie is broken; she shuffles around the desk, opens a draw, hefts a large purse of money onto it, mutters “thanks”, and rushes over to the window to watch Cas’ awkward retreat. She never looks once at Anya.

“I’ll leave this with you.” Anya reveals the huge tome found on the altar, Malchor’s diary, but Arabella doesn’t even signal she has heard.

“He killed your father.”

That gets her attention, Lady Arabella turns, her hand shoots out, she grabs at the back of a chair to steady herself.

“I’m sorry, really. I know what it’s like to lose a parent…”

Anya flees the scene, the sound of Lady Arabella’s tears echo through the huge empty house.

A little while later at Grimbo Police Station, on Vicky Street, Cas sits at a desk in an interview room and tells his tale again.

“Right, and who gave you permission to investigate this matter?” Captain Khan enquires.

Cas looks non-plussed for a second, then states clearly, “Lady Arabella Ross, who I believe, is the Council Member for Gleethorpe.”

“Hmmm.” The good Captain smiles.
“Leave it with us… we’ll investigate.”

And stands and makes to leave.

“That’s it?” Cas is less than impressed.

“Hmmm. Oh… Thanks.” Khan smirks and limply proffers his hand.

Cas is up and out of the Police Station almost before his chair hits the ground.

Khan watches the paladin leave from a window, the door behind him opens, he doesn’t turn round, only stiffens slightly- alert.

“So that’s him?”
“Yes, sir.” Khan replies.
“How did he seem?”
“Angry, sir?” Khan hopes he has the right answer.
“Good… Good, that’ll do for now.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And Khan…”
“Keep an eye on them, all of them.”
“Yes sir, I’ll…” Khan turns to discover he’s alone in the room, suddenly confused, he can’t remember the sound of the door shutting, strange, he thinks.

Next Turn: Review

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:35 am
by goonalan
Dungeon Crawl Classics #11
The Dragonfiend Pact
For 2nd Level Characters

Overall score out of 10: 8.4
Play time: Approx 4 happy hours.


They bloody loved it, the session flew by and in the end they just wanted more of the same. There’s not a lot to say in this section of the review, it needs to be noted however that every bad guy, and trap, and encounter encouraged the players to try something, anything, everything- the scenario may be short but it’s expertly structured.

The overall scenario is easy to DM and excellent to play, partially perhaps because it is so short, and intense, the use of the Improved Reduce Person potions was just fantastic. Not since a scenario in one of the early issues of Imagine Magazine- “Down the Plughole”, or some such, someone put me right. They, and I, loved it- the final fight was just a winner.

Notes and Quotes:

Bec and the Water Snake- an excellent start reducing the Tank-fighter to a frightened wreck trying to escape the water, good use of the environment to get the players out of their comfort zone.

Newt versus the Advanced Medium Monstrous Trapdoor Spider, straightforward, and yet for almost no reward, and with surprise- the glint of gold luring the Rogue in. Excellent again.

The traps were all good, particularly as Newt found every one of them and then spectacularly failed to disarm two of them, and yet emerged unscathed.

A pack of Dwarven Zombies allowed Ala to shine, the jigsaw puzzle that when completed revealed the Dwarves Contract helped the players to discover a little of what lay ahead. Also typical when Miss P. stated- “Didn’t you say your landlord was called Malchor, well that’s an anagram of Chloram.” It took her less than five seconds to see the truth of it- which was a little disappointing at the time but proved less of a problem by the end.

The Dire Badger proved to be a good fight, it’s the fact that the creature was not dispatched in seconds, and managed to land some blows of its own, that, as opposed to the flailing tin can Kobolds in the last scenario.

And then into Tarn’s chamber, with a Rat Swarm to get through, which was excellent, from a story telling perspective, clearly the point-of-no-return. The fact that the Werebadger inflicted so much damage on them, and then got away only spurred them on.

The moment they worked out that they were going to get shrunk to fit the tunnels they were overjoyed, something new. It took us forty five minutes to get all the stats right on the character sheets but it was well worth it, the wait only made the players more excited at the prospect.

A bunch of rats were easily despatched- a false dawn as it proves.

And they’re into the Badger’s Lair, with Tarn the Werebadger in full affect, and once again the confrontation is momentous, players are spending a good ten seconds cupping and pre-rolling their dice, muttering encouraging words into the cave of their hands.

It’s important.

Then on to the River Crossing and the Cave Trout, as always it’s Ala that falls in, she’s not even got the worst Climb skill- and yet it’s always her, no problems here though- lulling the players into a false sense of security for the later crossing.

The Giant Worker Ants were quickly dealt with, as were the Fire Beetles, these encounters just helped to chip away at the player’s resources- keeping them on their toes.

The final chasm crossing with the Choker really put the wind up them, especially as it was Ala again- the fact that she lost her favourite sword, and Newt his crossbow also seemed to rile the party members. Whatever was at the end of the scenario was definitely for it.

Another cracker with Blackspine, the nasty Advanced Fiendish Pseudo-dragon Sorcerer 1, with limited resources the creature managed to trip them up, actually frazzle them a bit, and still escape in the end to fight again another day. The telepathy also made the encounter much more fun.

And then just a bunch of Skeletons and Malchor’s diary, but what’s this, a Drow and a Goblin, not at all what the players expected, and the fight was hard, particularly as Malchor (the Drow) got off a few spells, and a Curse, via his dagger onto Cas. At the end the players were giving the Drow, then Malchor, perhaps a little more respect than his AC and Hit Points perhaps justified; but that was down to the build up.

A lovely moment when Malchor caught Mr. R. (Cas) with another spell, Blindness and for a moment cas thought he’d failed his save, especially after Doom and Curse.

And then Newt’s Strength is reduced to “1” after he messes up opening the strongbox. They knew they’d been in a fight.

Overall it was easily the best Goodman Games Module we’ve played so far, although it’s only the third we’ve played- they really did enjoy the constant battle to get though the dungeon, a nice array of traps and tricks, a good selection of monsters, and the twist of being turned into Diddymen part the way through.

Bloody marvellous, more please.

Next Turn: Freddy and the…

Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC11 The Dragonfiend Pact.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:21 am
by Leo Bao
The adventures are quickly up and in a line at the top of the stairs, blocking the way, exactly as seen in Cas’ dream.

Newt and Jim fire.

But to no great effect- neither of the Derro are hit.

“Flame On.”


And the stairs are full of fire- the Derro crisped, charred and very dead.

The adventurers stand about, grinning.

“Well, no time like the present.” Ala gathers up her gear.

The others do likewise.

It’s time to finish this.

Ala finds herself standing next to Newt, she puts out an arm, onto the Gnome’s shoulder, Newt stops, looks up.

“I’m…” She manages.

She bows her head.

“Yeah, so am I… this place.” The Gnome looks around, “It’s… I dunno.” He shivers.

And that’s what passes for a settling of their differences, for now.

The Gang head off, check out the three possible exits they, actually Cas, marched them past yesterday- empty rooms, nothing worth reporting.

It’s day six, the final day, tomorrow they’ll rest, today they’ll fight.

Through the teleporting pillared chamber, and on.

Newt checks the door ahead, nods once- it’s clear.

Cas flings it open.

They goggle at what lies beyond.

Cas flings the door shut again.

“So the room is somehow magically full of blood.” Cas starts.
“Yep, and there seems to be a number of Kobold abominations, heavily armed over the far side of the chamber, somehow floating on the blood tide.” Ala adds.
“Furthermore did you notice the Kobolds this time more resembled the High Priestess, albino, scaled, very Dragon-like.” Newt continues.
“And the one at the very back was obviously their leader, even more Dragon-like, a White Dragon at that, we should expect a cold welcome.” Anya grins.
“I’ll wear my mittens.” Jim finishes and unslings his bow.
“Exactly.” Cas chucks the Ranger on the arm.
“They have the terrain on their side. Answer- don’t go in there.” Cas finishes.
Ala nods, as do the others when they work it out, Bec looks despondent, he’s got nothing to fire or throw.

Thirty seconds later the door is once again flung open.


Bec gets to order the attack.

Cas launches sunrod after sunrod into the chamber, they offer a brief, but startling, at least for the Kobolds, all six of them, illumination.

Jim’s Magic Arrow sails into the chamber, catches one of the Elite Kobolds within off guard, the creature gurgles and sinks beneath the bloody waves.

Newt’s bolt, poisoned- one of half-a-dozen he recovered from the Derro earlier, and meant for the leader type, alas sails wide. As does Ala’s arrow.

“Smidgin.” Anya’s onto her second wand, another of the Elite Kobolds sinks forever.


A Kobold manages to fire his crossbow, the bolt whistles down the narrow corridor and lodges in Anya’s arm- she grits her teeth and fights on.

Baraz, the Barbarian Half-Dragon Kobold Abomination, quickly realises this is not working, his plan is failing, he must protect his master at all costs.

The stumpy winged Barbarian, the most ferocious, vicious, and above all, cunning, of his kind launches himself into the air, and dives forwards into the tunnel entrance, bringing with him a stinging blizzard of frost breath.

Jim, Newt, Anya and Ala are caught in the cold, but shrug it off.


The group of adventurers, in unison, shuffle back- further away from the bloody chamber, and Baraz.


Bec orders.

Jim’s arrow catches Baraz on the shoulder, digs in, blood trickles down. Newt and Ala’s shots sail high and wide.


Anya screams and the corridor is bathed in fire.

Engulfing Baraz, who sizzles slightly as he strides forward, the damn bursts, Baraz Rages and launches himself forward towards his prey.


Bec orders, the group shuffle back again, trying to keep pace with the onrushing Barbarian.

But too late, for Jim, he’s raked across his chest- blood gushes out.

He manages to scramble back again, out of the creatures reach.


A second fan of fire engulfs Baraz.

And yet the creature dashes on.

Bec lurches through the ranks, great club in hand, ready to meet the creatures charge.

Baraz smashes into the giant man, sinks his claws several inches in to the Barbarians chest, and rips free a hunk of flesh.

Bec barely moans, pushes the creature away from him, and punches with his great club- jabs the thing, hard, into the Kobolds face.

Bone splinters and breaks, fragments of his skull lance into his brain, Baraz is no more.

The Abomination flops to the ground.

“Good man.” Cas pats Bec on the arm, as three more of the Elite Kobolds scramble into the corridor ahead.

“Unfinished business.”

Newt steps by them, aims and fires, sinks a crossbow bolt into a Kobold’s skull.


Bec grins and lopes off towards the new intruders, one of the creatures panics, drops his sword, and is crushed, in passing, by the giant Barbarian’s great club. The other faces off with Bec, and lasts less than ten seconds.

His job done, Bec ambles back to the group.

“Can I have Sandwich? Please? Or a cake- something creamy…”
“Not long now.” Ala grins back.
“With a cherry on top.” Bec finishes.

The adventurers gingerly approach the bloody chamber, which proves to be a pain to cross. A bloody tide swells and gathers at the far side, then rushes to their end of the chamber.

“If we time it right.” Anya offers, and then shrugs.

Before they attempt the crossing Anya lets loose with a Detect Magic and discovers another Healing Potion, and the fact that Baraz’s Chain Shirt is magical- they take them both.

And on into the horrid chamber.

Anya, Newt and Jim are caught in the bloody wave, the latter because he’s bobbing about trying to spot his Magic Arrow, the others get through with ease. It takes a good while but, now the threat has gone, they all get through unharmed, eventually. Jim sans arrow- it’s lost forever.

They readjust their kit, and then pass on into another huge, and almost empty, chamber.

There are no other obvious exits, the place is well lit, and all there is to see is a plain and seemingly unadorned Altar in the centre of the chamber, and a wooden store cupboard on the western wall,

How odd.

At least that’s all Jim, Newt and Anya see.

For the others, well… that’s a different matter.

Cas, Ala and Bec have a different vision.

Straight from Hell.


Basalt rock extends to the horizon, there’s no ceiling only the night sky, which is less crowded than they remembered, a single pale star glints in the heavens, casting a pallid glow over the proceedings.

And in the centre of the chamber is a fleshy globe of lashing body parts, mouths mark the surface, they moan and scream.


The globe breaks and spills open, flopping body parts writhe and wriggle; blood, guts and ooze is flung far and wide.

And from the twisted wreck of frenzied flesh strides Tsathzar-Rho, in whose Lost Vault they now stand.

The demonic-looking creature has green scaled skin; a bird like head attached to an overly long neck; awkward, bent legs and two taloned arms that seem to stretch undulate and flow.

Tsathzar-Rho moves towards them, with purpose- their destruction, as it closes they begin to make out the finer details. The creatures organs flop and slap against its skin, they’re on the outside, or are at least for a moment, before being absorbed back into its scaly form, only to be expelled again- second later. The cycle continues.

Tsathzar-Rho is truly revolting.


Cas charges.


Ala follows.

Bec stumbles forward, as if in a trance.

The others stand stock still- look desperately about them.

“Where are they going?” Jim offers.
Newt shrugs, scans ahead- there’s nothing to see.
“What’s going on here? What do you see?” Anya shouts at the back of her charging companions.

Tsathzar-Rho taloned arms snake out to meet the holy duo, Cas ducks, Ala is not so lucky, a bloody trail marks its passing.

Cas’ longsword bites, slices through the creatures side, muck and gunk fly out.

Ala spins away from the creatures taloned arm, her longsword comes full circle, and digs deep into the creatures frame.


The creature screams.

“What was that?” Anya asks.
“I didn’t hear anything.” Jim coolly states.
Newt shakes his head.

Tsathzar-Rho turns his rent side away from his attackers, in the same instant his beaked maw smashes into Ala and rips a chunk of flesh, the size of a fist, from her shoulder- reveals the chipped bone beneath.

Its head snakes up, and gulps the bloody gobbet down.

Ala screams and staggers backwards, barely conscious.

“What the…” Jim offers, having just witnessed much of Ala’s shoulder suddenly disappear.


Cas screams.

“It’s an illusion.” Anya states.

And so it is.

Anya and Newt see it all, they rush towards the terrifying vision.

Jim stand statue, “Hey, where are you going? What’s there?” The last innocent.


The voice ancient, unhurried, and yet provoked.

It’s inside their heads, blocking out everything else.

Except for Jim.

“You guys, what’s going on- is this some kind of joke?”

Next Turn: Grand Finale, Part Two- Jim’s Surprise Party.

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Post subject: Re: The Goodman Gang in DCC2 The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho.
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:19 am
Devil lich

Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:05 pm
Posts: 224
Location: Grimbo
Dungeon Crawl Classics #2
The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho
An Adventure for First Level Characters

Turn 25: Grand Finale, Part Two- Jim’s Surprise Party.

Newt dashes forward towards the horrendous beast, crossbow in hand, crouches and settles for a second, stares again at the poison bolt he has loaded.


A direct hit, the bolt buries itself in the creature’s chest.


Tsathzar-Rho screams as the poison ravages him, staggers, and yet remains standing. The creature lashes out a taloned arm at Ala, she ducks the blow, and skitters out of the creatures reach.

She pumps healing energies into herself, she grimaces as her shoulder mends, then straightens- ready to rejoin the fight.


Anya’s wand sings; the Magic Missile however barely leaves a mark on the creature.

Cas slashes at the creatures clawed foot, scores a direct hit, leaving a bloody trail of his swords passing, the creature hops backwards slightly.


Bec shakes his head, swats invisible flies, then storms forward and delivers a devastating two-handed blow, with all his might.

Right to the back of Ala’s head.

The Cleric slumps to the ground, blood pouring from the rent in the back of her skull.

“What the…”

Jim sees this, rushes over, and launches himself at Bec. The giant man backs off and drops to a fighting stance.


But there’s no one home.

Bec swings again, Jim dodges aside at the last second.

“Akkat”, Anya points Swish at Bec, the broom hops over to attack- with its usual lack of effect. Anya coats herself in her Mage Armour, shimmers in the lone-starlight.


Newt’s crossbow bolt sails well wide of the Abomination, although it only misses Cas by inches, he gulps and makes a mental note to aim better next time.

“Calm down Bec… Calm down.” Jim offers.
His words seem to have an immediate effect, Bec lowers his great club.
“Give me the club… Come on, you don’t want to hurt anyone else.”
Bec, as meek as a lamb now, hands the weapon over.

Tsathzar-Rho lashes out but Cas meets the creatures attacks with his shield and sword, deflects both blows aside.

Bec knocks Swish aside, the broom skitters a good fifteen feet away, then hops up and heads on back to the fray.

Anya bends down over the fallen Ala, pours two healing potions into the stricken Cleric, she coughs and splutters, then opens her eyes.

“What happened?”
“Later.” Anya states.

Cas slashes again, catches Tsathzar-Rho’s leg again, only a small cut this time but enough to make the creature back away further.


Bec screams and forearm smashes Jim, who staggers backwards, but quickly recovers his senses, rushes back in, grapples Bec, as best he can, which turns out to be badly. Jim changes tack, releases his grip, and shuffles back, swings his right foot hard- up into Bec’s cobblers.


The big guy staggers backwards, clutching at the affected area.

“I want this all to stop, you’re frightening me. Stop it.” Jim splutters.



Cas is sliced across his chest, Tsathzar-Rho chirrups and grins.

“Sooooooon be overrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.”

It’s voice in Cas’ brain.

“Damn.” Newt reloads, another miss.

Ala levers herself to her feet, Anya’s moved on, she mumbles a prayer and lo and behold- her sword glows and pulses, becomes, temporarily, a Magic Weapon. She shuffles forward, dragging her longsword behind her- it’s heavy and she’s weak still.


Anya has run around to the rear of the creature, she sends a gout of flame into the beasts back.


It screams as its flesh chars and cinders.


Bec forgets his hurt, turns tail, and staggers away from all the confusion- further into the massive chamber, punch-drunk, he trips on. Jim follows, cautious.

“Bec. BEC. What is it?”

Bec continues wandering.

One of Tsathzar-Rho’s clawed arms lashes out, smashes into Ala’s forehead, cuts it wide-open, blood cascades down her face, in her eyes, nose and mouth.

“You bastard.” She staggers back, catches herself and surges forward again.

Cas darts in, swings high, wide and handsome- spots Ala out of the corner of his eye.



Another bolt sails wide.


Newt drops his crossbow, useless bloody thing; quick draws his heavy mace and charges into the melee.

Tsathzar-Rho lashes again at Cas, the attack is deflected by his shield- which is starting to get very heavy in his hands; it’s second attack misses Ala, but Ala doesn’t miss it- slashes with all her might and takes the last six inches or so off one of the creatures incredibly flexible taloned arms.


It hauls in the damaged limb.

Tsathzar-Rho realises then that the battle is lost, and so launches itself forward again, abandoning defence for all out fury.


Jim screams at Bec, exasperated.

The giant man turns to face Jim, gibbers, looks away, then back again to the centre of the chamber where the hellish abomination makes its last stand.

Bec points.

Jim turns to look- and sees for the first time the real chamber.


He manages, then.

“Come on.”

The Ranger grabs hold of Bec’s leather jerkin and drags him along.


Bec imitates.

Newt stands before the creature as it flails and smashes- in frenzy, waves his mace ineffectively, swishes once, and then faced with nowhere else to go rolls straight through the creature’s legs, and emerges unscathed.

Tsathzar-Rho’s elongated neck snakes down to follow the Gnomes path, intent on taking a bite out of the unarmoured combatant.


Ala cuts clean through the Abominations neck, the creature’s head flops onto the ground, the body is wracked by a St. Vitus dance, then rushes head long forward, smashing past Ala and Cas, cannons into a wall, staggers left and continues to smash its way around the chamber, careening off walls.

Ala drops her sword. Cas rushes to her.

“You... I want a word with…”

She points at Bec, who looks suitably ashamed- cringes, scared, then Ala fades and falls… into Cas’ arms.
The Outer Realm, the home of Tsathzar-Rho, fades away, and thirty seconds later they’re back in an emptyish room, save the black unadorned Altar, and the store cupboard- not a sign of their passing, or the final battle with the Abomination, Tsathzar-Rho, the creature simply fades from sight.

There’s a ring, and several potion flasks in the storage cupboard- all of which detect as magical, and a small, but ultimately valuable, supply of silver, gold, diamond and mithril dust.

Two hours later the group emerges back into the light, it’s raining, and head back to Tetknee.

“I love the rain, don’t you?”
Cas nods, and kisses Ala.

Bec, rushes forward to the divine duo, he has something in his hand, he puts his head down- proffers his gift, a bunch of wild flowers, Ala takes them and smiles at the huge Barbarian.

“I know you didn’t mean it.”

She squeezes his hand, and then walks on with Cas, who smiles back at Bec.

Jim, Anya and Newt catch up with Bec.

“So what you gonna do with your share of the money?” Jim asks.
Newt smiles, Anya giggles.
“For Anya.” Bec finishes.
Anya reddens.

The six head home.
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