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Humerous RPG 'Posters' & Funny story

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:35 am
by CharlieRock

This is a link to a mirror(?) site. It has some motivation posters for RPGs, including some for MMOs. It is pretty funny. Visit and laugh. :lol:

Here is something I thought was funny. Even though it ended our campaign. :wink:
The scene was a Yuan-Ti ',Snakemen', slaver camp. The team entered disguised as the slavers they ambushed in the previous session. Like all 'Trojan Horses' it worked like a charm (foreboding pun,that).
One player was in a Half-Orc Barbarian. He was having a tough time with the battle. A cold streak of misses plagued him throughout the session. The rest of the team did very well though, and the battle was almost won.
The Snake King was retreating. Guarded by only his two survivng spearmen (spearsnakes?) he was charged by the Barbarian. He charmed the onrushing half-orc.
Just a step behind the half-orc's charge was the team Fighter (human). When the barbarian halted his charge, the fighter sprinted past him towards the Snake King. Just then the barbarian swung at the fighter scoring his first hit of the day. And what a hit it was! Critical'd with the maximum damage rolled.
This almost killed the fighter. The Fighter's sister was also in the team. She seen the barbarian hit her brother. While the rest of the team (including my DMPC pixie :D ) rushed at the barbarian to tackle him and try a disspell; She unleashed a whopping humdinger of a fireball at him!
Maybe she miscalculated. Maybe, she didn't care in her fury. But, she caught the entire team (barbarian, fighter/brother, pixie, even the cleric) in the area of the the blast effect. Wounded from the battle still, none survived.
The irony of this whole event; the Barbarian had looted that fireball necklace she used a few sessions back and gave it to her before this raid began. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:43 am
by bighara

Despite the carnage (or perhaps because of it), it sounds like it would have been a fun session to be in on.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:52 am
by Warduke
Man that story brings back memories. Seems like we've all had the "with PCs like these, who needs monsters?" session. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:38 am
by CharlieRock
Fixed the link. Works now. w00tage 100% :D

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:13 pm
by Maliki