DCC #24: Legend of the Ripper -- “C&C Style”

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Post by JediOre »

Using the amulet to open the door was a cool experience all by itself, “When [the amulet] is placed in the depression in the center of the seal, the magic. . . flickers across the runes for a second, dims, and then bursts asunder with a flash and a sound like the shattering of a crystal goblet. And then the door slides open.” That is cool.

They pass into the befouled corridor filled with waist-deep water mixed with sewage and slowly made their way to the rotten wooden door “adorned simply with a blue painted skull.” The strange sounds of whisperings coming from behind the door means in their opinion, trouble. They decided to have the elven archer and the witch wait back about twenty feet with the witch holding the lantern while the elf covered the ranger with her bow. The ranger waded along to the door to find it locked. Nightwing just knows the door is trapped and tells me his ranger “checks for traps.” Of course nothing is found so he begins to break the door down only to discover the trap. An electrical current flows out of the door and hits him. The others were far enough away they only felt a tingling.

Behind the broken door are stairs leading out of this nasty water. Up they go. The next room is really amazing. They see an empty stone carved room with some sand and beetles moving about and door on the far end of the room thirty feet away. Carefully they entered and the PCs are no longer in the room. Behind them is the archway leading to stairs down but all around them is a desert wasteland. Far off in the distance, miles away, the elf spies the door, that moments before, was but thirty feet distance.

They debate about what to do. One of them declares this has to be an illusion but can’t really tell me why this has to be an illusion except for “it just can’t be. We are still in the room.” So whoever it was, sorry my memory is lacking here, they roll a save and still sees the desert waste. The party isn’t really ready for a desert adventure but the ranger figures if the door is really thirty miles away they will take two or three days to cross it. Rangar1965 says water isn’t a problem since his PC will memorize create water. The major problem for the players is that they were investigating the murders and the gnome gem merchant, Jonas, asked them to be with him when he sailed to Majoor in just a few days. Jonas is in terror of this curse pursuing him and hopes the PCs will be there to defend him. Should they press on to see what lies beyond the far away door or retreat now even though something has beckoned them to “find me, free me”?

What to do???

They vote to press on. They hope Jonas will be okay on the boat ride and they’ll try to catch up to him. The curiosity got the players and they need to see what lies beyond the door.

They travel across the burning desert for two days. The ranger was unable to find anything to aid them except to show them basic survival skills. Although we didn’t role-play this for the evening was drawing to a close and I wanted to complete the adventure, Ragnar1965’s spellcaster was indispensable in this trek. He had her memorize both create water and food type spells along with endure elements. The elf never lost sight of the door and the desert was eerie with little to no breeze and, except for beetles, no life was to be seen on land or in the sky. [I changed the original write-up here for the sake of expediency.]

They finally arrived at the far door and exited this desert realm. One of them was still sure the whole thing was an illusion. I just can’t remember who! The door led to a small corridor with a door on both the right and the left. They chose right. The corridor through the door had dust all over, a door at the far end, and “a carving atop the lintel, strange runes surrounding a bright yellow gem embedded in the stonework.” All three said “TRAP!” and retreated from this corridor to try the door on the left.

The left door also led to a corridor. This one had a door on the north side and further along the passageway it ended in yet another door. The north door opened into a circular room that had sewage leaking in. It may have been a torture chamber from the wall frescoes. The fight in this room with the water beast was great. Being attacked by walls of sewage laced water and not knowing if the Lord Tulwar’s longsword or Whisker was actually doing damage to the entity made for a great fight. Magic missile was Rangar1965’s best friend in this combat. His witch actually cast, I’d say, most of her memorized offensive wizard spells if not all of them. This was a dangerous encounter.

After besting the animated water, they left and avoided the ceiling trap with a well placed search. The circular, rat-infested, empty tomb puzzled the players. However, Ragnar1965 either suspected this was false or he remembered playing I3—Pharaoh several years ago and learning that the Egyptian rulers often created a false tomb to throw off tomb raiders. Anyway, he wanted the PCs to carefully search everything for signs of secret doors. He said since they had missed the boat with Jonas they would take hours if need be. Something isn’t right! The statue at the back of this tomb was none other than that of Sezrakan, the arch-mage whose tower they had plundered (from DCC #29—The Adventure Begins, “Tower of the Black Pearl”). What was Sezrakan’s statue doing here? This makes the party really start thinking. What is down here and why does it want freed? The players remembered Sezrakan had been a good wizard before turning to evil and somehow transforming into a multi-headed dragon if the carvings deep within his tower were true. Did a good man entrap something evil here, or did an evil man vanquish something benign? I loved the back and forth the three of them had. It only grew worse when I informed them the elf had spied a secret door behind the statue.

Curiosity won out again. All three couldn’t resist the pull of exploring further. They pull aside the statue and braved the darkness.
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Re: DCC #24: Legend of the Ripper -- “C&C Style”

Post by JediOre »

Peering into the darkness behind the statue the ranger sees a watery corridor leading away and curving off to the right. In they go; ranger, witch, and elven archeress. They are attacked by giant sewer rats. These rats stop attacking and begin swimming/fleeing towards the secret door the party went through. They wondered why for only a moment when suddenly a massive wave of water pushes forth from around the curve and engulfed the PCs. The fact the wave transformed into a watery fist as it crashed down upon them was amazing. I remember explaining it in terms of The Mummy Returns film. All three were pulled under and damaged.

Just what awaits them down the curved corridor?
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Re: DCC #24: Legend of the Ripper -- “C&C Style”

Post by JediOre »

Well, the party arrives at the climax of this adventure.

They enter into “Iasmini’s Tomb” and in this room filled with waist deep water, behind a sarcophagus is “an exquisitely beautiful woman.” She is obviously elvish, even aquatic in nature, but is something more; something very dangerous.

I don’t remember exactly what I said but I made sure the players understood this woman, who called herself Iasmini, recognized the PCs as having contact with the Black Pearl. She was excited and tried to get information from the PCs about where the Pearl was and what was Sezrakan up to these days. All three players paused at this, and I recall one of them, sorry folks I don’t recall who, saying that this is from the “Deep” that “will reclaim its own” from Jonas’ curse.

I think they then realized Sezrakan imprisoned Iasmini her at some time in the distant past and they were going to have to either re-imprison her or kill her. I do recall Ragnar1965 asking did she look weak from this long imprisonment. Good question. Yes, she does.

The fight starts because all forms of discussion ends as the players all decide this aquatic elven woman must fall. Initiative is rolled and I do recall the order: the ranger, the elven archer, Iasmini, and the witch. Nightwing has his ranger charge forward wading through the water in the attempt to around the sarcophagus and at the villainess. The elf does the same all the will stringing her bow, but she approaches Iasmini from the other direction.

I start with the dangerous ability of “vice of the deep” and use it at the ranger. Nightwing made his save. Not good for me. Ragnar1965 has his spellcaster cast a spell I was not ready for, “hold person.” Doh! I failed the save and all of a sudden a battle I thought would really press the party completely took on a new cast. JediWife’s elf began shooting arrows, the ranger continued to close in with Whisker ready and Ragnar1965’s witch also begins to wade in with Thistle’s magical staff ready to help kill Iasmini. I continue to use Iasmini’s special abilities which threatened the party, but it wasn’t enough since she couldn’t move. Nightwing had the ranger put away his magical blade and for the first time in a long time, had the ranger draw his bastard sword for maximum damage. He began to carve her up with that sword!

Well, that was that. They returned to the door leading to the room with the “bright yellow gem embedded in the stonework.” They fought their way through this room dealing with the zombie and the gem and rushed into the Treasure Vault. As the time was drawing late I didn’t have the players jump through hoops, they scooped up the treasure and I explained to them about the Mare Stone. They decided to take it and hope to find a new safe place. Rangar1965 HATES artifacts since they are like the Ring from Tolkien’s books. None the less, the party now has the Mare Stone.

Traveling back through the desert room and back into the cellar and out of the Ten Bells the party emerges in the early morning. What surprised them is this morning was not a day break four days later, but the entire adventure occurred in the space of a single night!
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Re: DCC #24: Legend of the Ripper -- “C&C Style”

Post by JediOre »

Well, that was the adventure. Any questions?

The party divided up the treasure and experience was handed out. JediWife’s elven archeress progressed to 5th level while the others remained at 4th.

From here the party ventured into Necromancer Games’ “The Coils of Set” with an stop over to introduce a treasure map from DCC #46—The Book of Treasure Maps.

When I begin posting this, it will be over on the Necromancer Games’ forums but I’ll post a link on this thread if anyone is interested in the continuing adventures of Whisker’s Band.

Thanks again for all who has read, and even more so, and those who took the time to post to this forum.
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Re: DCC #24: Legend of the Ripper -- “C&C Style”

Post by JediOre »

The bridge from Legend of the Ripper to Coils of Set Part 1:

The party return’s to Jonas the Gnome Gem merchant’s shop. I quickly narrated this part, getting the PCs from the shop to the ship. Jonas has the Black Pearl securely locked away in a lead-lined iron strong box that he hopes will protect him from this curse. Or at least slow it down!

Jonas pays for the party’s passage and I tell them the ladies (played by my wife and Ragnar1965) are not very welcome aboard. Jonas has to pay extra for the bad luck women bring to a respectable ship. :) The elven archer and the witch are then shown to a cramped private quarters for themselves. Jonas and Nightwing’s ranger, Greyson, had to share a room down below with two other PCs.

My friend Trevor came over for this session as did my friend and co-worker Paul. Trevor created an elven fighter/magic-user/thief (levels 1/1/1) named Occulus. Paul created a first level rogue named Mouse. So with a group of five the ship set sail.

I described the voyage as peaceful since the ship traveled along a major trade route. I had each roll a Con. check to see if the PCs became sea-sick. I don’t remember who failed, but Nightwing began to find out about some of the subtle qualities that reside within his ranger’s blade called Whisker. With Whisker at his side, Greyson strode about deck like an old sea hand. This was the ranger’s first time aboard a boat larger than a raft and his first sea-voyage. I informed Nightwing that Greyson was completely at home aboard the ship. He became interested in what other features this sword had. He-he.

On the tenth day of the trip, one day away from a stop over on a small island, the half way point, during the late afternoon the mate in the crows nest began yelling about something coming along side the portside of the ship. Several crewmembers raced to the railing, weapons in hand, to be plucked up and overboard by a giant, tentacled, sea-monster. Within moments the ship was on alert and fear spread straight to Jonas. The poor gnome wailed like the doomed. No one had to tell him that such monsters are not seen here (and they aren’t) since he knew full well the curse of the Black Pearl was behind this.

The crew fought against the tentacles as they whipped about the ship, pulling men to their watery grave. JediWife’s elf was first of the PCs to arrive and began firing arrows right and left into the creature’s massive body. The others arrived to aid. Nightwing had his PC pull Whisker and lay-to at any and all the tentacles. Ragnar1965’s spellcaster fired magic-missile at the beast hoping to slay the beast. Both Paul and Trevor’s PCs, being only first level, tried to stay out of harm’s way while using missile weapons.

This beast grasped Greyson and pulled him overboard in an attempt to rid itself of a painful problem. Into the water he went with a tentacle holding onto his leg. Several of the other tentacles began seeking the source of the unerring arrows and the magical attacks. The creature broke the surface of the water and an overpowering smell of fish and foam filled the air. Both the elf and the witch, along with the captain who was fighting to keep the tentacles away from them, saw the massive reddish eye fix its baleful gaze on them. The players got worried.

Nightwing found out his PC seemed to have an incredible ability to hold his breath and even in the churned up water knew exactly which way was up. He also felt buoyant and Whisker seemed fused to his hand and ready for action. He quickly cut himself free from the tentacle. I asked Nightwing what he wanted to do and, without hesitation, he said he wanted to know how many hit points his ranger had. He had lost roughly 12 points leaving him still in the twenties.

“Can Greyson swim while holding Whisker?”

Yes, yes he can. Quite well actually. Are you getting an understanding why Whisker has such an important history with the sea?

Nightwing has his PC swim right at the monster, ready to gut the thing! Meanwhile the captain has ordered his crew to throw everything they have at the thing. JediWife, Paul, and Trevor’s PCs all fire their missiles at the thing. By this point I think Rangar1965’s spellcaster had used most or all of her offensive spells. I think Ragnar than have his lady PC defend the others with a staff. I can’t remember.

They kept asking me if the thing looked like it was dying and I kept saying the wounds are weeping blood and the water is assuredly crimson. (It was in bad shape, but enraged as it wanted the Black Pearl and nothing short of death was going to stop it.)

Greyson made his way to the body of the beast and began stabbing Whisker using both hands. Between several stabs from that magical blade and the accumulated damage from the arrows and spells the foul beast partially rolled over and sank from sight.

The ranger aided the crewmen who had been cast overboard but had not died back aboard. It was a fun battle and Nightwing has a new appreciation of Whisker.

More later. . . .
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Re: DCC #24: Legend of the Ripper -- “C&C Style”

Post by JediOre »

The bridge part 2:

The following day the ship made port on a small tropical island to take on supplies and to look for replacement crew members.

While on the island, Greyson’s fame as the new owner of Whisker spread. Greyson met up with an old, blind sailor and the sailor’s young daughter. It was apparent the daughter lead her father about. Anyway the old man was very curious to find out if indeed Nightwing’s ranger actually possessed the blade.

I, playing the blind man, just looked up at our ceiling fan above the table (yes the one that always seems to have a burnt out bulb when we game Ragnar!) and asked in a raspy voice to “hold the sword.” I put my hand out and waited to see what Nightwing would do. I don’t think he was all to keen to hand over Whisker, even to an old, blind sailor. Both JediWife and Paul encouraged Nightwing to let the fellow hold it while Trevor and Ragnar1965 were dubious about the whole thing.

I’m sitting there trying not to smile as I’m “in character” hearing all the horrible things that could happen if Nightwing has his PC give Whisker to the blind sailor. After a bit more discussion, Nightwing reluctantly agrees and Greyson gives Whisker, in the scabbard, to the sailor.

I have the NPC run his hands all over the blade and he carefully feels the pummel and the cat features. The old man smiles and hands back the sword to Greyson. He asks how the ranger came by the blade. Nightwing gives a lame-o answer and I recall saying I need him to really relay to me, to the best of his ability, the answer. Of course, that occurred when we ventured through The Tower of the Black Pearl from DCC #29 and that happened at least six months ago, if not longer. So I recall to him what happened and who Savage Quenn was—the notorious pirate whom Greyson slew to gain Whisker in the bottom of Sezrakan’s Tower while questing for the Black Pearl. Now I tell him to have Greyson tell the blind NPC whatever he thinks is best. Someone (was it Trevor?) caught on to the fact WHAT the ranger says to this old man may be important and warns Nightwing. Nightwing thinks about it and tells me that the ranger got the blade in a duel between Greyson and Savage Quenn. He leaves out where the battle took place or why they had fought.

The old man seems pleased that Quenn died in the battle and asks the ranger if he would like to hear his story. Of course the players all recognize “plot development” when they hear it and say yes. It seems this old man was at one point the first mate to his friend and captain. The captain and he, along with their faithful crew, had many adventures at sea, both legal and otherwise. This captain had also been the owner of Whisker and that sword had saved many lives during their exploits. Both the captain and he retired as rich old men. Sadly, the old, blind sailor squandered his booty on wine, women, and song and no lived in squalor. If Greyson could see himself clear to pay some coins to his only child, the old sailor would continue the tale. The ranger does so and I continue. It seems that this wicked upstart, Quenn, had been a sailor with the captain and he at the end of their careers and Quenn coveted the blade as many had before him. The difference was that Quenn acted as a loyal man and offered to remain in the service of the captain as a bodyguard and general aid in the captain’s old age. It was in this way Quenn killed the captain. It seems Quenn smothered the old man in his sleep and stole away with both Whisker and enough gold to buy a ship and crew. Savage Quenn was born!

At that the old, blind sailor laughed to himself and said that Quenn did not know all the secrets to Whisker and the sailor wagered the Greyson didn’t either. I told the players the old man requested the ranger pay his daughter quite a bit of gold, perhaps 200 I can’t remember. If they would do so the old man would reveal a treasure map that only the captain and he knew off. This map was to a “tropical island [they] once sailed to, where the natives paid tribute to their god by bringing gold and jewels to a temple on a plateau in the middle of the isle.”

I think JediWife offered the money for this information and I had the NPC again ask to hold Whisker. Nightwing’s ranger handed the sword over and I explained how the old man’s hands went to the pummel of Whisker. He than carefully inserted his thumbnail into a grove and slowly opened up a secret compartment in the hilt. This compartment is lined in cork to keep it water tight and out came a map. The night before we gamed I made a photo copy of the map from DCC #46 and spent way too much time trimming it to remove all excess. I curled it repeatedly, making it a pain to keep open but the prop worked wonderfully when I handed it to Nightwing.

So, with that, I had the PCs board the ship and we started at the port in Majoor, the city mentioned in Necromancer Game’s The Coils of Set. For the next installment in the adventures of this party you’ll have to follow the link below:

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