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Little Chemist: Mech Size vs Monster Size

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:18 pm
by Ziggy
All is well is mech vs mech combat. All is well in combat between mechs and creatures in DragonMech game.

However crossovering is unavoidable :)

So now, i have a problem.

Imagive you have the Viper (Guargantuan size) smacking another mech with its sword for the 2d10+Str damage. Excellent. Now imagine the same Viper smacking a player character or Medium size. (Given sytem mechanics its a tough roll but doable). Is the 2d10 damage adequate output?
(I had the same problem with seige weapons accidentaly hitting a character. The catapult did x hit points and the char had 3x hit points. Should he/she die just from having a stone weighing 500+ lbs capulted on his head?)

Same dilemma applies for fighting huge+ creatures form other prime materials. Some creatures have vastly superior firepower at lesser sizes.

In anycase, to cut a long story short, can anyone guide to some rules (either official or custom) so that i can find a solution to my group.

Thx in advance :)

PS: Sth that popped up to mind. Barbagula, the tiniest of mechs in the main book, has a STR rating of 24 (i think). A a certain point in the campaign a (or more) warrior can match and surpass that rating through magical means. Does this give the right to the mighty warrior to kick the crap out of the Mech? (which is again doable, as is fighting Dragons. You cant headlock him but can hack him)

I would really like to find a table showing these differences.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:41 pm
by Reese
well, i like to figure it like this:

a hit from a siege weapon on a high level character does less damage(as a percent of max) in part because they are tougher, but mainly because they are both better trained, and luckier;

when a level 1 character gets hit with a catapult rock, it hits squarly and turns him to jelly

when a level 20 character gets hit with same, he is able to partially dodge the hit, partially roll with the blow, and place tougher portions of his anatomy in position to protect himself

humans are wonderful creatures, though. IRL, we've been known to live through seemingly fatal wounds (reminds me of a story about a miner that survived having a metal rod driven into his head... really happened... it severed part of his brain that keeps in check the baser impulses and he became a psychological case study... but that's another topic entierly)

D&D does have a system to deal with large, single-hit, wounds:

death by massive damage (basically, a fort save if you hit hit for 50 or more points in a single attack or hit, though that can be scaled on a DM's whim)